Help with schematic/PCB please. Properpillar L293D SN754410
This is my schematic so far for my project Properpillar. Sorry that it is all scrunched together. I was hoping some of you guys/gals would take the time to make sure it looks ok before I go into PCB design.
All the resistors are 10k except the LEDs cause I haven't figured that out yet.
A few questions I still have:
*I plan on connecting the battery leads next to the L293D's on right side of the Propeller Chip(very edge of the board) in this Open Schematic there are cap's around the L293D's should I just mimic the placement and values on my board since I have no idea on placement and selection.
*Does anyone see a problem with the L293D's being close to the Crystal. Crystal pads to L293D's pads .25 in. I have no idea how electrically noisey the L293D's are and if the Crystal is sensitive to the noise(the Propeller for that matter). The board will only be 2.5 in. wide.
*Do I have to build the whole thing on a bread board and test for noise, if so is the noise on the bread board identical to the noise on a finished PCB how do you do it multiple PCB's I imagine. Whats the process? (did that even make sense) I really don't want to make multiple PCB's. Is close good enough for this project?

I still need to add TV out, some kind of mode selection switch and a piezo speaker.
I am sure I forgot to ask something. But need to get the ball rolling.
All the resistors are 10k except the LEDs cause I haven't figured that out yet.
A few questions I still have:
*I plan on connecting the battery leads next to the L293D's on right side of the Propeller Chip(very edge of the board) in this Open Schematic there are cap's around the L293D's should I just mimic the placement and values on my board since I have no idea on placement and selection.
*Does anyone see a problem with the L293D's being close to the Crystal. Crystal pads to L293D's pads .25 in. I have no idea how electrically noisey the L293D's are and if the Crystal is sensitive to the noise(the Propeller for that matter). The board will only be 2.5 in. wide.
*Do I have to build the whole thing on a bread board and test for noise, if so is the noise on the bread board identical to the noise on a finished PCB how do you do it multiple PCB's I imagine. Whats the process? (did that even make sense) I really don't want to make multiple PCB's. Is close good enough for this project?

I still need to add TV out, some kind of mode selection switch and a piezo speaker.
I am sure I forgot to ask something. But need to get the ball rolling.

I saw a board with a Propeller DIP40 in a socket with the EEPROM under the Propeller chip along with the decoupling cap's and resistor. I don't recall the details. Is that layout ok to do? Thats what I have planned.
It is my Layout. Look at CPU_Module_for breadboard.
But It is NOT open source design.
Copyright to this design have Bill Henning.
Ok thanks Sapieha I'll find some more real estate.