Forum Activity Peak ?
When logging into the forums, I generally take note of the number of participants already on line in the General Discussion as well as the Propeller forums. The total of those is usually in the 50 to 60 range. Today however it is at a whopping 175. Is something going on ??
Happy browsing!
Peter (pjv)
When logging into the forums, I generally take note of the number of participants already on line in the General Discussion as well as the Propeller forums. The total of those is usually in the 50 to 60 range. Today however it is at a whopping 175. Is something going on ??
Happy browsing!
Peter (pjv)
I've noted that there's usually a 5 to 10 times ratio between registered members and guests.
Example: As I write this there are 36 Members, and 211 Guests online right now...
C'mon Guests! Don't be shy! Nobody here will demean you for lack of expertise or anything like that (and if they do, our Ever-vigilant Forum Moderators will shut 'em down post-haste!)
Register, become "Real", get to know people here, and help to encourage and inspire others through your learning process too!
Edit: Meaning I always show up as a "guest"
Oh my....Big Brother is watching
Lunch is over,Back to the SMT machine...Build,Build,Build, That first WiFi module!!!!!
Go Matt Go!!!!
Here at Parallax there's two "Kevin's", two "Jennifer's", one "Julie" and one "Julia", three "David's", two "Jim's, and ironically...
there's two "Matt's" - Matt G, (me) and Matt H. (the one that keeps Production "Hoppin'") - So, he gets the cattle-prod - I mean credit - on making wifi production real !
Double irony? Me and the other Matt (H), share an office. So when somebody walks in and says, "Hey...Matt?" - we both (in stereo), turn from our desks and say "yes?!"
-Matt (G.)
Here in the Pacific Northwest, if it is raining (common), people do more inside stuff, but if a nice sunny warm day (rare), then EVERYBODY does outside stuff.
Some internet sites have more morning posters. Others mostly evening posters...
We only have one name duplication where I work and that's mine. Of course the other Steve's cubicle is directly across from mine, so there's a lot of stereo answering here, too. If someone wants to address one of us, they'll usually specify "Hardware Steve" (him) or "Software Steve" (me).
I was also in a band that consisted of four Steves. For fun, we made a point of never using last names when we talked to or about each other.
Here, when somebody says "it's Matt's fault", we each say "yeah Matt sure messed up".
And when somebody says "Matt did such a great job on blah, blah, blah" - we both take full credit...
That's a great idea and I'd do the same except that I have a one hour commute each way, and everything I do is on my laptop (which goes with me, to and from Parallax, everyday).
A graph showing the general history of visitor counts over the years would be interesting.