Large stainless footswitch?
Hey guys, I have a client that wants to use a foot switch to control something. They requested a raised button in stainless just like what is shown, estimated 1.5" button with 1/8" motion. I have looked everywhere and can only come up with 19, 25mm types from China. Any suggestions on finding something like this? Thanks
Would that work, or does it have to be embedded in the floor?
It's probably something Boeing had custom-made.
The example probably opened a door on the inside of the 737, such as a closet or stateroom door, not a door to the outside.
I think the only Boeing that John Travolta owns is a 707.
Egads! That photo brings back memories.. I used to do computer repair/delivery for folks in that area. There are actually several people who live in that immediate area who have access to the private air strip. (No, I never did any work for John.) It was weird driving into a residential area with very wide roads.