Happy Birthday Roy Eltham

I guess nobody else caught this, but Happy Birthday Roy!!
And thanks for all the work and input you have put into this forum.
And thanks for all the work and input you have put into this forum.
Take a break and enjoy whatever you want to on this day.
Ken Gracey
I wish you were sending me that too.
Also, I'll be cleaning house when I get home, because mom is visiting tomorrow (for the weekend). I'll be relaxing on Friday (day off).
Dude: House cleaning is womans work!
If you can't find a descent women,At least hire a maid!
Your starting BAD Idea's here!!!!!!!!
No more talk of this "House Cleaning" PLEASE
Happy Birthday!
Drink a few beers for us dudes here on the forums for your birthday, And don't clean nothing!!!!
Need the perspective in order to appreciate it.
OK then. Happy not birthday to you William. Assuming it is not your birthday of course. Well, that's not to imply that I want you to be miserable on your birthday.