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Propeller Power Consumed Based on Code — Parallax Forums

Propeller Power Consumed Based on Code

HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
edited 2011-07-25 09:48 in Propeller 1
For those that have ammeters and can measure the real world current drawn by a Propeller chip, what is the current drawn by different programs?

Is it possible to establish a list of short programs, each with one purpose or method, and then list their corresponding power consumption?

Or is power draw simply related to the number of cogs in use? i.e. how much power is drawn by 1 cog, 2 cogs ...

Actually it appears to involve several variables. The best reference is the Propeller data sheet where it shows current is a function of frequency. (shown as PLL current as a function of VCO frequency.

Even specific pins have varying power draw. See 8.5 Cog and I/O Pin Relationship.

The current is also different for a WAITLOOP, ASSEMBLY, or SPIN program. So maybe we need to narrow this down to Spin language.

Also the boot sequence profile determines power draw. See 8.6

The objective is to develop some guidelines and references, so that when coding, we can choose the most effective code thereby creating the lowest power consuming devices.

(maybe it appears one chip and a few mA is relatively meaningless, but in either a battery situation or a multi-chip situation, the current consumed can become important and significant)

8.5 While there can be a 1 to 1.5 ns propagation delay in output transitions between the shortest and longest paths, the purpose of the figure is to illustrate the length of leads and their associated parasitic capacitance. This capacitance increases the amount of energy required to transition a pin’s state and therefore increases the current draw for toggling a pin. So, the current consumed by Cog 7 toggling P0 at 20 MHz will be greater than Cog 0 toggling P7 at 20 MHz. The amount of current consumed by transitioning a pin’s state is dependent on many factors including: temperature, frequency of transitions, external load, and internal load. As mentioned, the internal load is dependent upon which cog and pin are used. Internal load current for room temperature toggling of a pin at 20 MHz for a Propeller in a DIP package varies on the order of 300 μA.


  • idbruceidbruce Posts: 6,197
    edited 2011-07-13 01:38

    Well that is an interesting point and post. I doubt that I personally will ever be concerned with it, but I am sure there are others that will find it of significant importance.

    Good explanation. A+

  • Graham StablerGraham Stabler Posts: 2,510
    edited 2011-07-13 05:14
    You might be better just asking for ways to minimize power consumption when programming the propeller, I think rules can be derived logically without a load of example programs.

    At the end of the day the code must firstly do its job, then you can consider how to minimize the power, reducing frequency is an obvious one, so many tasks don't really need an 80Mhz clock. You can also use waits instead of polling. As you might expect the power consumed comes down to how much the propeller is doing and how quickly, when a transistor is on then it has a low resistance hence a low I^2R loss when off the I is almost zero so the loss is small, switching is what uses power if we forget about what external devices we might be driving. All commands involve switching of internal states, the higher the clock rate the more power is consumed for a given program.

  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-13 05:56
    Graham: these are excellent points. Thank you. Yes I think you've worded the question much better.

    idbruce: thanks for the kind comments. It is hoped some people will benefit from these considerations.

    So far we have eight main points on our list to reduce power consumption when programming Propeller chips.

    I think there's several techniques to shut off a Cog to save power. Can anyone comment on this with more detail?

    I'd like to know if super cooling the prop chip could make it run at less current draw? Some quoted specs or a shot of super freeze spray on a busy chip could determine this rather quickly.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2011-07-13 07:22

    I just did a few tests yesterday. I'm trying reduce the power used in my Panic Button project.

    I'm using several QuickStart boards in the project. I'm using this code as a baseline of minimum power use of a running program.
    PUB Main 

    I used four NiMH batteries as a power supply. The battery pack's voltage was 5.08V.

    The unaltered QS board used 9.98mA when running the above program. After I removed the 220 ohm resistor (used to limit current to power LED) the current dropped to 2.65.

    I then tested the current using an 80MHz clock speed.
      _CLKMODE = XTAL1 + PLL16X
      _CLKFREQ = 80_000_000
    PUB Main 

    At 80MHz the current on the QS board, without power LED, was 7.50mA.

    When I commented out the waitcnt line the current increased to 16.95mA.

    It's pretty obvious putting a cog into a waitcnt rather than a an active loop saves a lot of power.

    I used the code below to light one of the LEDs on the QS.
      _CLKMODE = XTAL1 + PLL16X
      _CLKFREQ = 80_000_000
    PUB Main 
      dira[16] := 1
      outa[16] := 1

    The board used 9.83mA which is 2.33mA more than similar code that doesn't light an LED. This does not necessarily mean there was 2.33A passing through the LED. The LEDs on the QS board use a buffer to power the LEDs so the Prop itself isn't providing the current. The buffer allows the pins controlling the LEDs to be used for other purposes.

    I don't know enough about the buffer used to know if the LED used 2.33A of current or some amount lower or higher.

    So there are my couple of test programs. I'll probably be doing more power testing in the next couple of days and I'll post anything else I learn.

    I'm pretty sure much of this information is in the data sheet but, as I've been told on the forum, the world makes a great analog simulator.

  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230
    edited 2011-07-13 07:26
    I'd like to know if super cooling the prop chip could make it run at less current draw?

    Perhaps, perhaps not. Totally pointless anyway, you will use more power cooling the thing than any you might save.
    I think there's several techniques to shut off a Cog to save power.

    0) If a cog is not running it is consuming minimal power.
    1) If a cog is running doing a cogstop on it will get you to 0) :)
    2) If a cog is running then during any waitxxx, will reduce it's consumption to that of 0)

    That's about it I think.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2011-07-13 08:45
    Ditto on Heater's comments. Overall power consumption is determined mostly by the system clock speed, the number of cogs that are active, and any I/O loads. If you can change to a lower system clock speed, particularly the RCSLOW clock (approximately 32KHz), that will save a lot of power, but you won't be able to do asynchronous serial I/O or other things that require precise timing. Each active cog draws significant power, but a cog waiting with one of the WAITxxx instructions shuts off until the condition is satisfied. An excellent technique when it works for the application is to use the RCSLOW clock and a single active cog waiting with a WAITPNE or WAITPEQ for some I/O condition to occur. The Propeller draws on the order of microAmps most of the time. When the I/O condition is satisfied, the cog "wakes up", changes over to a crystal controlled clock within a few milliseconds, the current drain may increase to a few milliAmps, the cog does whatever work is necessary, switches back to the RCSLOW clock, and waits again.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-13 09:19
    Duane: Thanks for the prompt tests illustrating the dramatic differences in power draw. I look forward to any new tests you may run in the future.

    Heater: Thanks for the three main points of Cog power reduction. Very useful! For other cooling experiments there's a free source of dry ice coolant (from a local restaurant) that won't consume any power in the lab.

    Mike: Thanks for illuminating this useful technique that can shift in and out of precise timing for asynchronous serial I/O and power savings, and for confirming Heater's information.
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,667
    edited 2011-07-13 13:16
    Humanoido, In your list, don't forget that the program should put the pins in a state that minimizes power consumption (explicitly high, low, or input). That goes for unused (floating) pins too.

    Here is a little chart that I made using a protoboard with a mA monitoring tap between the 3.3V power and the Prop. It is like the stuff in the data sheet, but a tabular format. It compares the current at 80MHz with that at 5MHz (with and without pllx1) and at 10MHz. Also with 1, 2 or 3 cogs running with 0, 1, 2, or 3 of them in a waitxxx state.

    Simple program attached.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2011-07-13 13:27
    Tracy, Do you have your list of cogs waiting reversed?

    The waiting cogs use less current right? (Yes, I know they do.)

    Should the list of "waits" be "not waiting"?

    If you didn't switch things around by mistake, I'm very confused.

  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2011-07-13 13:28
    I think just some of the data is reversed. The 80MHz data looks incorrect.

    Edit: the data at 80MHz and 3 cogs look reversed. Not all the 80MHz is incorrect. Just looked again, all the 3 cog data looks reversed.
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,667
    edited 2011-07-13 15:24
    Duane, Is it okay now? You must have looked at it within minutes of my posting! I swapped in a correction. The lowest current is consumed when all of the cogs are in a waitxxx state.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-13 19:48
    Tracey: Thank you - Wow, this chart is exemplary! Do you plan to go the full eight?
  • Dr. MarioDr. Mario Posts: 331
    edited 2011-07-13 20:06
    Mike and Heater, I totally agree with you guys.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2011-07-13 20:21
    Duane, Is it okay now? You must have looked at it within minutes of my posting! I swapped in a correction. The lowest current is consumed when all of the cogs are in a waitxxx state.

    Tracy, The 10MHz sets for 1 and 2 cogs are still reversed.

    Thanks for making the table. It's interesting how much more power the PLLs add.

  • idbruceidbruce Posts: 6,197
    edited 2011-07-14 01:42
    Hello Everyone

    Well I guess I missed the main point. Perhaps the power savings would be insignificant, but I thought the quote that Humanoido offered was quite significant.
    8.5 While there can be a 1 to 1.5 ns propagation delay in output transitions between the shortest and longest paths, the purpose of the figure is to illustrate the length of leads and their associated parasitic capacitance. This capacitance increases the amount of energy required to transition a pin’s state and therefore increases the current draw for toggling a pin. So, the current consumed by Cog 7 toggling P0 at 20 MHz will be greater than Cog 0 toggling P7 at 20 MHz. The amount of current consumed by transitioning a pin’s state is dependent on many factors including: temperature, frequency of transitions, external load, and internal load. As mentioned, the internal load is dependent upon which cog and pin are used. Internal load current for room temperature toggling of a pin at 20 MHz for a Propeller in a DIP package varies on the order of 300 μA.

    @Humanoido - How about this experiment. A person could build a current supervisor to measure current coming into the Prop with a dedicated pin or set of pins to monitor the supervisor. And let's say the same test code (except for pin and cog usage) will be used for testing various cogs and pins. The code would measure current from point A in program execution to point B in program execution. I believe that might answer some of your questions. I don't think it would be that hard to accomplish such testing.


    EDIT: After reviewing a little further, I now see Tracy has provided a test and results
  • Mark_TMark_T Posts: 1,981
    edited 2011-07-14 04:29
    Humanoido wrote: »

    I'd like to know if super cooling the prop chip could make it run at less current draw? Some quoted specs or a shot of super freeze spray on a busy chip could determine this rather quickly.

    With CMOS the power consumption is usually insensitive to temperature as the switching losses are determined by the charge that flows on gate switching which in turn depends on the supply voltage and capacitance. Temperature affects how fast the charge is switched but the average supply current depends on the switching frequency and charge-per-switching, neither depend on temp.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-14 05:09
    Mark_T wrote: »
    With CMOS the power consumption is usually insensitive to temperature as the switching losses are determined by the charge that flows on gate switching which in turn depends on the supply voltage and capacitance. Temperature affects how fast the charge is switched but the average supply current depends on the switching frequency and charge-per-switching, neither depend on temp.
    Mark, thanks for this info - accordingly, it looks like cooling is useful for over-clocking experiments at high end frequencies when chips heat up, and not as a power reduction tool.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-15 10:35
    If it's the clock causing all the power consumption, can we just disable the clock and find a way to keep the prop functioning? I think this the same as turning cogs off, correct?

    First Clockless Revolutionizing CPU ... based on the ARM9 core...thought to be the first commercial clockless processor ...;_ylu=X3oDMTE0ZGMyZThqBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMwRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA01BUDAwNl83MQ--/SIG=13d8da85p/EXP=1310772612/**http%3a//
  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230
    edited 2011-07-15 10:39
    No. Yes. Interesting.
    Anyway it's not the clock that causes the problem. Anytime you do any logical operation transistors are turning on and off. These transitions consume power.
    Now if you can make a clockless processor perhaps less transistors are transistioning unnecessarily thus saving juice.
  • Dr. MarioDr. Mario Posts: 331
    edited 2011-07-15 15:03
    Clockless CPUs are interesting. Burt what about the accuracy? That's the problem, at least for real-time hardware - like the fuel management computer in the supersonic combustion ramjet (scramjet) engines, where Hydrogen has to be injected at around 10 to 30 nanoseconds each 100ns breaks between combustion, where Hydrogen explode in supersonic wind that flow through the engines. Cell phone or PDA, even for us tinkerers, it would wind up as a good news, as long as they or we do not care about the accuracy.

    Asynchronous CPUs have been around for a while, even though they require clocks, either on the CPU die or the SMD / DIP-4 oscillators.

    P. S. the scramjet here is just an example where surgical precision in timing is required. Either way, clockless CPU is an interesting idea.
  • Dr. MarioDr. Mario Posts: 331
    edited 2011-07-15 22:44
    Lastly.... The clock generator current consumptions also depends on what type clock oscillator is used, like MEMS oscillator, Quartz oscillator or LC / RC oscillator.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-16 00:43
    Dr. Mario wrote: »
    Clockless CPUs are interesting. Burt what about the accuracy? would wind up as a good news, as long as they or we do not care about the accuracy...Either way, clockless CPU is an interesting idea.
    The usefulness depends on the application. Humans don't have an accurate precision clock and machines that simulate and replicate the human brain using machine circuits may benefit from zero power clockless CPUs.

    If possible, moving a Propeller chip in and out of a clock to clockless state and back again may be a beneficial technique because it can create zero power consumed envelope. However, this poses another question. Can it be accomplished? How can we disable or temporarily suspend the clock in the Propeller chip and still have functions?
  • Dr. MarioDr. Mario Posts: 331
    edited 2011-07-16 05:01
    It can be accomplished, by entering RCFAST state, but be warned it can get quite slow. And the CPU core frequency won't be stable either, owing to the Silicon resistor's chaotic thermal coefficiency, as mentioned in datasheet, you can get 13 MHz to 36MHz, possibly wildly enough to startle some programmers. The clock can't be disabled, but you can snap to the internal RC oscillator - it's necessary for COG's Integer Unit clocking (and take note, I don't think SRAM is synchronous either).
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-17 12:14
    What is the Spin syntax code for setting the slowest possible RC clock without a crystal? I'd like to run the program and measure I. Is it possible to specify the value of RCSLOW?

    Something like this?
      _CLKMODE = RCSLOW  ' FOR 13 TO 33KHZ
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2011-07-17 12:27
    Humanoido wrote: »
    What is the Spin syntax code for setting the slowest possible RC clock without a crystal? I'd like to run the program and measure I. Is it possible to specify the value of RCSLOW?

    Something like this?
      _CLKMODE = RCSLOW  ' FOR 13 TO 33KHZ

    Is the manual lacking on the description of the _CLOCKMODE ? (Page 68 Propeller Manaul 1.2).

    Seems clear to me. There is no setting. It is what it is.

    Internal slow oscillator (~20 KHz). May be 13 KHz to 33 KHz.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-17 12:41
    You're right, it's very clear but sometimes not accepting no for an answer can lead to other pathways of fruitful benefit. Sometimes the manual is lacking on descriptions of various topics and enterprising individuals often chime into the forum with added information. I read both books and covered pages other than 68 and hope there is someone with more experienced programming knowledge to accomplish the request. If not, well, for now, it is what it is.
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2011-07-17 12:50
    Humanoido wrote: »
    You're right, it's very clear but sometimes not accepting no for an answer can lead to other pathways of fruitful benefit. Sometimes the manual is lacking on descriptions of various topics and enterprising individuals often chime into the forum with added information. I read both books and covered pages other than 68 and hope there is someone with more experienced programming knowledge to accomplish the request. If not, well, for now, it is what it is.

    Off course, asking for a second opinion is always appropriate. We all do it on a daily bias.
  • Dr. MarioDr. Mario Posts: 331
    edited 2011-07-18 01:46
    Yup. Sometimes I have trouble figuring some part of the manual out, so it's no surprise.

    Frequency stability of RCSLOW is a bit crazy, though. You can try shoving the whole affair in the 12VDC peltier-based pop chiller (the one you take it with you while traveling to keep your pop cold) to see the change in ALU (core) frequency as it get quite cold, to see if it's stable enough then take it out, also, to see if it has taken a hit to the point it's being forced to reboot. I would love to know if anyone have done that.
  • prof_brainoprof_braino Posts: 4,313
    edited 2011-07-18 07:43
    Humanoido wrote: »
    If it's the clock causing all the power consumption, can we just disable the clock
    Heater. wrote: »
    No. Yes.'s not the clock ...[its] transistors turning on and off.
    Dr. Mario wrote: »
    Clockless CPUs ... accuracy?

    Wait a minute, I think "clockless" means something like state transitions cause "handshake propagation". Of course, the prop itself is not designed to be clockless.

    So are we talking about props that set themselves to RCslow when "waiting" and setting themselves to PPL16x "active"; and this being controlled across multiple propchips by this handshake propagation? I guess the goal is for the system to notice when it can put parts to sleep, and when to wake up as needed. Even though the individual props are clocked, the handshake propagation is the clockless part. Have I got that right?

    In the propforth multiprop support, a master supplies clock an external prop. If the master goes to RCslow, the slave is affected.
    The master can also set the frequncy its send to the slave as clock. If the master sets the frequency to 1 Hz for the clock its generating to the slave, can the slave prop still run? Will this save significant power? This won't make the system run any faster, but running parts slower could save power without sacrificing performance, as components only run at full speed when needed.

    So is there a big advantage over just having each prop set itself to RCslow?
  • Dr. MarioDr. Mario Posts: 331
    edited 2011-07-18 08:32
    Prof_braino, Humanoido have been debating on performance vs wattage issues on the P8X32A chip, and he have been looking for a way to chop the current into the bits easily manageable - not impossible, just difficult.

    And, I already know that the clock can't be disabled, though. The only way to reduce the consumption is to turn the fire down. It will run da*ning slow, but again, there's always trade-offs. Either we can save the juice by running very slow or sell the battery's life expectancy for speed, pretty much like the engines in the cars.
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