Need some help with case statement code
I am trying to build a case statement. During my main loop when I press a key it is supposed to assign the key value to a global variable. I was thinking the way I have this that it would then do something when a key is pressed but it doesn't work.
Any suggestions?
Any suggestions?
con _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _clkfreq = 80_000_000 MS_001 = _clkfreq / 1_000 RS = 9 ' VFD pin assignments RW = 10 E = 11 DBLow = 12 DBHigh = 15 PWR = 20 ' power sense voltage divider input EE_DEVICE_ADDR = $A0 ' EEPROM assigments EE_BASE_ADDR = $9000 RLY_UP = 22 ' table relay outputs. up counts down RLY_DN = 23 con #1, HOME, #8, BKSP, TAB, LF, CLREOL, CLRDN, CR, #16, CLS ' PST formmatting control ' 0.003515185598214 ' multiplier for inches / pulse obj term : "fullduplexserialdp" ' for terminal output level : "jm_grayenc2" ' 2-bit, graycode encoder kp : "Keypad_encoder" ' keypad driver object P0 - P7 vfd : "LCD_Nx2" ' VFD driver simp : "Simple_Numbers_plus" ' used for formating decimal places i2c : "Basic_I2C_Driver_1" ' EEPROM driver var byte key_pressed long key_stack_space[50] pub main | newlevel, oldlevel, Pressed_Key term.start(31, 30, %0000, 115_200) ' start terminal for test pause(2000) ' wait 2 seconds term.tx(CLS) ' clear terminal screen cognew(Keys, @key_stack_space) ' launch new cog for keypad interface dira[PWR] := 0 ' set PWR as input dira[RLY_UP..RLY_DN] := 1 ' set relay ports as outputs outa[RLY_UP..RLY_DN] := 0 ' initialize relay outputs to off i2c.initialize(28) ' initialize I2C object level.init(16, true, 0, 1707, i2c.ReadLong(i2c#BOOTPIN, EE_DEVICE_ADDR, constant(EE_BASE_ADDR + $0))) ' detented encoder on p16/p17 ' initialize counter input object and get starting value from EEPROM vfd.Init( E, RS, RW, DBHigh, DBLow ) ' initialize VFD driver kp.start(4, 4, 0, 4, @table) ' start keypad driver pause(1) vfd.clear ' clear vfd screen term.str(string("Table Controller", 13)) ' print to PST for debug term.str(string("Version 0.08")) ' print to PST for debug vfd.PrintStr(string("Table Controller")) ' print to VFD vfd.SetRowCol(2, 0) ' set position to next row on VFD vfd.PrintStr(string("Version 0.08")) ' print to VFD pause(4000) ' wait 4 seconds vfd.clear ' clear VFD display term.tx(CLS) ' clear PST screen for debug term.tx(LF) ' set position to next line in PST term.str(string("Press PROG for Menu")) ' print to PST screen for debug vfd.SetRowCol(2, 0) ' set position to second row on VFD vfd.PrintStr(string("Press PROG for Menu")) ' print to VFD pause(500) ' wait 1/2 second repeat ' Main program loop oldlevel := newlevel ' assign newlevel to oldlevel term.tx(HOME) ' set PST screen to home position vfd.SetRowCol(0, 0) ' set position on VFD to first line and home vfd.PrintStr(string("Position: ")) ' print string to VFD term.str(string("Position: ")) ' print string to PST screen for debug vfd.SetPos(16) ' set postion on VFD for inches character vfd.PrintChr($22) ' print inches character on VFD newlevel *= 3515 ' multiply count input by scale factor to convert to inches newlevel /= 100 ' divide new count value to scale for display term.decdp(newlevel, 4) ' print inches value to PST screen with 4 decimal places vfd.SetPos(10) ' set position on VFD to display inches value vfd.PrintStr(simp.decf(newlevel, 4)) ' print inches value to VFD with 4 decimal places repeat if ina[PWR] == 0 ' Looks at P20 for low to indicate loss of power ' i2c.WriteLong(i2c#BOOTPIN, EE_DEVICE_ADDR, constant(EE_BASE_ADDR + $0), newlevel) abort ' if PWR low detected then write current value to EEPROM then stop Pressed_Key := kp.getkey ' read key press assign that value to local pressed_key variable if Pressed_Key > 0 ' if that variable is greater than 0 key_pressed := Pressed_Key ' then assign that value to key_pressed global variable newlevel := ' read count input and assign to newlevel until (newlevel <> oldlevel) ' go to main loop and display values whenever they differ pub Keys | buff[6], i repeat case key_pressed "X" : ' STOP key pressed outa[RLY_UP..RLY_DN] := 0 ' turn off table motor relays "N" : ' MINUS key pressed outa[RLY_UP] := 1 ' turn on table up relay vfd.SetRowCol(2, 0) ' position cursor on VFD to second line vfd.PrintStr(string("Table UP")) ' display message on VFD "P" : ' PLUS key pressed outa[RLY_DN] := 1 ' turn on table down relay vfd.SetRowCol(2, 0) ' position cursor on VFD to second line vfd.PrintStr(string("Table DOWN")) ' display message on VFD "R" : ' PROG button pressed i := 0 ' set buffer pointer to 0 repeat 6 ' repeat 6 times to fill buffer with key stokes buff[i] := kp.getKey ' waiting for next key press i := i + 1 ' increment buffer pointer after each key press "S" : ' START key pressed pub pause(ms) | t t := cnt repeat ms waitcnt(t += MS_001) dat ' keypad translation table table byte "1", "2", "3", "S" byte "4", "5", "6", "R" byte "7", "8", "9", "E" byte "N", "0", "P", "X" ' Keypad layout ' ' 1 2 3 Start ' 4 5 6 Prog ' 7 8 9 Set ' - 0 + Stop
The repeat loop in Keys will process the same key press over and over because it can't distinquish an old value of key_pressed from a new value. Also, you are calling kp.getKey from two different cogs, which will cause problems. I'm not sure why you need to start Keys in a separate cog, but it might be better to just call it from the main routine. Add some debug prints to see how far it gets.
Oh, there is also a problem with calling the vfd methods from multiple cogs. That will cause problems.
The first version is only setting the RLY_DN pin as an output.
If thats true then does
make both outputs low?
The double tilde sets all bits in the group, the single tilde clears all bits in the group.