Help determining equation
A couple years ago I asked here on the forums a similar question. I had it answered once using a program called RobotBasic and some programming in there, and I hope to find a similar solution again...
I have some data points that are part of a electronic (hardware) function. I want to get an equation I can put into float math that outputs the correction for the input from the hardware. Maybe it's better with an example: I originally got the solution for an RC circuit because the return values are logarithmic to the inputs, so it needed correction.
The equation is in the form of:
(-379.223 * ln( input ) + 4054.36
I still have RobotBasic installed, but I can't find the program that created the equation.
New set of data (I can get more if needed, but 3 should be enough to make a curve):
input: 1011 -- output: 1079
input: 796 -- output: 613
input: 159 -- output: 345
Any help getting the equation would be helpful.
I have some data points that are part of a electronic (hardware) function. I want to get an equation I can put into float math that outputs the correction for the input from the hardware. Maybe it's better with an example: I originally got the solution for an RC circuit because the return values are logarithmic to the inputs, so it needed correction.
The equation is in the form of:
(-379.223 * ln( input ) + 4054.36
I still have RobotBasic installed, but I can't find the program that created the equation.
New set of data (I can get more if needed, but 3 should be enough to make a curve):
input: 1011 -- output: 1079
input: 796 -- output: 613
input: 159 -- output: 345
Any help getting the equation would be helpful.

Excel.exe and OpenOffice calc.exe offer a diagram-type XY-Points.
These diagrams have a feature add aproximation function.
You can choose linear, polynomic, exponential, logarhitmical functions
and you can even display the relation-factor which indicates how good the aprox-function is in touch with the given datapoints.
So if you need an aprox-function only once at compile-time you can use this solution.
If you need different aprox-functions at run-time you can dive into the mathematics how it is calculated
keep the questions coming
best regards
double click on the xy-diagramm to enter modification mode
if not yet done choose subtype "with connecting lines between points"
leftclick on the connecting line rightclick on that line choose option "insert trendline"
you a new window pops up "regression curve for datarow X"
OpenOffice has not reached the level of Excel but it is coming closer and closer
keep the questions coming
best regards