Haar wavelet, data compression and image analysis
I have pretty well completed the B/W version of "Stupid Video capture" and made a new test bed on one of Terry Hitt's dongle.

Now I have found stories about Haar wavelet compression and the whole field of wavelet activity and image analysis techniques.
On of my biggest problems on the "Stupid Video Capture"http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?98516-stupid-video-capture&highlight=Stupid+video is the size of the files on the SD card, the lateest version made roughly 30Meg per minute.
So I am initially working on development of two Haar wavelet functions.
1 Encoding/Decoding the video in real time so the program uses 1/2 the memory as well as 1/2 the SD card space. (this already has some functionality but I am not happy with the display yet)
2 Multi-level version for encoding/decoding before and after writing/reading SD card data, too be used on both audio and video streams.( code kinda outlined but not really tested)
So ... I am hoping some one here will have experience/thoughts/code to help with this effort.
.... Perry
Now I have found stories about Haar wavelet compression and the whole field of wavelet activity and image analysis techniques.
On of my biggest problems on the "Stupid Video Capture"http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?98516-stupid-video-capture&highlight=Stupid+video is the size of the files on the SD card, the lateest version made roughly 30Meg per minute.
So I am initially working on development of two Haar wavelet functions.
1 Encoding/Decoding the video in real time so the program uses 1/2 the memory as well as 1/2 the SD card space. (this already has some functionality but I am not happy with the display yet)
2 Multi-level version for encoding/decoding before and after writing/reading SD card data, too be used on both audio and video streams.( code kinda outlined but not really tested)
So ... I am hoping some one here will have experience/thoughts/code to help with this effort.
.... Perry
I am working on a "video doorbell" or alarm device ,critter camera, interview camera, lots of possible uses. wanted 100 files on 1GB
real time is first level , want to use second method on columns
I found DPCM too complex for the video in.
Heres my realtime code, as you can see it still in flux
video in ................ has little leeway for changes in number of instructions
and for video out ....
It looks like your input loop takes 28*4 cycles per pair of pixels. You should unroll it so that you only do the operations for the left pixel on the first part of the loop, and only do the operations for the right pixels on the second half of the loop. This way you won't waste any cycles on the conditional execution instructions that aren't executed.
It looks like you plan on putting the sum in the upper 4 bits and the difference in the lower 4 bits. Statistically, the difference should be smaller than the sum, so it should take less bits. However, you would need to clip the difference so it doesn't overflow.
I think DPCM with a single-pixel predictor would work better. It would look something like the code I show below. This loop takes the same number of cycles as yours, and I had to add 6 NOPs to get the same timing. It clips the input to 8 bits, and clips the differences to 4 bits.
You could get this loop down to 24*4 cycles without too much work if that is desirable. The clipping to 255 probably isn't necessary since the loop takes less than 256 cycles, so it could probably be removed. You might be able to get the loop down to 20*4 cycles that way. Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks for the great suggestions. helped me work out unrolling the code.
I should really be using waitcnts to time the loops but it is too tedious to adjust when you don't yet know how much code you need.
I was confusing DPCM with ADPCM when I mentioned complexity, perhaps ADPCM is doable?
You almost got the simple Haar algorithm in your analysis, actually the strategy is to take the average of the two values and some how encode the difference in the lower bits.
I like to do this initial coding in real time as you can see the quality of the compression immediately
the columns will be done as described above later(before/after SD access)
still seeing columnar differences, hoping to to get the output to be invisible to the eye
The problem is that there is a lot of redundancy between the sum coefficients of adjacent blocks that you're not taking advantage of. The DPCM technique does take advantage of this redundancy. You could improve the performance of the 2-point transform if you use DPCM on the adjacent sum coefficients, but it would work just as well if you just use DPCM on the raw samples.
If you really want to improve coding performance you could use a larger two-dimensional block size, such as 8x8 blocks. However, this will be much more complicated than what you are currently trying to do.