Where is KyeDOS latest vesion?

Hello All,
Searched OBEX (nothing there) and forum but could not trace which holds the latest version. Can anyone point me to the latest version of KyeDOS? I've read somewhere & think it might have some codes that could help my current project.
Thanks a lot!
Searched OBEX (nothing there) and forum but could not trace which holds the latest version. Can anyone point me to the latest version of KyeDOS? I've read somewhere & think it might have some codes that could help my current project.
Thanks a lot!
Do you want VGA or TV?
keep the questions coming
best regards
Kyedos does alright. See this thread for it playing a movie. A bit blurry but that is the camera http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?132909-Some-nice-aerial-shots-of-Sydney-Australia
Actually, Kyedos is perfect for this application as the prop is out of memory for just playing movies. At the beginning, what is blurry is the signon for kyedos, and then I type "matrix2" and enter, and the movie runs.
Thanks Kye!!!