NOOK Color Passes the Kindle Among e-Readers

NOOK Color Passes the Kindle Among e-Readers:
Only $249
It's not just a eReader. There are a few Forum members that already use the Color Nook and have it set up with Ebooks, Parallax PDF's (and others of course) etc. They can also read the forum on it, check email etc.
From the web site:
"Editor's Choice" CNET, 11/23/2010
If they sold them in Canada I'd have one or a similar device.
Only $249
It's not just a eReader. There are a few Forum members that already use the Color Nook and have it set up with Ebooks, Parallax PDF's (and others of course) etc. They can also read the forum on it, check email etc.
From the web site:
"Editor's Choice" CNET, 11/23/2010
- Stunning full color touchscreen
- Enhanced books, magazines,
newspapers, & interactive kids books - Fun social features + surf the web
- NEW! Popular Apps
If they sold them in Canada I'd have one or a similar device.