Retreiving Variable Values from other Cogs
Well I finally made my jump from BS2 to propeller. This was a HUGE jump for a mechanical engineer with very limited programming education. BS2 was intuitively "easy" to learn especially with the online labs and ease of "linear programming" but for my end project I know that I will need the Propeller's capabilities.
So, I started with the labs, learned about objects, methods, cogs, etc. and moved towards making my "test stand" for my next project.
My end goal project is to make a programmable fuel-injection computer for my racing go kart engine (4-stroke, 9000 rpm redline). I have done the math and the propeller is a great piece of hardware as far as running what I need for this and I do believe it will be capable of running Fuel, Ignition and datalogging as I get it going. I started by creating different objects to interface with different sensors and so far have been able to get the following components working:
RCTIME - I am using a 10k Pot to find decay time and returning value to my 4x20 LCD screen
Melaxis Hall trigger - I have retrieved RPM data like a charm with this and also display on LCD
So I was using a battery, POT, and electric motor w/ pickup wheel completely separate for my hall to trigger off of to test it. But I decided that I would try to make a PWM command using the onboard L293D Half H bridge on the prop professional development board and drive my electric motor with it. Then I thought it would be easy to use RCTIME to get my POT value, then output this in a cog running a PWM to the L293D.
Well I managed to make the L293D PWM pretty dang well using the piece of code titled "main" below. It basically continuously pulses pin 4 on and off for certain amounts of time that is divided by duty cycle input (oscfreq was found to work well at 800 for my application).
The "control" portion is where I am getting RCTIME value and returning it as decaytime and then displaying on an LCD screen. That part of it works great. While the motor is running the duty value I have typed in the code, I can change the pot and watch RCTIME change from 0 - 293 on the screen. I haven't, however, figured out how to return this 0-293 into the "duty" value in my code for the PWM.
I'm sure someone has some ideas. I'm so close to getting this to respond correctly!
Thank You,
Patrick Harris
So, I started with the labs, learned about objects, methods, cogs, etc. and moved towards making my "test stand" for my next project.
My end goal project is to make a programmable fuel-injection computer for my racing go kart engine (4-stroke, 9000 rpm redline). I have done the math and the propeller is a great piece of hardware as far as running what I need for this and I do believe it will be capable of running Fuel, Ignition and datalogging as I get it going. I started by creating different objects to interface with different sensors and so far have been able to get the following components working:
RCTIME - I am using a 10k Pot to find decay time and returning value to my 4x20 LCD screen
Melaxis Hall trigger - I have retrieved RPM data like a charm with this and also display on LCD
So I was using a battery, POT, and electric motor w/ pickup wheel completely separate for my hall to trigger off of to test it. But I decided that I would try to make a PWM command using the onboard L293D Half H bridge on the prop professional development board and drive my electric motor with it. Then I thought it would be easy to use RCTIME to get my POT value, then output this in a cog running a PWM to the L293D.
Well I managed to make the L293D PWM pretty dang well using the piece of code titled "main" below. It basically continuously pulses pin 4 on and off for certain amounts of time that is divided by duty cycle input (oscfreq was found to work well at 800 for my application).
PUB main cognew (control, @stack) 'this is the RCTIME decay part of routine that doesn't feedback into main yet. dira[4] :=1 outa[4] :=1 'this is to "jump start" the electric motor at low duty cycles. waitcnt(clkfreq/100 + cnt) repeat duty := 10 'input duty value here from 1-100%. Would like RCTIME result read here ontime := (duty * oscfreq) outa[4] :=0 waitcnt(clkfreq/ontime + cnt) waittime := ((100 - duty) * oscfreq) outa[4] :=1 waitcnt(clkfreq/waittime + cnt) PUB control DISPLAY.display repeat RC.start(5,1,@decaytime) waitcnt(clkfreq/10 + cnt) RC.stop waitcnt(clkfreq/100 + cnt) DISPLAY.displayval(decaytime) waitcnt(clkfreq/10 + cnt)
The "control" portion is where I am getting RCTIME value and returning it as decaytime and then displaying on an LCD screen. That part of it works great. While the motor is running the duty value I have typed in the code, I can change the pot and watch RCTIME change from 0 - 293 on the screen. I haven't, however, figured out how to return this 0-293 into the "duty" value in my code for the PWM.
I'm sure someone has some ideas. I'm so close to getting this to respond correctly!
Thank You,
Patrick Harris
It will be a lot easier if you use code blocks. Follow this link.
Either edit your original post or provide formated code in a new post. It will make it much easier to answer your question.
In the Propeller Tool select File | Archive | Project...
Then attach the zip file.
All global variables within an object should be available to all the Spin methods in that object even if the methods are running in a different cog.
Really I just need ANY example of one cog constantly running RCTIME and passing the value to another cog performing a function using this RCTIME value. A good example is reading RCTIME and making an LED stay "on" for that many milliseconds maybe.
In my example if I make "duty := decaytime" in my first repeat loop of my main program, I *should* be running my PWM with that decaytime as my modifier for my duty cycle. But as soon as I put it there the program hangs.
I have lots of pointers going everywhere with the way I put this code pointing to so many places, so I will clean it up first then post it.
Thanks for the info. I think the problem was I was changing the decaytime to a string in my other object to send to the LCD display. You guys are right, variables are easily passable in this manner.
I will post my cleaned up code later.
Thank You,
and read or write to the variable using long[]/word[]/byte[] etc?
e.g. start the code in the new cog with cognew(cogName(@varName), @stack)
and manipulate it with something like:
PUB cogName(passedParam) | localVar
localVar := long[passedParam]
long[passedParam += 1
and so on ...
i suspect the answer is only when the code for the new cog sits in a separate object file ??
Great advice here and two great examples of code back to back with the two methods to do what I needed to do. This was critical learning to getting my project up and running.
do you still have that code? thank you