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Retreiving Variable Values from other Cogs — Parallax Forums

Retreiving Variable Values from other Cogs

HarrisracingHarrisracing Posts: 10
edited 2011-11-30 17:12 in Propeller 1
Well I finally made my jump from BS2 to propeller. This was a HUGE jump for a mechanical engineer with very limited programming education. BS2 was intuitively "easy" to learn especially with the online labs and ease of "linear programming" but for my end project I know that I will need the Propeller's capabilities.

So, I started with the labs, learned about objects, methods, cogs, etc. and moved towards making my "test stand" for my next project.

My end goal project is to make a programmable fuel-injection computer for my racing go kart engine (4-stroke, 9000 rpm redline). I have done the math and the propeller is a great piece of hardware as far as running what I need for this and I do believe it will be capable of running Fuel, Ignition and datalogging as I get it going. I started by creating different objects to interface with different sensors and so far have been able to get the following components working:

RCTIME - I am using a 10k Pot to find decay time and returning value to my 4x20 LCD screen

Melaxis Hall trigger - I have retrieved RPM data like a charm with this and also display on LCD

So I was using a battery, POT, and electric motor w/ pickup wheel completely separate for my hall to trigger off of to test it. But I decided that I would try to make a PWM command using the onboard L293D Half H bridge on the prop professional development board and drive my electric motor with it. Then I thought it would be easy to use RCTIME to get my POT value, then output this in a cog running a PWM to the L293D.

Well I managed to make the L293D PWM pretty dang well using the piece of code titled "main" below. It basically continuously pulses pin 4 on and off for certain amounts of time that is divided by duty cycle input (oscfreq was found to work well at 800 for my application).
PUB main
cognew (control, @stack)   'this is the RCTIME decay part of routine that doesn't feedback into main yet.

dira[4] :=1

outa[4] :=1                         'this is to "jump start" the electric motor at low duty cycles.
waitcnt(clkfreq/100 + cnt)

  duty := 10                   'input duty value here from 1-100%. Would like RCTIME result read here
  ontime := (duty * oscfreq) 
  outa[4] :=0
  waitcnt(clkfreq/ontime + cnt)
  waittime := ((100 - duty) * oscfreq)
  outa[4] :=1
  waitcnt(clkfreq/waittime + cnt)

PUB control

    waitcnt(clkfreq/10 + cnt)

    waitcnt(clkfreq/100 + cnt)
    waitcnt(clkfreq/10 + cnt)

The "control" portion is where I am getting RCTIME value and returning it as decaytime and then displaying on an LCD screen. That part of it works great. While the motor is running the duty value I have typed in the code, I can change the pot and watch RCTIME change from 0 - 293 on the screen. I haven't, however, figured out how to return this 0-293 into the "duty" value in my code for the PWM.

I'm sure someone has some ideas. I'm so close to getting this to respond correctly!

Thank You,
Patrick Harris


  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2011-07-10 13:14
    This should not be hard to solve.

    It will be a lot easier if you use code blocks. Follow this link.


    Either edit your original post or provide formated code in a new post. It will make it much easier to answer your question.

  • HarrisracingHarrisracing Posts: 10
    edited 2011-07-10 13:33
    Thank you for the advice. I was wondering how to do that!
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2011-07-10 14:29
    I think we (at least I do) need to see all of the code.

    In the Propeller Tool select File | Archive | Project...

    Then attach the zip file.

    All global variables within an object should be available to all the Spin methods in that object even if the methods are running in a different cog.

  • HarrisracingHarrisracing Posts: 10
    edited 2011-07-10 19:10
    Any example.

    Really I just need ANY example of one cog constantly running RCTIME and passing the value to another cog performing a function using this RCTIME value. A good example is reading RCTIME and making an LED stay "on" for that many milliseconds maybe.

    In my example if I make "duty := decaytime" in my first repeat loop of my main program, I *should* be running my PWM with that decaytime as my modifier for my duty cycle. But as soon as I put it there the program hangs.

    I have lots of pointers going everywhere with the way I put this code pointing to so many places, so I will clean it up first then post it.

  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2011-07-10 19:24
    Admittedly it's not using RCTIME but it feeds something repeatedly into a global variable which is evaluated somewhere else. HTH
      long  storage
      long  stack[32]
    PUB null
      cognew(feed, @stack{0})
        outa[16..23] := storage
    PRI feed
        storage := cnt + frqa++
        waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)
    In your case the feed method would have to run RCTIME and store the relevant value (possibly scaled) back into storage.
  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2011-07-10 19:36
    Take a look at this too
      _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x     
      _xinfreq = 5_000_000
      value       byte    $00
      statusSemId byte    $FFFF
      long StackSpace[20]
      pst           : "Parallax Serial Terminal"
    PUB Main
      statusSemId :=  locknew
      pst.str(string("Semi Id: "))
      cognew(StatusMonitor, @StackSpace)
        repeat until not lockset(statusSemId)  
    PRI StatusMonitor | temp
        ifnot(temp == value)
          repeat until not lockset(statusSemId)
          temp := value
          pst.str(string(13, "Value: "))
    PRI Pause(Duration)  
      waitcnt(((clkfreq / 1_000 * Duration - 3932) #> 381) + cnt)
  • HarrisracingHarrisracing Posts: 10
    edited 2011-07-10 20:00
    GOT IT!

    Thanks for the info. I think the problem was I was changing the decaytime to a string in my other object to send to the LCD display. You guys are right, variables are easily passable in this manner.

    I will post my cleaned up code later.

    Thank You,

  • bozobozo Posts: 70
    edited 2011-07-10 21:05
    OK ... so, under what conditions is it preferable to pass the address of the shared variable when the cog is started,
    and read or write to the variable using long[]/word[]/byte[] etc?

    e.g. start the code in the new cog with cognew(cogName(@varName), @stack)
    and manipulate it with something like:

    PUB cogName(passedParam) | localVar
    localVar := long[passedParam]
    long[passedParam += 1
    and so on ...

    i suspect the answer is only when the code for the new cog sits in a separate object file ??
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2011-07-10 21:09
    bozo wrote: »
    i suspect the answer is only when the code for the new cog sits in a separate object file ??
    Let's make that: the code can't access the relevant variable by name. Which is true for separate object files and also for e.g. local variables in the same file but different method.
  • HarrisracingHarrisracing Posts: 10
    edited 2011-07-11 12:30
    Thank You all so much.

    Great advice here and two great examples of code back to back with the two methods to do what I needed to do. This was critical learning to getting my project up and running.

  • courtenscourtens Posts: 101
    edited 2011-11-30 17:12
    GOT IT!
    I will post my cleaned up code later

    do you still have that code? thank you
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