QuickStart and PropBasic
hi, I am using the QuickStart board and PropBasic and having a problem sending info to the terminal. The problem is that the terminal displays "??12345" when I press the reset button on the board or Reset Propeller from the bst terminal. Attached is the Propbasic file (testing.pbas) I am using. What am I doing wrong? How do I eliminate the ??? thanks for your help - Dave

I haven't used PropBasic myself but this looks like if could be a problem.
Try this.
I'm not sure if that's how you do it PropBasic or not but you need to convert alpha to a ASCII printable character.
Most likely the output pin is set as an input during reset and therefore in a high impedance state and susceptible to noise. Try putting a 1K or there about pullup or pulldown resistor on the pin.
The TX pin is set to HIGH when declared as it should be.
I agree with kwinn, it must be noise on the pin between the time of the reset and the program starts executing.
Pulling the pin HIGH with a 1K should do the trick.
simonl, compiles but displays ??????
Kwinn, I checked the schematic and board
and can not figure out how to add a 1k
resistor to P30 , the TX pin
still can not figure out what is wrong
any help will be appreciated - thanks
Yes, what I wrote was junk. I just have a strong aversion to deleting posts. I hoped my bolded "Ignore what I wrote" would save people the time of reading the post yet preserve the record of my not knowing what I was talking about for posterity.
My Results
1.open "BST-Brad's Spin Tool" and open testing.pbas
2.open "bst Terminal"
3.Compile and Load EEPROM
4."bst Terminal" then displays 12345_
5.press the reset on the QuickStart board and
the "bst Terminal" then displays 12345_
6.press reset again then the display is 12345_
7.I get similar results when I click Reset Propeller in the "bst Terminal" program
8.I then disconnected and closed "bst Terminal"
9. open Parallax Serial Terminal using the same port and baud as above
10.press reset then 12345 is displayed
11.press reset again then 12345 is cleared and 12345 is displayed
I also have a bread board wired up with a Propeller and get the same results as above. I then added a 1K resistor from P30 (TX) to the +3.3v and still get the same results as above.
Is there something I am not doing correctly when I use the "bst Terminal" program and how can I fix it?
thanks again for any suggestions - Dave