My BIGGEST regret concerning the Propeller with various other subjects

Hello Everyone
I am sure you are all just dying to know what it is, so I will tell you.
It always seems that I am out of something that I desparately need to get the Propeller working!
A while back I purchased a handful of Parallax OEM products (BS2 and Propeller), some 40 DIP Prop chips, a fair selection of ICs, etc... And just when I am having one of my creative moments and start rolling up my sleeves, I discover that I need a specific voltage regulator, EEPROM, crystal, resonator....
It never fails.
And these items are not that expensive!
Take my advice and always stock plenty of voltage regulators, crystals, resonators, and EEPROM.
Place your order today with Parallax
I am sure you are all just dying to know what it is, so I will tell you.
It always seems that I am out of something that I desparately need to get the Propeller working!
A while back I purchased a handful of Parallax OEM products (BS2 and Propeller), some 40 DIP Prop chips, a fair selection of ICs, etc... And just when I am having one of my creative moments and start rolling up my sleeves, I discover that I need a specific voltage regulator, EEPROM, crystal, resonator....
It never fails.
And these items are not that expensive!
Take my advice and always stock plenty of voltage regulators, crystals, resonators, and EEPROM.
Place your order today with Parallax

When it comes to low cost parts I always apply the idea of "Why buy one when you can buy two at twice the price."
I usually do that with chips I've never used before if the cost isn't too bad, that way a backup is handy should you let out the magic smoke.
Been there... Ran out of 5v regulators on a weekend project.. Had to go to Radio Shack to get them.. no big deal. except.
I took some company with me (spouse) on the trip.. Bath and Body is ALWAYS next door to Radio Shack.
End of the day.. 5v regulators that cost around $50 a piece.
Moral of the story: Always stock up when you can to avoid costly weekend trips.
{It's sarcasm honey! really!... gotta go.. } - OBC
WOW! That sure was some expensive regulators! I guess Radio Shack was out of stock, so you had to get them at Bath and Body. Don't you just hate that, they have such a huge mark up on their electrical components.
Bruce could you please explain what exactly do you regret concerning the propeller??
best regards
Maybe the title is appropriate, maybe it isn't, but is it REALLY a big deal.
Maybe it's the summer heat, but it sure seams like the lack of civility on here is running pretty high lately.
Of course, things like resistors are much cheaper by the 100 or 200 so I always have plenty of those around.
We should consider ourselves lucky, I remember the "good old days" building 8bit micros (8080s, Z80s, 6809s). These needed a lot more support components. Depending on what you were doing you often needed power supplies that had +12, +5V, -5V and -12V. Which prevented an "evening's hack" that you can do with modern microcontrollers. Until recently I still had bags of 2708's, 16, 32,64 eproms, 4K stating and 64K dynamic ram, CTC's and PIOs. Fortunately I have a friend that is still into the older processors so I was able to pass them on to a better life.
I usually use the buying mantra - where my time is far more important than a couple of bucks buying a few more. Cheap components like voltage regulators I'll normally buy 10 or more at a time. Resistors & caps by the hundreds. When I need to buy 1 Prop1A, I'll buy 10. As it's cheaper (on my time) to have them on hand than have to make an extra trip or wait for a delivery. The only downside is that over time I have excess of parts that I'll unlikely use as technology moves on. However I can always use an LM317 to make an adjustable voltage regulator.
In regards to the title of this thread, I too throught it to be something else. My only regret with the Prop is that it wasn't available 30 years ago when I had near infinite time to do all of the things I can think that I'd like to do with it! The only thing I'd like to improve would be to have the Prop1B, all those extra pins could really do some interesting things. I like the idea of the PropII being able to boot from an SD card! That's a brilliant idea!
The total now for my annual "restock bill" is about $20 including shipping, for the parts listed above + LEDs, pushbuttons, etc. I usually order from Tayda electronics; they aren't the fastest, but you can't beat 1 cent per resistor!
And thanks for all the responses, good and bad.
Okay so my headline may be a tad deceptive, but it is a still a regret pertaining to the Propeller. Believe me when I say that I truly regret that I do not have all the proper parts to get a new Propeller application up and running.
I also try to buy extra parts when I can, but it never seems to be the right extras. Next time I place an order with Parallax, I will order equal amounts of the Propeller 40 DIP, 5Mhz crystal, 3.3 LDO regulators, SD card holders, and 32K EEPROM. I will also buy additional EEPROM just to have on hand and experiment with.
The reason I started this thread was because I know we have all been there. It is true that I like to write and communicate, and there is nothing that can grab a persons attention better than the headline. For those that complain, well this is not the first time that I have used an improper headline, and it definitely won't be the last. But by now, some of you should know that. To the naysayers, I say don't read my posts.
Anyhow I find just a little comfort knowing that I am not alone in this frustration
I agree with Harley, Logistics is a pain."I just can't seem to think of every thing needed when I order parts"
I also think we've become so impatient, Having to what on parts sucks.
On a side note: Have you tried the 6.25MHz Xtals?...They add a nice little zing to the Prop.
How's it going?
No, I have not tried the 6.25 MHZ crystals. However, I was just looking at them a little while ago. Contemplating my new order to get the parts I don't have
I was wondering how much that would drive up my production capabilities.
I have found them very reliable.
It is also an easy number plug-in for the Propeller Tool and bst Editor/Complier.
I have a few 5MHz xtals, But I mostly stock 6.25MHz xtals.
I usually over-clock for displays LCDs,VGA, RGB, etc.
I try to start some regularity. The use of 6.25xtals is now my standard.
Yea I believe you are correct, especially in this instance. I believe I have pretty much pushed the machine to it's maximum capabilities, and I don't believe it is the Prop slowing things down. However I do believe I could increase production by learning PASM and rewriting my main production function for faster instruction processing. I also believe the overclocking issue is a bit over my head like the memory. I was thinking the 6.25Mhz would be a drop in replacement on the Proto Board.
I have pushed the stepper drivers as far as the motors will let me, the only thing I could possibly hope for now is faster instruction processing, like I mentioned.
Its really fast. And you can learn PASM using it.
You need to down load " bst " to run PropBasic.
I downloaded the syntax manual and will take some time out to study it.
usually speed, resources or memory
However, you could always use the famous "board stretcher" to increase your resources
keep the questions coming
best regards
@$WMC%: ahm - 42???
I personally prefer adding another Propeller chip and using serial communication between them.
but we need the Prop II for the advanced terminals.
Bruce, please change the title. It is somewhat misleading.
We make Point of Sale terminals and PAD's for school Cafeterias. Here is our latest Prop1 powered PoS terminal.
WOW! I am impressed. That is very nice. Do you guys mold your own plastic in-house?
this into there CAM software and designs the molds.
We have the base plates made out in the valley close to our CM. They are made from stainless
steel and the shipping from China on the heavy metal parts was really killing us.