What NOT TO DO!!!!!
Since today is my birthday, I decided to do something that SHOULD NOT BE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is it, you ask? Well, I like to put it as "overloading an electronic component to the point of catostrophic failure". What I mean is give a resistor rated for 1/8 watt 120VAC and overload it. I have several safety precautions including a fire extinguisher, detonation chamber, power strip, GFCI (Grounded Fault Circuit Interrupter), lab coat, safety glasses, gloves and a hose for flooding the detonation chamber. The black box with the "WARNING: RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK" sticker on it has the contactor mentioned on this thread. So that is the basic story of what I was doing at 6:30 AM on my birthday.
(Eye protection / Safety glasses)
And what ohms is the resistor?
1. Criscross a few lengths of solder to make a little ribbon and plug it into an UNPOWERED electrical outlet, the way you tried to do with a paperclip when you were three years old. Then, from a remote location, apply power to the outlet.
2. Instead of the solder, plug an electrolytic capacitor into the outlet, the lower the voltage rating the better.
3. If you work in a place with a lot of switched outlet strips, leave little surprises for your coworkers plugged into the far end of a strip that is off that they will need on.
Not that I would ever do any of these things, mind you. At least *cough* not for the last 20 years or so *cough*
Its OK bomber . My Birthday was last week on the 5th so I had some fun with some............... yea . and a few caps too a 25 Cap salute for me .
try a pickle on a line cord . BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Happy Birthday, bomber!
But many less understand how to avoid making a short circuit.
And many less survive unharmed their creations.
Rather than starting with Ohm's law, eduction about electricity should demonstrate Watt's "LAW" and what harm certain amounts of power can do.
1 watt might make a pop.
10 watts can burn one's skin
25 watts can start a fire that burns down the house.
and so on.
We all discover how to be careful with power in a rather after the fact fashion. That's why it helps to start kids with lower power and batteries.
But even then, if you find it handy to strip insulation with your teeth, a day of reckoning might come when you forgot to disconnect the power beforehand. Besides, the wire is unsanitary and you really wear down the enamel on your teeth.
As plumbers say, "If you are plumber, don't bite your nails."
As IBM says." Think, think, think..."
Not to worry, most folks outgrow it sooner or later.
I love self correcting projects!!!
I am sorry about not posting for a while (Please note: ALL OF MY BODY PARTS ARE INTACT AND UNHURT).
I once had to discharge a camera's flash capacitor. When I shorted it, there was a huge spark, a loud bang, and a scared looking me a few feet farther away from the cap before the cap was discharged.
Check out this progect. Please note: You will have to scroll up to the top of the page. The link puts you somewhere in the middle of the page (down by the comments)
You`re as bad as I am with my `chlorine for the gene pool` comments. Keep up the good work.