Thought about buying a Spinneret? I'd love your input on this document.

I'm posting this here instead of the dedicated Spinneret forum (for now) as it is directed toward those who have considered the purchase of a Spinneret and could use some help setting it up.
This document is a work in progress, so there are still some rough edges. Currently it contains some basic networking information, combined with Spinneret web server setup.
I'd appreciate any additional eyes on it in assisting in getting it smoothed out a bit for official release.
Setting up a Spinneret web server:
This document is a work in progress, so there are still some rough edges. Currently it contains some basic networking information, combined with Spinneret web server setup.
I'd appreciate any additional eyes on it in assisting in getting it smoothed out a bit for official release.
Setting up a Spinneret web server:
'Nice document! You might also mention services like, which let you attach a name to your IP address that you can advertise, instead of the actual IP address. This is important since most home users have dynamically-changing internet IP addresses.
Agree'd! Items like that will be appended to the end of the document!
Was actually already considering this as well as using Spinneret w/Email, and real world control snippets.
They provide what they call WebHops a.k.a URL forwarding/redirection.
For example, I have one for a web site with pictures of my Yorkie called which redirects to
I have also found that their DNS servers are faster and more reliable than those of muy ISP.
My router is set to use and in addition to one from my ISP.
Nice Doc
You recommend assigning a higher port number than the typical 80 to the Spinernet, 5555 in your example and
then further in the Doc on port forwarding you say to use 80. Should it be 80 to forward incoming requests .
Yup.. That's one of the rough edges... Gotta sort that out.. Thanks!