Propeller in a RetroChallenge project
For anyone who may be interested in RetroComputing:
Not a lot about the Prop, yet. I need to get the ET-3400 upgraded first. Give me a few days and the Prop will become the main attraction.
Hope you enjoy it.
Not a lot about the Prop, yet. I need to get the ET-3400 upgraded first. Give me a few days and the Prop will become the main attraction.
Hope you enjoy it.
Stay tuned for next time, same Prop time, same Prop channel...
@Granz, I'll be watching your progress! Here's to obtaining the prize this year with a Propeller!
Like you, though, I do enjoy Retro Computing, and this is a good way to get in practice. And, I intend to bring this to UPENE to show it off there.
Also, the 32K RAM upgrade is in and working fine. Schematic is attached to the blog.
Personally, I think that a Prop would have been a great addition to the Altair 8800, or a COSMAC Elf. I did not add a Prop to my computers back then, because I had not discovered it at that time, but if I had it would have been great!
I notice this phenomena with the Prop I already a few years back. During my first ever experiments with the Prop my clock started running backwards. Thinking my time piece was busted I didn't realize the dire situation I was in and continued. Before I knew it all I could hear was Lynyrd Skynyrd blasting out Free Bird. My screen had gone all green and the Prop had turned itself into a Z80 computer running CP/M 2.
Something was eerily strange though, not quite right, this CP/M computer was much small than anything I had seen before,
In a panic I cut the power to the Prop. Instantly the Skynard faded and my screen went back to it's normal Debian Linux. But wait a minute what's this? A couple of years have gone by in a flash, I've lost my job, my wife has left me and my children are about to have me committed.
I have kept this experience a secret until today, I always tell my friends and family that I was busy writing an emulation of a historic microprocessor from long ago. They still look at me sideways though.
Recently I have noticed that others on this forum have been a victim of this same time travel phenomena:
Pullmoll for example:
and again with a NASCOM machine:
Look around and you will find 6502 emulations, original 8085 Space Invaders and other examles of this Propeller time warp effect.
People should be warned, start playing with the Propeller and you will soon find yourself in a Twighlight Zone of your own imagination which could have dire consequences for your well being. The toll can only get worse with the Prop II. Luckily there is a substantial self help group here on the forum.
Secretly, late at night, when nobody can notice I sometimes fire up my Prop and take a trip back to the 1970s...
As my old sig used to say:
"For me, the past is not over yet"