This is extremely dangerous....
Posts: 2,461
New signature test. Heard this somewhere and couldn't resist putting this in my sig on a DIY forum. :-)
I researched how to make nitroglycerin once. The instructions I had (from several sources) said to use lead pots. So I made a couple of lead pots. It was a lot of work. My mother thought I was being so artistic.
After much effort I had 10ml of nitroglycerin in an emptied shotgun shell. I was so anxious to see if it actually worked I set it off behind our house while my mother was at home.
Very bad idea! How did I not think that the incredible noise that seemed to rock the valley wouldn't be noticed by her?
EDIT: A Google search turned up this:
It appears that it takes several hours, and you have to attend it for 75% of those. :-O
The nitroglycerin floats on the surface as it is created. It then needs to be washed by pouring it into a larger lead pot with lots of water. The water should "have a swirling motion" (I think those are the words) imparted to it before the nitroglycerin is poured into it. The nitroglycerin sinks to the bottom. You need to retrieve the NG with a pipette. Dump the dirty water and rinse the NG several more times (otherwise the impurities make it breakdown).
I got into chemistry because I liked to make things go "boom". The NG cured me of that desire (the "boom" part, I still finished my degree in chemistry). I'm just very glad to have both hands and all my fingers. I could have easily been seriously maimed or killed making the NG.
I did write the directions up in my technical writing class. I've had several requests for copies. I haven't and don't plan to start, given out copies.
The NG could go off if the mixture was too hot. If the mixture gets too cold the NG freezes. NG is more stable frozen but a combination of liquid and frozen NG is even less stable than than when it's in it's liquid form.
I don't see NG used in TV shows or movies much any more. They always exaggerated how unstable it was. I threw a very small vial off a roof and the vial just broke. I made sure and burned away any remaining NG (it does not go off just with a flame).
Hitting a fraction of a drop, on a paper towel, with a hammer is interesting. You can feel the blast against your chest and your ears ring for a while. That was kind of fun. It would make a great "cap gun" if you could get the amounts correct.
When my brother tried hitting some NG with a hammer (he didn't believe it was really NG) the blast made the hammer bounce back up an hit him in the head (not so hard as to make it bleed or anything but it did hurt).
I ought to add this all took place in international waters away from any government's jurisdiction (wink, wink).
As I said, the NG cured me of wanting to make things go boom.
It is still hard to talk about the actual NG test. The idea was to use a carpet tack against the shotgun shell primer. It turns out carpet tacks are too sharp to detonate a primer. I had a hard time controlling my shaking hands after removing the carpet tack from the pierced primer with 10ml of NG on the other side of the primer. I really like having hands. Lets talk about something else.
@AFT, I'm not worth your time. Really, I promise.
Nah, I'll find something safer to play with. Like thermite! :-)
Wages of fear is one of the classics of cinema.
Back home , in Czech , there was a joke going around at the time.
Capitalists French have Wages of fear, we communists got fear of wages.
Vaclav .
but was traceless as its just a bag .
He had a plan to fill balloons with hydrogen and launch them with timed detonators, but perhaps fortunately he graduated from high school before he could put that plan into effect.
We were all in the early days of our youth, all just juveniles. And surely the statute of limitations has come and gone. But we also don't want to pass such bad ideas onto other youths.
I believe I will delete my previous post.