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Need Electronic Circuit Design Help — Parallax Forums

Need Electronic Circuit Design Help

treborz17treborz17 Posts: 76
edited 2011-07-07 07:50 in General Discussion
No electronic GuRu am I -- However, I am at the point of design and assembly of a middle size robot that will be used as an education-learning tool utilizing most all of the various Parallax controllers and sensors.

My current 36 inch high unit has a 12 Vdc battery-fed buss providing power to a number of video and monitoring devices including 12 volt Parallax powered controllers. Included in the list of other voltages will be a Prop S3, a couple of the P8X32A QuickStart Parallax, Inc boards, and naturally the propeller demo board.

So, what I need is a board design, either by purchase or by my novice assembly ability (I am a good soderer), that will take my large 12Vdc power buss input voltage, and provide me with separate outputs of 6Vdc @ approx. 2 amp, 7.5Vdc @ approx. 2 amp, and 9.0Vdc @ approx. 2 amp.

I am now retired, and am too old learn to design electronic circuitry from scratch -- however, I do want to try to pay my way -- so, through the years of buying Parallax in anticipation of building robots after my retirement, I have accumulated, according to my wife at least two of every item Parallax sells.

Now the deal is, I will give the person who provides me with the design that I end up using, a pick from any number of sensors or controllers that I have surplus. Please, to satifiy my wife's allocation of space available at our home, you must accept the token gift, eventhough you may need it or not.



  • tonyp12tonyp12 Posts: 1,951
    edited 2011-07-06 20:55
    3 of the LM350T should be able top do it, pretty simple circuit just different resistors to get the 3 different voltages you need.
    And some good heatsinks.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2011-07-06 21:00
    You really ought to consider a simple switching regulator. Here's one from Dimension Engineering that's adjustable to anywhere between 3V and 10V when run off a 12V buss and will supply over 2A. They're $25 each. I've been very happy with their similar 1A regulator. You can also build your own using National Semiconductor's "Simple Switcher" line of controllers. They have all kinds of application notes, sample designs, and on-line design guides.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2011-07-06 21:09

    I second the regulators Mike suggested (the DimentionEngineering ones). I've used them also and I like them. There are cheaper alternatives but the DE ones are very easy to use.

    I'll take some of your extra robot parts if I can send you two for every one you send me.

    I look forward to seeing your progress.

  • treborz17treborz17 Posts: 76
    edited 2011-07-07 07:50
    tonyp12, Mike, and Duane,

    Thanks for the input, I really appreciate it.

    All suggestions were great -- I plan to take the easy way out with the Dimention Engineering product. They have a lot of goodies for sale. I plan to purchase two of the 3amp and three of the 1amp regulators. I also like their bases for the regulators, especially for temporary stuff.

    Mike, it looks like I owe you a piece of my inventory. I'm sure you could clear a spot off that work bench for a brand new very, very expensive P8X32A Quickstart from the new Parallax, Inc. production facility. I have an inventory already. You can advise me at if you like.

    Cheers guys and thanks again,

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