Stamp --> Propeller
I'm working on a project to transmit data across wireless. My only issue is that the transmitter is using BASIC stamp while the receiver is using a Propeller board. Any suggections? The stamp is from a BoE-bot kit and the propeller is part of the Spinneret
Its sensor data from the PING))) Ultrasonic Sensor , the Hitachi H48C Tri-Axis Accelerometer Module and HMC6352 Compass Module - Discontinued
Do you already have transceivers? Many (most?) will work fine with either the Prop or the Basic Stamp.
What baud rate do you need/want?
How far do you need/want to transmit? Through walls, etc.?
I'll be using 8 bytes in string form
I have the discontinued 433MHz receiver and transmitter from parallax
I'm looking at about a 9600 baud rate
The transmission is through open air, so about 100ft would be just fine
The data is coming from the Ping))) ultrasonic, the tri-axis accelerometer, and the compass module
just to bring your attention to the matter
You should be fine. I think there is code to use the 433MHz devices for both the BS and the Prop.
You will want to decide if you'll send the data as raw values or if you'll convert them to ASCII characters first.
The receiving device cares about the format of the data (raw bytes? ASCII?) and the serial format (Baud/bits/stop bits), but doesn't care at all about what kind of device sent those data. I've sent data from Stamps to Props and vice-versa using both XBee and the standard 433 MHz Parallax transmitters/receivers (pre-transceiver) without any trouble.
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