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Robotics & Education

ercoerco Posts: 20,259
edited 2011-07-06 09:42 in Robotics
Obama Announces $70M Robotics Initiative:,2817,2387574,00.asp

$70M is a drop in the bucket, but a start...

And RoboFest (just passed, sorry) had Robot Camps (I thought Whit had the exclusive on Robot Camp!):

Robofest 2011 Summer Camps

L2Bot programming with Java - June 28 ~ 29, 9am ~4pm, M218 ($100, Free lunch provided).
For high school students who might be interested in learning more computer science. Some programming knowledge and experience required.
It is recommended to bring your own Laptop (PC, no Mac).
You may borrow an L2Bot after the camp for free if you plan to compete in Vision Centric Challenge during the Robofest 2012 season.
Camp Flyer
Sponsored by DENSO and TARDEC. To register email Use subject line: L2Bot camp.
RoboMath (including RoboParade and Exhibition techniques) - To register, send an email to Dr. Cartwright at This camp is sponsored by TARDEC.
For Coaches and Teachers with NXTG: June 24, 4 ~ 8pm, Lawrence Tech, Room: M218 (Free, bring your own NXT and laptop; pizza and pop will be provided)
(Full) For Students (5th ~ 12th grade) with NXTG: July 7, 10am ~ 3pm, ($20 per student, bring your lunch bag or $4 for pizza and pop/bottled water), Room M218
For Coaches and teachers with C programming language: July 11, 4 ~ 8pm, Lawrence Tech, Room: M210 (Free, bring your own NXT and laptop; pizza and pop will be provided)
For 8th~ 12th grade Students with C: July 14, 10am ~ 3pm, Room M218 ($20 per student, bring your lunch bag or $4 for pizza and pop/bottled water)
(Additional Camp) For Students (5th ~ 12th grade) with NXTG: July 22, 10am ~ 3pm, ($20 per student, bring your lunch bag or $4 for pizza and pop/bottled water), Room M218
Kalman filter algorithms - Tue., July 12, 9am ~ 4pm, Room: M213 (No fee, Free Lunch provided). For advanced High School students, coaches, teachers, college students; Sponsored by TARDEC. To register, email Use subject line: Kalman filter. (Flyer in PDF)
Android Mobile App Programming plus Lego NXT with LeJos - July 18 ~ 19. 9am ~ 4pm. Room: M210 (July 18), M218 (July 19). For high school students who might be interested in learning more computer science. To register email Use subject line: Android-NXT camp. Sponsored by Tardec.
Some programming knowledge and experience required.
Fee: $100 if you bring your Android phone (Android 2.1 or newer). $150 if do not have an Android Phone. Free lunch provided.
It is recommended to bring your laptop (PC) and Lego NXT.
Topics to be covered (tentative): How to setup Android Programming Environment using Eclipse; Basic Android Programming; Using sensors; Graphics; LeJos setup for NXTs; Basic LeJos programming; Bluetooth communication with NXTs; and Introduction to Android image and vision processing.
Camp Fee Payment: (1) Check payable to Lawrence Tech / Robofest,(2) Credit Card using PayPal, or (3) Cash on the first day of the camp. Receipts for cash will be issued.


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