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Multiple Props Projects List
Add your multiple Propeller Project here
Two Props Projects
Dr_Acula 2 props - DracBlade SBC
Bill Henning Morpheus - 2 props
Jazzed Propalyzer - 2 props piggyback
Obrien 2 props on a solderless breadboard
Ale 2 props, communicate via 4 bit parallel bus (Beau's 4-bit sync protocol)
kuroneko 2 props, RAMBlade 104MHz on demoboard (80MHz), 5Mb/s XLINK
Electricsmith 2 props hardwired on PCB with 2 lines connected between each
Humanoido 2-Prop-Experiment, 2 props, 1 PEK, 1 on same breadboard
Humanoido Spark 2, 2 props, 1 Proto Board & one in parallel
Humanoido PIGGY-TWINS, 2 props, one piggybacked on another
Humanoido Dueling Breadboards, 2 props, one on ea., f/interface tests
Humanoido BRAIN IN A JAR, 2 props, 1 breadboard, 1 jar
Clock Loop Prop Dual Big Boy, 2 props
Harley 2 props, requiring more than 32 I/Os and 8 cogs, the master Prop talks to another pcb with keypad and 7-segment + dp LEDs at one baud rate, and comm with 2nd Prop is at a higher rate. This is an attempt to replace some 55 TTL ICs.
nickL 2-prop Forth application
Three Props Projects
Cluso99 TriBlade - 3 props on a circuit board, props working discretely
Obrien 3 props stacking using Parallax Proto Boards
Obrien 3 props on a solderless breadboard
Christian 3 props
drohne235 The Hive Project - 3 props
Heater 3 props on a TriBlade
Clock Loop Prop BigBoy 3 props version
Duane Degn Multi Prop Laboratory – 3 props (2 wired + 1 wireless) Added new link!
Destructinator 3 props, 1 master + 2 slaves on a solderless breadboard
Loopy Byteloose 3 Propeller Stack
Four Props Projects
Clock Loop BlackBox Sequencer - 4 props
Obrien 4 props on a solderless breadboard
Obrien 4 props proto board stack
Humanoido Spark 4, Tiny Tim, 4 props, two proto boards w/2 props on ea
Five Props Projects
Obrien 5 props running off a single eeprom
kuroneko 5 props capacity, SpinStudio + 4 M-Modules + 1x1 PropMods
Clock Loop Prop BigBoy, 5 props version
Humanoido Spark 5, 5 props stacked Proto Boards, Spark 6 forerunner
Six Props Projects
Cluso99 SixBlade - 6 props with two boards
Humanoido Spark 6, 6 props 3 proto boards 2 props on ea, led to Spark 8
Seven Props Projects
Clock Loop Prop BigBoy, 7 props version
Mikediv Quasi-Prop Tower, 7 props version
Eight Props Projects
Obrien 3-dimensional Hypercube, 8 props, 32 cores @ 4 per chip
Jazzed OctoProp - 8 stacked props
Humanoido Spark 8, Tertiary ADJUNCT, 8 props 4 proto boards 2 props on ea
Nine Props Projects
Clock Loop Prop BigBoy, 9 props version
Ten Props Projects
Humanoido Propalot - 10 props on solderless breadboard
Humanoido Spark 10, 10 props, 5 proto boards, 10 props total
Humanoido TTB Test Bed of Ten, 10 props single board
Twelve Props Projects
Clock Loop 12 props, 3 black box sequencers in sync, each sequencer has 4 props
Humanoido Twelvenator, aka Board of Twelve, 12 props on green board
DaveJenson Test Station, 12 Props, 10 temp sensor boards talk to Master
Thirteen Props Projects
BTX 13 props, one master + 12 slaves, hand assembled boards
Yoichi NagashimaShizuoka U, 13 Props, Dodeca Prop, 2 displays, 12 video monitors in SUAC
Fifteen Props Projects
Humanoido UltraSpark 15, 15 props, interrupted stack Proto Bds, photo available
Seventeen Props Projects
BTX 17 props, One is: Master - Keyboard - Video Out - SD card reader. And 16 slaves.
Twenty Props Projects
Humanoido Tertiary 20, 20 props, 15 proto boards stacked 5 props, photos
Humanoido UltraSpark 20, 20 props stacked, photo, used for MLEPS
Humanoido Boe-Bot Brain Project, 20 props
Twenty-One Props Projects
Humanoido iBrain 21 Propeller boards, 168 Propeller Cogs, still growing
Twenty-Five Props Projects
Humanoido MLEPS Super Language Machine, 25 props
Twenty-Eight Props Projects
Clock Loop Prop BigBoy, 28 props on breadboards
Humanoido UltraSpark 40 Supermicrocontroller, 40 prop tower, 320 cores, 6,400/8,320 MIPS
Humanoido Boe-Bot Largest Brain 40 props, 321 processors total
Clock Loop
A machine with 1 master and 54 slaves, "432 cores, 1620 I/O, 150Kbps communication, word enumeration, 54 randomly generated IDs, To study the nature of randomness in a digital processor network using the same clock source, 54 prop chips were all connected to a master prop. I like having 1,620 I/O at my fingertips. To study the nature of randomness in a digital processor network using the same clock source, 54 prop chips were all connected to a master prop. The master prop holds the eeprom, and accepts prop plug input for memory/program download. The master prop controls the reset and clock lines for all 54 props. The master prop also sends all combinations of a word out broadcast to all 54 props that are connected bus network style.
When a slave prop sees its number broadcast on the bus line, it replys with the same number. Then the slave prop runs code depending on the number broadcast. Its possible to broadcast messages to all props, or single props, after the initial enumeration is done. Repeats are possible in any system that has reduced choices and increased speeds. If repeats are a worry, then a long sized variable should be used in the random ID generation. Enumeration of the Randomly generated ID's. Every step up in variable size reduces the speed that the whole system can communicate at due to more data being sent over the same speed pipe. The communicaiton speeds of the bus network can be increased with lower value resistors, but the power draw will increase, if the props are connected to the bus with lower values, one needs to adjust all other bus resistors in relation.
Having? You take 55 props, some programming (attached), a bag of 470 ohm resistors(500) (not attached), a 3.3v regulator (2A), a huge breadboard, wire, 57 leds. Using the Real Random object in the obex created by Chip Gracey. This object generates real random numbers by stimulating and tracking CTR PLL jitter. It requires one cog and at least 20MHz. 432 cores, 1,620 I/O, 64.8 A max peak draw - 10.8A continuous, @3.3v. 150kbps - communications using the same rx/tx lines for programming all 54 props. Word location enumeration of 54 randomly generated ID's"
Humanoido The Propeller Big Brain (Build time = 1 Year)
A working massive Machine Brain with over 100 Parallax Propeller chips. The Big Brain is simply a fun hobby project to run experiments and to play with endless possibilities. Over 16,000 MIPS, over 3,200 I/O ports. 3 Partitions - the 3rd is a Magic Partition - holds any number of props from 1 to 50, allows removal & loan to other projects.
Talk, sing, dream, learn, evolve, demonstrate Life, neurons, color TV, hearing, speech recognition, keyboard, mouse, two LCD displays, host boards, compatibility (Stamps, Props, PCs, Macs), with sound output, microphone input, stomach, Brain Base, Brain Spans, Brain Stem, EXOskeleton, runs multiple languages, has over 100 x 64K distributed RAM/ROM memory, LED enabled, crystal/EEPROM supported, Mac & PC support computers, 3 TeraByte hard drives, Neural Matter Injector syncs & load props in parallel. Developed ParaP, AtOnce, Enhanced Chip technology - do parallel-parallel operations, loading @ once, increase p^N & Injects 100,000 Simplex Neurons. Expanding Array. Created modest RTOS - handles cogs, loading, timing, neural matter distribution. Cloning tested. Executes all-chip-multi-enumeration in a second. Expanding Arrays. HYBRID interface (Serial Communications, Daisy Chain Token Ring Topology, Prop to Prop, Parallel), Automatic Enumerator, Waveform Filter reliability, circuits with No Parts Technology reduce cost.
Addendum: a medical doctor with the Human Genome Project has reviewed the Big Brain and is an advisor. Big Brain's children: Brain Child, Baby Brain, Bit Brain, and Brain in a Jar. Supporting Mac computer and AMD card add 724 more processors taking it into the TeraFLOPS region of computing power, just under PetaFlops. Big Brain Index:
Multiple Prop Designs, Works in Progress
Now reporting on evidenced projects
Michael O'Brien
OBrien Labs: Distributed Parallel Processing
"80 Parallax Propeller 8-core microcontroller based parallel processing computer in progress... And now we start the process of getting an 80 propeller chip / 640 core multiprocessor working. Why 640 cores? In early 2008 i became increasingly interested in hardware based parallelism. The majority of the design and defect issues we are seeing in enterprise software tools development involve concurrent processes and how to fully utilize available cores in existing and future systems. Parallization of software is a huge problem, i decided to approach this from the additional view of "bottom-up" engineering - by designing and writing "architecture-aware" simple systems to start.
A "base-case" architecture would initially do away with microprocessors all together and design a purely parallel machine with very simple cores - like a 1-bit symbolic ALU consisting of a few logic gates. We could realize this custom machine using standard (since the 70's) TTL HSCMOS chips or even a single FPGA. The parallizable algorithm of choice is cellular automata for a symbolic machine or the Mandelbrot set for a floating point machine - we will implement the 256 function/1-dimensional/2-state Wolfram CA in hardware for our first base case parallel machine. The PCAM implements a boolean function of 3 variables (left,center and right cells on a cell array) - this function has 2^2^n states or 256. This 8 bit byte fits very nicely in the 74 TTL logic family as a single 151/251 data selector can be used as the core of each ALU.
Before I start the process of designing modular 2-8 chip boards for a near production prototype - my workspace does not fit more than 40 breadboards on a what - a whiteboard. We will be encountering issues like power/voltage loading, parasitic capacitance, TTL-HSCMOS fanout and placing at least 4000 wires. Not to mention the hardest part of the process - the software. Here is part of our 80 propeller 640 core propeller multiprocessor prototype in progress - see you in a couple months. You can follow progress of the kilocore prototype on the blog."
Laser-Vector 2-props, establish wireless data link over long distance
Bigfoot computer designed physical cube of 6 SMT props - not built
Duane Degn Multi Prop Lab, 6 props (4 wired + 2 wireless), design only
Mctrivia CAD Designed a breakaway board for 8 SMT props
Obrien The photo at kilokore web site shows partial assembly of 68 props being wired on breadboards. We await more information and details. According to Obrien, he is using the techniques developed by Clock Loop.
Mctrivia propComputer, idea for 7 props on one board
Cluso99 - pcb, 10 x TriBlades count as 30 but never actually built. The TriBlade pcb was built as 2x5 panels of TriBlades and are broken apart later.
Cluso99 - pcb, 10 x RamBlades count as 10 but never actually operated. The RamBlade pcb was built as 2x5 panels of RamBlades and are broken apart after assembly.
Jazzed - multiprop pcb. IIRC, 30 prop pcbs on a panel
Bill Henning
Clock Loop
Duane Degn
Loopy Byteloose
Michael O'Brien
Nglordi (nickL)
Yoichi Nagashima
Add your multiple Propeller Project here
Two Props Projects
Dr_Acula 2 props - DracBlade SBC
Bill Henning Morpheus - 2 props
Jazzed Propalyzer - 2 props piggyback
Obrien 2 props on a solderless breadboard
Ale 2 props, communicate via 4 bit parallel bus (Beau's 4-bit sync protocol)
kuroneko 2 props, RAMBlade 104MHz on demoboard (80MHz), 5Mb/s XLINK
Electricsmith 2 props hardwired on PCB with 2 lines connected between each
Humanoido 2-Prop-Experiment, 2 props, 1 PEK, 1 on same breadboard
Humanoido Spark 2, 2 props, 1 Proto Board & one in parallel
Humanoido PIGGY-TWINS, 2 props, one piggybacked on another
Humanoido Dueling Breadboards, 2 props, one on ea., f/interface tests
Humanoido BRAIN IN A JAR, 2 props, 1 breadboard, 1 jar
Clock Loop Prop Dual Big Boy, 2 props
Harley 2 props, requiring more than 32 I/Os and 8 cogs, the master Prop talks to another pcb with keypad and 7-segment + dp LEDs at one baud rate, and comm with 2nd Prop is at a higher rate. This is an attempt to replace some 55 TTL ICs.
nickL 2-prop Forth application
Three Props Projects
Cluso99 TriBlade - 3 props on a circuit board, props working discretely
Obrien 3 props stacking using Parallax Proto Boards
Obrien 3 props on a solderless breadboard
Christian 3 props
drohne235 The Hive Project - 3 props
Heater 3 props on a TriBlade
Clock Loop Prop BigBoy 3 props version
Duane Degn Multi Prop Laboratory – 3 props (2 wired + 1 wireless) Added new link!
Destructinator 3 props, 1 master + 2 slaves on a solderless breadboard
Loopy Byteloose 3 Propeller Stack
Four Props Projects
Clock Loop BlackBox Sequencer - 4 props
Obrien 4 props on a solderless breadboard
Obrien 4 props proto board stack
Humanoido Spark 4, Tiny Tim, 4 props, two proto boards w/2 props on ea
Five Props Projects
Obrien 5 props running off a single eeprom
kuroneko 5 props capacity, SpinStudio + 4 M-Modules + 1x1 PropMods
Clock Loop Prop BigBoy, 5 props version
Humanoido Spark 5, 5 props stacked Proto Boards, Spark 6 forerunner
Six Props Projects
Cluso99 SixBlade - 6 props with two boards
Humanoido Spark 6, 6 props 3 proto boards 2 props on ea, led to Spark 8
Seven Props Projects
Clock Loop Prop BigBoy, 7 props version
Mikediv Quasi-Prop Tower, 7 props version
Eight Props Projects
Obrien 3-dimensional Hypercube, 8 props, 32 cores @ 4 per chip
Jazzed OctoProp - 8 stacked props
Humanoido Spark 8, Tertiary ADJUNCT, 8 props 4 proto boards 2 props on ea
Nine Props Projects
Clock Loop Prop BigBoy, 9 props version
Ten Props Projects
Humanoido Propalot - 10 props on solderless breadboard
Humanoido Spark 10, 10 props, 5 proto boards, 10 props total
Humanoido TTB Test Bed of Ten, 10 props single board
Twelve Props Projects
Clock Loop 12 props, 3 black box sequencers in sync, each sequencer has 4 props
Humanoido Twelvenator, aka Board of Twelve, 12 props on green board
DaveJenson Test Station, 12 Props, 10 temp sensor boards talk to Master
Thirteen Props Projects
BTX 13 props, one master + 12 slaves, hand assembled boards
Yoichi NagashimaShizuoka U, 13 Props, Dodeca Prop, 2 displays, 12 video monitors in SUAC
Fifteen Props Projects
Humanoido UltraSpark 15, 15 props, interrupted stack Proto Bds, photo available
Seventeen Props Projects
BTX 17 props, One is: Master - Keyboard - Video Out - SD card reader. And 16 slaves.
Twenty Props Projects
Humanoido Tertiary 20, 20 props, 15 proto boards stacked 5 props, photos
Humanoido UltraSpark 20, 20 props stacked, photo, used for MLEPS
Humanoido Boe-Bot Brain Project, 20 props
Twenty-One Props Projects
Humanoido iBrain 21 Propeller boards, 168 Propeller Cogs, still growing
Twenty-Five Props Projects
Humanoido MLEPS Super Language Machine, 25 props
Twenty-Eight Props Projects
Clock Loop Prop BigBoy, 28 props on breadboards
Humanoido UltraSpark 40 Supermicrocontroller, 40 prop tower, 320 cores, 6,400/8,320 MIPS
Humanoido Boe-Bot Largest Brain 40 props, 321 processors total
Clock Loop
A machine with 1 master and 54 slaves, "432 cores, 1620 I/O, 150Kbps communication, word enumeration, 54 randomly generated IDs, To study the nature of randomness in a digital processor network using the same clock source, 54 prop chips were all connected to a master prop. I like having 1,620 I/O at my fingertips. To study the nature of randomness in a digital processor network using the same clock source, 54 prop chips were all connected to a master prop. The master prop holds the eeprom, and accepts prop plug input for memory/program download. The master prop controls the reset and clock lines for all 54 props. The master prop also sends all combinations of a word out broadcast to all 54 props that are connected bus network style.
When a slave prop sees its number broadcast on the bus line, it replys with the same number. Then the slave prop runs code depending on the number broadcast. Its possible to broadcast messages to all props, or single props, after the initial enumeration is done. Repeats are possible in any system that has reduced choices and increased speeds. If repeats are a worry, then a long sized variable should be used in the random ID generation. Enumeration of the Randomly generated ID's. Every step up in variable size reduces the speed that the whole system can communicate at due to more data being sent over the same speed pipe. The communicaiton speeds of the bus network can be increased with lower value resistors, but the power draw will increase, if the props are connected to the bus with lower values, one needs to adjust all other bus resistors in relation.
Having? You take 55 props, some programming (attached), a bag of 470 ohm resistors(500) (not attached), a 3.3v regulator (2A), a huge breadboard, wire, 57 leds. Using the Real Random object in the obex created by Chip Gracey. This object generates real random numbers by stimulating and tracking CTR PLL jitter. It requires one cog and at least 20MHz. 432 cores, 1,620 I/O, 64.8 A max peak draw - 10.8A continuous, @3.3v. 150kbps - communications using the same rx/tx lines for programming all 54 props. Word location enumeration of 54 randomly generated ID's"
Humanoido The Propeller Big Brain (Build time = 1 Year)
A working massive Machine Brain with over 100 Parallax Propeller chips. The Big Brain is simply a fun hobby project to run experiments and to play with endless possibilities. Over 16,000 MIPS, over 3,200 I/O ports. 3 Partitions - the 3rd is a Magic Partition - holds any number of props from 1 to 50, allows removal & loan to other projects.
Talk, sing, dream, learn, evolve, demonstrate Life, neurons, color TV, hearing, speech recognition, keyboard, mouse, two LCD displays, host boards, compatibility (Stamps, Props, PCs, Macs), with sound output, microphone input, stomach, Brain Base, Brain Spans, Brain Stem, EXOskeleton, runs multiple languages, has over 100 x 64K distributed RAM/ROM memory, LED enabled, crystal/EEPROM supported, Mac & PC support computers, 3 TeraByte hard drives, Neural Matter Injector syncs & load props in parallel. Developed ParaP, AtOnce, Enhanced Chip technology - do parallel-parallel operations, loading @ once, increase p^N & Injects 100,000 Simplex Neurons. Expanding Array. Created modest RTOS - handles cogs, loading, timing, neural matter distribution. Cloning tested. Executes all-chip-multi-enumeration in a second. Expanding Arrays. HYBRID interface (Serial Communications, Daisy Chain Token Ring Topology, Prop to Prop, Parallel), Automatic Enumerator, Waveform Filter reliability, circuits with No Parts Technology reduce cost.
Addendum: a medical doctor with the Human Genome Project has reviewed the Big Brain and is an advisor. Big Brain's children: Brain Child, Baby Brain, Bit Brain, and Brain in a Jar. Supporting Mac computer and AMD card add 724 more processors taking it into the TeraFLOPS region of computing power, just under PetaFlops. Big Brain Index:
Multiple Prop Designs, Works in Progress
Now reporting on evidenced projects
Michael O'Brien
OBrien Labs: Distributed Parallel Processing
"80 Parallax Propeller 8-core microcontroller based parallel processing computer in progress... And now we start the process of getting an 80 propeller chip / 640 core multiprocessor working. Why 640 cores? In early 2008 i became increasingly interested in hardware based parallelism. The majority of the design and defect issues we are seeing in enterprise software tools development involve concurrent processes and how to fully utilize available cores in existing and future systems. Parallization of software is a huge problem, i decided to approach this from the additional view of "bottom-up" engineering - by designing and writing "architecture-aware" simple systems to start.
A "base-case" architecture would initially do away with microprocessors all together and design a purely parallel machine with very simple cores - like a 1-bit symbolic ALU consisting of a few logic gates. We could realize this custom machine using standard (since the 70's) TTL HSCMOS chips or even a single FPGA. The parallizable algorithm of choice is cellular automata for a symbolic machine or the Mandelbrot set for a floating point machine - we will implement the 256 function/1-dimensional/2-state Wolfram CA in hardware for our first base case parallel machine. The PCAM implements a boolean function of 3 variables (left,center and right cells on a cell array) - this function has 2^2^n states or 256. This 8 bit byte fits very nicely in the 74 TTL logic family as a single 151/251 data selector can be used as the core of each ALU.
Before I start the process of designing modular 2-8 chip boards for a near production prototype - my workspace does not fit more than 40 breadboards on a what - a whiteboard. We will be encountering issues like power/voltage loading, parasitic capacitance, TTL-HSCMOS fanout and placing at least 4000 wires. Not to mention the hardest part of the process - the software. Here is part of our 80 propeller 640 core propeller multiprocessor prototype in progress - see you in a couple months. You can follow progress of the kilocore prototype on the blog."
Laser-Vector 2-props, establish wireless data link over long distance
Bigfoot computer designed physical cube of 6 SMT props - not built
Duane Degn Multi Prop Lab, 6 props (4 wired + 2 wireless), design only
Mctrivia CAD Designed a breakaway board for 8 SMT props
Obrien The photo at kilokore web site shows partial assembly of 68 props being wired on breadboards. We await more information and details. According to Obrien, he is using the techniques developed by Clock Loop.
Mctrivia propComputer, idea for 7 props on one board
Cluso99 - pcb, 10 x TriBlades count as 30 but never actually built. The TriBlade pcb was built as 2x5 panels of TriBlades and are broken apart later.
Cluso99 - pcb, 10 x RamBlades count as 10 but never actually operated. The RamBlade pcb was built as 2x5 panels of RamBlades and are broken apart after assembly.
Jazzed - multiprop pcb. IIRC, 30 prop pcbs on a panel
Bill Henning
Clock Loop
Duane Degn
Loopy Byteloose
Michael O'Brien
Nglordi (nickL)
Yoichi Nagashima