Hack-A-Week Propeller Development Robot
Check this out on Hack-A-Week - http://hackaweek.com/hacks/?p=233
This is his first Propeller based robot and uses Roomba parts. Looks like we have a convert!
Looks like Roy Eltham gave him some tips too.
This is his first Propeller based robot and uses Roomba parts. Looks like we have a convert!
Looks like Roy Eltham gave him some tips too.
doggiedoc sent him that board too. So it was a concerted effort!
Also, MakerDino streams his work a lot on ustream, so you can watch him build and test the Hack-A-Week stuff. Follow him on Twitter, he posts on there when he is live.
With twins & wife & work & doing my own thing, there is no Twitter. There is no ustream.
There is only plywood and relays.
And yet you still have time to carry away some beutiful woman on some forbidden planet...
Happy Fourth, Pal!
Back at cha, Bro!
I should remind him it's a loaner! He seems to really like it. What's that old saying? "Possession is nine tenths of the law."
Judging by Dino's post - I think you are in trouble...