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Searching OBJ files for BST — Parallax Forums

Searching OBJ files for BST

TectuTectu Posts: 22
edited 2011-07-05 09:22 in General Discussion
Hello dear community,

I got two PropellerPlatformUSB from GadgetGangster and I have to say, that I really like the Propeller chip.

I just have one problem: I am a Linux user and I use BST (really nice tool). I can write, compile and run simple programms like a LED blinker without any trouble.
Now I tried to use objects like the PST and SDFAT. When I compiled, I got an error that the compiler cannot find the object. I googled a little bit and found the website. I searched for the PST but I couldn't find anything from Parallax (I could find some 3Party software).
How can I get the Parallax objects?

Greez Tectu


  • TectuTectu Posts: 22
    edited 2011-07-04 07:38
    €dit: This is the exact Compiler error:
    test(11,11) Error: Unable to locate object

    Any ideas?

  • $WMc%$WMc% Posts: 1,884
    edited 2011-07-04 07:54
    bst uses its own serial terminal. Its under VIEW in the tool bar above left. In the VIEW pop-up window select serial terminal at the bottom.
  • John AbshierJohn Abshier Posts: 1,116
    edited 2011-07-04 07:55
    PST is located here

    Some files that you may need are included in the Propeller Tool library. I get them by installing the Propeller Tool.

    John Abshier
  • TectuTectu Posts: 22
    edited 2011-07-04 08:06
    Its working now!

    I searched for the wrong thing. I have all the files now and it is working.

    Is there any Library for Linux, without an .exe? I mean just a zip archive with all the files in it.

    Thanks for your help!

  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,667
    edited 2011-07-04 09:17
    Tectu, welcome to the forums and to the propeller. As far as I know, there is no separate zip file that contains all of the library programs that accompany the propeller tool windows install. I use bst mostly too, on a mac, and it is the same issue. I wish Parallax had a link to those files on the web page without having to take the extra steps to run the exe. The Prop manual and data sheet however are available as separate downloads. The bst manual is found on Brad's web site.
  • TectuTectu Posts: 22
    edited 2011-07-04 12:20
    Thanks for the welcomming words, Tracy Allen.

    But where is the problem, to create a zip archive with these files? I think it wouldn't be a big problem for Parallax?

    Or maybe some other guy from here who is using windows could zip all the files. I think they have to be stored at the same place as .spin on windows too?

    Greez Tectu
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,667
    edited 2011-07-05 09:22
    bst gives you more flexibility about where to put the library files. You do that using the bst menu, the compiler preferences item. That is a list of search paths, so when looking for an OBJ, the compiler first searches your working directory, then the paths that are named in the list, in order, and uses the first instance of the OBJ that it finds. So, you can create working directories for different projects, and then below that a separate directory for your favorite or special OBJs, and below that the standard library(ies). You also manually configure the directory paths that will appear on the sidebar for file selection (bst/IDE Preferences). That list for example can include the library direcory(ies), a directory with subfolders if necessary for you own projects, and a directory for all the interesting projects and OBJs that catch your interest here.
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