I have been playing with 12Blocks, and it is a rather fascinating language in that it can be used to teach youngsters and novices programming in a fairly easy manner. The added benefit is that 12Blocks can be used with a number of processors, including the Prop.
On the negative side, 12Blocks lacks documentation. Someone has done a YuTube presentation of the language, albeit in a rather poor manner. I have started writing a detailed workbook about 12Blocks, and the developer of the language promised to help me. I will let you know as soon as the workbook is complete.
I strongly recommend you try the trial version (www.12Blocks.com). I am confident you will be pleased, Currently I use 12Blocks with a couple of PICAXE processors and the Parallax Demo board.
On the negative side, 12Blocks lacks documentation. Someone has done a YuTube presentation of the language, albeit in a rather poor manner. I have started writing a detailed workbook about 12Blocks, and the developer of the language promised to help me. I will let you know as soon as the workbook is complete.
I strongly recommend you try the trial version (www.12Blocks.com). I am confident you will be pleased, Currently I use 12Blocks with a couple of PICAXE processors and the Parallax Demo board.
http://onerobot.org/education.html 25page+19page downloads+video written by post-doc
http://12blocks.com/tutorial.pdf 35 pages with >20 activities
http://12blocks.com/videos.php several videos
http://12blocks.com/manual.pdf 29 page manual- yes, this is outdated...
The cmd.xml is the key to this. This is the code and not documentation per se, but its kind of fun.
The resources currently focus on the Propeller- in particular the DemoBoard. However, I've lately supported other platforms like Nick's GadgetGangster and beta support for other processors like PICAXE, Arduino and Lego Mindstorm NXT. Lots of good stuff coming soon!
Jeff- awesome job on your Instructables- my wife loves the quilt setup!
Prof_braino- I'm very impressed with PropForth- let me know if you need anything- if not have fun with cmd.xml!
I'd like to count your projects as awesome applications!
I meant "development platforms"- things designed for other people to build on top of.
But who knowns, maybe everyone will base their propeller projects on a laser guitar mounted on a shark's head?
Ooooh, you just gave me an AWESOME idea!
I said something, and Heater went off and got wrapped up in Zog. I still don't know what it was. :-)