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LCD Display Questions

piguy101piguy101 Posts: 248
edited 2011-06-30 17:50 in General Discussion
I am planning on buying this LCD display, but before I do, I have three questions.

The LCD display comes in three Baud Rates, I would like to know how fast the BS2 can send characters in the three rates. i.e. How many characters per second can it send?

On the data sheet of the display it appears you can use the SEROUT command and directly send characters by typing them, not just by using the special hex codes for letters. Is this correct?

Say I have a changing variable and I want to send it to the LCD every second, how do I do this?


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2011-06-30 15:56
    Any of the BS2 Stamps can send 2400 or 9600 Baud. Most of the Stamps (BS2sx, BS2p series) can send 19,200 Baud, but is flakey receiving at that speed. The BS2px normally uses 19,200 Baud for debugging, both output and input. There are 10 bits per character, so the speeds are 240, 960, and 1920 characters per second although the actual speed is slightly slower due to overhead in setting up the next character for transmission.

    What do you mean by "typing them"? If you want to embed constant strings in your program to display on the LCD, sure. The chapter in the Stamp Manual on the SEROUT statement gives examples of this.

    You will need a SEROUT statement that selects a row and column on the display and outputs the variable value (using the DECn formatter ... See the Stamp Manual for details). Then you have to execute this SEROUT each time a second goes by or each time the variable value changes. It depends on your program and what you're trying to do.
  • piguy101piguy101 Posts: 248
    edited 2011-06-30 17:50
    Well thank you. I believe that answers my questions; I got mixed up on question 2.
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