That was very interesting. I don't understand how they can plate copper on bare circuit board material (inside the drilled holes) with their "electroless process." From all that I've read and seen you need a conducting surface to plate material onto or use some other plating method like evaporative plating. I guess I've got some googling to do.
Thanks for the post, Phil. But you should point out that this is the way SOME PCB's are made, its very important to point out that MOST are still grown the old-fashioned way in the hills outside of Hong Kong.
That was real cool to see
That was very interesting. I don't understand how they can plate copper on bare circuit board material (inside the drilled holes) with their "electroless process." From all that I've read and seen you need a conducting surface to plate material onto or use some other plating method like evaporative plating. I guess I've got some googling to do.
Here's an example of automation the "old way":
Ah, I don't think that was mentioned/noticed.
Now it makes sense.