Suggestions, please, for some helpful books regarding applying for patents.
Concerning the application process involving patents and the process of same said procedures mentioned herein: hereby requesting suggestions henceforth from any and all persons who might possess or knowingly know the possession of knowledge or knowledges concerning the patent process as it is practiced today under the jurisdiction of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, henceforth referred to as The Death Star.
This is one are where turning to an attorney may be the best course. I know nothing of the patent process except it seems rife with peril.
Thanks, local.
Makes me wonder if anyone here has ever completed a DIY patent and had to deal with it in court or otherwise later on. The foreign aspects of it are especially troubling. "Oh, buhcause you filed fawrm 235567a online 22 seconds before fawrm 688884h, that means the Chinese can make up to 100000 units a year and sell them in the US royalty free, and if the same Chinese don't turn a profit on them within 30 days, then you will owe them $50,000..."
Every time I think of having to deal with lawyers, I always imagine I'm going face to face with this guy: