Possible power change in the US may (probably will) affect many clock projects.....

This seems like a really bad idea to me. I know it will break several clock projects I've built over the years (at least 4 of them) and it sounds like it will cause issues in other projects as well.......
Any thoughts?
Any thoughts?
Are the affected clocks a bad tradeoff for energy that's more reliable and less expensive to produce? I personally don't think so.
:blank: the :blank:.....>:swear: The stars " * " are what I can not say on this forum
I know that enough of that
Here is some thing where a few company are going to make a lot of money selling NEW clock
I had enough of electric company just doing what ever ...............>
The only thing they want to do away with is to correct the accumulated error.
So clocks that count zero crossover ticks will not be that accurate.
So give an official 2yr warning to engineers to stop using this technic,
and that they need to switch to RTC ic's and coin cell battery.
Pro:They don't start blinking 12:00 when power goes out.
Con: Not as accurate as the 60hz (error corrected) power grid.
Yup, I'm good to go! Power grid, knock yourself out with any frequency you want!!
P.S. I just noticed this is my 100th post. Glad they just count quantity and not quality! Star party at my house tonight!!!
Since it says the West coast would run 8 minutes fast and I am always 5 minutes behind, I'll start being on time!
to keep the daily ticks to an exact number.
Short term is not so accurate, as this pic shows ppm error over a 17minute span
My Cell phone - 2 Years life
My Super fancy internet time server - 4 years life left when we all move to IPv6
My WWVB wall clock - 5 years when it falls off the wall and drops to the floor one more time
My stash of DS1302's they could be 10years old now - If only they were more accurate
My Synchronous motor clock radio now 30 years old - Well it still keeps time
My westclock baby ben wind up - ok it's a pain but it will last longer than me
My grandfather clock - actually worth repairing in 50 years
Think of all the access controls/alarm systems that use the 60-Hz zero-crossing to keep track of the time and date for scheduling. We get complaints if the time is off by the least amount. Just think -- your company's system is scheduled to disarm and unlock the doors at 7:59 A.M. One day, the employees can't get in until 8:01, or 8:15. Or the system arms not at 5:00 P.M., but at 4:48, and the moving employees trip the PIR alarms, but are locked in until the cops come. Your company gets hit with a huge fine for a false alarm.
Freakin' lovely.
I really hope that the power company think a lot about all the trouble they are going to cause with this idea
I certainly wouldn't use a clock radio which relies on being connected to the power grid.. useless, in my opinion. At least if you wish to wake up at the right time even if there was a power flicker last night..
Because of the 60Hz timing of the AC power many of the clock circuits are extremely simple. Here are some examples:
You will be surprised to learn that most traffic light controllers in Norway and all of Scandinavia use the mains frequency to keep time. In many cases they do at least get a time update from a central system every night.
So the question is, what all out there relies on this?
Think of all those industrial and business controls and gizmos. Elevator controls in high-rises might send the cars to certain floors at certain times. Many businesses get lower electric rates during "off-peak" hours. Tons of timers and controls out there to turn things off/on at certain times. And "Time of Use" electric meters need to know what time it is. I would imagine many of those might use 60 Hz as a time base.
This is like the Y2K problem. No one knows what all legacy stuff is out there which relies on an accurate 60 Hz??? Any electronic test equipment use this?
The utility can correct the power factor in a bad area and use a lot less power there. But they can still charge you the full uncorrected power factor rate and make some really good profits from this.
It just depends on where they put the rev-anew meter.Up stream of the correction or down stream. Where would you put the meter if the money was going into you bank account?
So now you know the rest of the story.
A large percentage of the equipment I look after uses the 60Hz as a time base so it may be affected. Most run a set of standards first and test results are relative to the standards so I suspect any effect will be very minor as long as there are no frequency changes during the run.
1 – The power grids have a number of alternators providing power to the grid in parallel. In order to do that they must all be synchronized. Any alternator attempting to run faster or slower than the rest will attempt to either drive or be driven by the others.
2 – As a result of # 1 all the alternators on the grid need to change frequency in synchrony. This means any changes in speed will happen over a long period of time.
3 – A lot of equipment connected to the grid has been designed to run at 60Hz, and will not run as well at frequencies that vary much from that.
4 – To maintain close to 60Hz over the long term will still require adjusting the frequency (rpm) of the alternators once they move far enough from 60Hz.
20 minutes per year is only a variation of 0.22831%. Other than clocks and other equipment that derives their timing from the 60Hz line this should not be a problem as long as the short term frequency does not vary much from 60Hz.
(When was the last time you saw an UPS that had a guarranteed accurate 50 or 60Hz output?)