TimeStamp Display on FullDepluxSerial
I am trying to get a time stamp from the timestamp object and display it through FullDepluxSerial
I did something like this:
Time: "Timestamp"
Serial: "FullDuplexSerial
I know that "time.start(0,0,0)" starts the clock at 0 minutes, 0 seconds and 0 milliseconds.
I know that in order to call for the time, I do something like this:
Here are my questions:
1. I think @minutes contains (minutes,seconds,milliseconds), it contains 3 values at once. Is that correct?
2. If I was correct with the above assumption, how would I display the values of minutes, seconds and milliseconds on the FullDuplexSerial? Something like "2 15 123"??? What would be the correct code?
I tried "serial.dec(@minutes)",but it did not work for me. My understanding it is calling the address and displaying the integers????
Any suggestions? What did I do wrong and how would I fix it?
I have attached the timestamp and fulldepluxserial SPIN files.
Thank you
I did something like this:
Time: "Timestamp"
Serial: "FullDuplexSerial
I know that "time.start(0,0,0)" starts the clock at 0 minutes, 0 seconds and 0 milliseconds.
I know that in order to call for the time, I do something like this:
Here are my questions:
1. I think @minutes contains (minutes,seconds,milliseconds), it contains 3 values at once. Is that correct?
2. If I was correct with the above assumption, how would I display the values of minutes, seconds and milliseconds on the FullDuplexSerial? Something like "2 15 123"??? What would be the correct code?
I tried "serial.dec(@minutes)",but it did not work for me. My understanding it is calling the address and displaying the integers????
Any suggestions? What did I do wrong and how would I fix it?
I have attached the timestamp and fulldepluxserial SPIN files.
Thank you

Thank you for the quick reply Mike.
Since your problem is solved, you should edit your original post. You'll need to "Go Advanced" and then you should have access to the little pull-down widow with "Solved" and "Unsolved".
Leaving the thread "Unsolved" makes it look like you didn't get the help you wanted (at least it looks that way to me).
BTW, Welcome to the forums.