Communication Between Labview and Propeller Chip
I am trying to gather all my data from the Propeller Chip and import it to Labview for display and calculation.
What files or settings do I need to change for Labview in order to receive the information?
Can anyone give me suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
What files or settings do I need to change for Labview in order to receive the information?
Can anyone give me suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
I know a little bit about that some of the SPIN programs output the data and display it on the parallax serial terminal through the object "fullduplexserial"
I wonder if there is an object or something, or anything I can do so the data from the propeller can go and load into Labview.
Any advice?
Thanks Very much.
Take a look at this link, it helped me a lot when I was getting started.
Great Files!
I am successfully using propeller based hardware with
Labview every day both on PC and Mac. If you could give a
little more detail about your setup maybe I can help you along.
Can you post the code you were trying to use?
What is your propeller hardware?
What version of Labview are you using?
Best regards,