Here's a good summary of what SparkFun and Google are doing in terms of Android support for hardware hacking. A Propeller could certainly be made to interface to one of these evolving interface APIs.
Very nice. I would love to be able to use my Nook Color as a remote for my Stingray. I think an Android app that is a very basic remote control paired with a simple robot controller style board could be used in a ton of ways.
I don't understand what all the hoopla is about for these development boards. First of all you need to be plugged into them from your Android device (cell phone or tablet) in order for them to work. I would much rather develop with a wireless Android solution (bluetooth or wi-fi) which to me makes much more sense.
I have a propeller based vending machine interface that I designed that utilizes wireless connectivity to an Android device. The hardest part was writing the Android code to communicate with it.
I have a propeller based vending machine interface that I designed that utilizes wireless connectivity to an Android device. The hardest part was writing the Android code to communicate with it.