A strange email about UPEC, which I'm not attending
I got an email from Eventbrite for UPEC, including a link to tickets that I ordered, even though I didn't order any!
Is this a known problem? Has anyone else gotten tickets that they didn't order? The only reason I'm posting about this is because I might throw off Jeff's planned attendance. It claims I ordered them January of last year, which is probably when I ordered ones for UPEC 2010!
Here is the PDF with the tickets that they sent me: http://microcontrolled.com/UPEC-tickets.pdf
Is this a known problem? Has anyone else gotten tickets that they didn't order? The only reason I'm posting about this is because I might throw off Jeff's planned attendance. It claims I ordered them January of last year, which is probably when I ordered ones for UPEC 2010!
Here is the PDF with the tickets that they sent me: http://microcontrolled.com/UPEC-tickets.pdf
One saying I ordered on Jan 17, 2010 (Type: UPEC 2010 Propeller Expo) - obviously last year.
One saying I ordered on Mar 18, 2011 (Type: Adult Ticket) - this year.
I'm a little confused about the email addresses they were sent to because they were different. And one of them was the one I just used to register for UPENE. I thought maybe it was confusing UPENE and UPEC and somehow I had registered twice for UPEC. But I didn't look at the actual tickets before and one obviously shows it is from last year.
I have no idea how you received a ticket from the system, except that someone signed you up. That someone wasn't me.
We tried to recycled the eventbright subdomain "UPEC.eventbright.com" this year, which worked, but was problematic. You'll noticed we did not do that with UPENE (opened this morning) So having the historic tickets won't be a problem.
Anyone who has any issues with the ticket system, or needs to confirm themselves is more than welcome to contact me. I had a few just double check and that is fine.
I ordered 2 tickets for UPEC 2011
This morning I received 4 reminders( and printable tickets). 2 for this year , 2 for last year.
Looks like this is well known to Jeff and is under control.
Time to start packing for the trip.
I have a knack for finding ways to glitch software... Just ask some of the object programmers here..