End of Life: Tesla Roadster

Oops. No demand for a hot rod electric roadster! I guess the Prius guys and their quest for efficiency went and ruined it for everybody.
Oops. No demand for a hot rod electric roadster! I guess the Prius guys and their quest for efficiency went and ruined it for everybody.
I saw one in Greenville, SC. It was fast and eerie quite
I think the Prius had absolutely nothing to do with it. Tesla Roadster buyers, and Prius buyers are two completely different types of people. The Roadster is for the rich and to prove a point, and a very nice point it made
I saw the Top Gear episode on the Tesla... I was quite impressed
He set a distance record going across the Australian outback of 313 miles off a single charge.
He's also a glider pilot, and used 'cresting' techniques to attain the longer range.
Of course, they needed to also carry a diesel generator on a truck across the outback to charge it en route
Strange move, give they are not shipping any alternative.
It makes no marketing or brand sense, so maybe there are technical reasons for this ?
I like the idea but even this cost a lot of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to
Is there something that would not break the bank
At 75k miles it's still running strong.
From what I've seen so far the Chevy Volt may be almost as good as the Prius.
1650 hand built cars is pretty impressive.
Tesla stopped building the Roadster to focus on building the next car, a Sedan.