Propeller and I-Pad 2
Is it possible to program the Propeller using an I-Pad. Is there a Windows Emulator App for the I-Pad that would allow the propeller development software to be loaded?
Thanks for your input.
Thanks for your input.
I'm pretty sure the answers to your questions are no and no.
The nearest thing would be to use VNC to remotely control a PC using the ipad.
You'd have to wifi out of the iPad to a piece of wifi to serial hardware, ( maybe one of these or something which then goes to pins 30,31 to be able to program it, then you'd need to write be an iOS developer, and be able to write apps to run on iOS, and you'd have to convert propellent.exe to run on iOS and also you'd have to convert a spin/PASM compiler to run on iOS.
but yeah it's possible, you'd have you're work cut out though, as it's not been done before, although a lot of the hard work has been done, there are various compilers that work, sphinx is done on prop, which will compile also, so you could convert that to run on iOS, which would build a note document file, and convert it to a binary, and send it via wifi to the serial device above ( or similar ) and viola
I may be wrong, but I think it's possible, anyone feel free to correct me.
As Baggers mentioned, someone will still need to develop the software on the Ipad end. A tablet version of 12Blocks might be nice.
As everyone else has already mentioned, to program in SPIN and send hex files to the Prop, you need to write an APP which means IOS development. It probably wouldn't get into the App store and would also need a hardware interface (unless the USB adapter for the iPad would work) - still, it's a significant task to get something like this done and approved and into the App store.
As far as getting serial on the ipad, there is an accessory called the 'ipad camera connection kit' that allows USB accessories to be plugged into the ipad. People have used this to connect devices like USB audio DACs. Would be interesting to plug the prop plug into it and see if it's recognized as a serial port on the ipad (assuming the ipad even recognizes serial ports).
Still, someone needs to write a serial App that will talk to something connected on the USB port. I haven't found anything in the App Store that sounds like it would do that.
One more thing to investigate and play with!
Another way would be Bluetooth, but apple doesn't like people to talk Bluetooth either. Android would be a lot better for this, especially with the hardware development kits that came out.
And the keyboard provided by iSSH is not better, it is just a kludge
You could just use the prop alone with Sphinx
The propforth over telnet method has the advantage that you are only sending source code text characters to the prop. The interpreter running on prop build the executable image into RAM by itself, without relying on the host. To save the updates image is one command (saveforth); so you don't need to transfer the entire image over the host-target link, this reduces risk of transmission errors.
Also, your prop could be (almost) anywhere in the world, and your prop could be (almost) anywhere in the world (with an Ethernet connection), and it works pretty much the same as when plugged directly into your PC. A developer in Vancouver debugged a prop in Chicago in under 30 seconds, much of the time was spent was tell him the IP address.
But if you have have an extra monitor and and extra keyboard, and power, and space; you could use sphinx. But as Mike said, it is not package this way you would have to modify it.
An alternative would be to use the existing Jupiter ACE propforth, which makes the Demoboard or C3 configurations self hosting programming development station, as works on install. Jupiter ACE has not been brought up to the current release, so does not enjoy SD support for another month or so.
Thanks for the advice. I was considering an I-Pad for some other applications that my wife and I are interested in as the intent is to replace the old laptop I'm currently using. We have other entertainment devices that have apps that allow the I-pad to sync with them to provide more functionality to the device, but if I can't easily work with my Prop stuff then I'll look at something else.
Again Thank you so much for all the input!!!
You have to be a licensed app developer to be considered.
You can't even write and install something on your own personal device without paying them for the privilege. I believe it doesn't cost anything to develop the application but you can't install it without becoming "official."
If you pay them $100 to become certified, you can register iDevices and load your code on the registerd iDevices.
When you have your pride and joy working and spotless, you can submit it to the App Store and hopefully get approved to have it available through the store to the general public. (Assuming you've followed all the rules for Apps).
Becoming a certified HARDWARE developer is similar but the rules are stricter. (plus, I think it's another $100)
As an ipad-2 owner myself, I find that the device falls much short of a laptop in convenience and capability. I generally wouldn't consider doing any serious work on it. On the other hand, it's fun to play games, websurf from bed, type in short emails, makes an awesome music player, and sports a better interface to my Tivo than the Tivo itself has.
How about 12Blocks for Android? Lots of drag-and-drop makes sense on the touchscreen (moreso than typing Spin code). USB or wifi connection to the Propeller should work ok. I've never checked to see if there are Android drivers for FTDI USB chips.
That, and PropScope/ViewPort is why I bought it...
Even though I'm pretty much a Mac user, I can't stand Apple's closed, for-pay dev. environment nor the proprietary connectors for their portable devices, so I can't speak to that.
For wheel-recreators, here is some discussion of driving FTDI USB chips, but you need to root the android platform: