New To VGA. [Help Greatly Needed]
I am just starting to work with VGA on the Propeller chip and i need help... 
I need just a basic library in which i will be able to set the output and (R,G,B) value of a given (X,Y) pixel.
Could someone please refer me to such a library.
Working Resolution of 1024x768 OR 800x600

I need just a basic library in which i will be able to set the output and (R,G,B) value of a given (X,Y) pixel.
Could someone please refer me to such a library.
Working Resolution of 1024x768 OR 800x600
So the question is, what sort of display do you want to build and can you build it within the limitations of any of the existing drivers, or one that might be reasonable to build?
So unless you come up with a realtime scan routine of the x-y data to be displayed.
You will have to settle for 320x200 in one color.
I am making a simple robotics field where there will be an LCD screen setup to show the score, whole thing run by Propeller chips. I need to be able to show in the upper half two large scores, Numbers between 0 and 9, and in the lower half of the screen show various system information, battery charging rates, voltages, etc.. of the robots on the field. is this at all possible? If not the large numbers are the priority. Thanks.
p.s. Pixilation is ok xD
You can use "Graphics.spin" to set pixels in a bitmap area of the screen.
But, you can't cover the whole screen with these special graphics tiles.
It sounds like maybe you only need graphics on a portion of the screen.
So my answer to the earlier question may help you too:
It has a small graphics area.
Also, at the bottom of this page:
I've made some notes on how to move and resize that graphics area...
Going from XGA to SXGA is fairly straightforward although there is a diffence (as I recall) on how the tile area is encoded.
In one case the color bits are on the right side and in the other case the color bits are on the left side...