Faster EEPROM Booting?
I've been looking at the Propeller Datasheet. It seems the state of P31 has an effect on boot time by 1/3rd second which is fairly substantial in boot time terms for stand-alone operation.
I've attached a weak pull down to P31, and have had no problems working with the device stand-alone or using a PC for programming.
1. Are there any possible unwanted effects in pulling P31 low?
2. Are there good reasons to consider pulling P31 high?
I've been looking at the Propeller Datasheet. It seems the state of P31 has an effect on boot time by 1/3rd second which is fairly substantial in boot time terms for stand-alone operation.
I've attached a weak pull down to P31, and have had no problems working with the device stand-alone or using a PC for programming.
1. Are there any possible unwanted effects in pulling P31 low?
2. Are there good reasons to consider pulling P31 high?
If i don't use a pull-down, the boot time appears slower.
In this particular situation, the Propeller is part of a "product" (rather than a prototype board) which uses the FTDI chip.
The product is intended to be used stand alone, but it can be connected to the PC for programming.
Why would P30 also need a pull up?
I'll do some experiments.
I always include a pullup on P30 to prevent errant BREAKs from being sent to the PC when the Prop is in reset and not driving the pin. Also, without a 74LVC buffer between the FTDI chip and the Prop, the pullups will power the FTDI chip parasitically when no PC is connected and prevent the repeated reset syndrome. (It's much better to include the buffer, though.)
One thing that really bothers me right now is that when the FTDI chip is not powered, the TX/RX leds blink like crazy and there appear to be other affects on the power supply. Maybe having parasitic power throught the RX/TX pins actually helps in this case?
Just the RX pull up solves any issues I'm seeing except for maybe trying to power the entire device when connected to a PC.
The TX pull up seems to be causing the more trouble than it's worth.
In your case, the RX pullup alone may be sufficient to power the FTDI chip parasitically and prevent the repeated reset syndrome. I'd use something stiffer, in that case, than 10K though. To prevent powering the Prop from the FTDI chip, you could add a diode and a pullup so the Prop doesn't see any sourced voltage. But, by the time you do that, you might as well just add the buffer.
Just a follow-up. I've decided to provide FT232 VCCIO from my 3.3V regulator.
This appears to eliminate the annoying problems associated with pull-ups otherwise.
I've tested my device with pull-ups and pull-downs and everything appears to be normal.
The LEDs don't go crazy after removing the USB cable for example.
Do you see potential problems with this idea?
So I looked in the FT232R databook at the description for VCCIO. It suggests running either from VCC, 3V3OUT, or from an external 1.8V - 2.8V supply. It also cautions that, when using an external supply, it "should originate from the same source as the supply to VCC. This means that in bus powered designs [like yours] a regulator which is supplied by the 5V on the USB bus should be used."
Unfortunately, this seems to imply that powering VCC and VCCIO has to be both or none.
The design is only bus powered for programming which "can be" fairly common depending on the user. In bus powered mode the voltage is "derived" from the same source. In normal operation, the FT232 is not powered which scares me just a tiny little bit.