PCF8574 Emulator

Here is something a little different I needed for a job at work. There are plenty of I2C objects floating around, including drivers for the PCF8574 8-bit parallel I/O expander. But I needed a propeller to pretend to be a PCF8574 to fake out another I2C host. This turned out to be a bit tricky, since the host ran at pretty high speed and Spin wasn't fast enough. I figured it might be useful to someone else since it provides the backbone for emulating any other I2C slave device.
I'd put it in the obex along with a couple of other things I have waiting, except that I still can't login or reset my password.
I'd put it in the obex along with a couple of other things I have waiting, except that I still can't login or reset my password.
I wonder how long before there are many little I2C device emulations embedded in it?