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Encoder wheel interpertation — Parallax Forums

Encoder wheel interpertation

krazyideaskrazyideas Posts: 119
edited 2011-06-20 06:01 in Propeller 1
Just so we're on the same page I'm a begginer at programing.

I have a encoder from USdigital (an E2) and I am trying to create a program that will count the marks on the encoder wheel.
I want it to count up when I turn the motor one way and count down when I turn the motor the other way. I don't care which way is up or down just so long as it is accurate.

The encoder wheel has three outputs pin 0 has the index it shows up once a rotation. Pin 1 has channel A and Pin 2 has Channel B

Channel A and B (or pin 1 and 2) work in this way. when turned clockwise Channel B leads Channel A and when turned counter clockwise Channel A leads B.

The wave looks like this when turned counter clockwise
................ High.........(I had to use the periods so that everything would show
........... High.................up the way I wanted it to. Sorry)


I use the index to start the program at the same location of the motor
I use the Space where both A and B are High for a refferance point.
So I wait till they are both High Then at that point I wait for A or B to go low which would indicate which direction the motor is turning.
If A goes low first then count Up in increments of 1
If B goes low first then count Down in increments of 1

Now that I have explained What I am trying to do NOW THE PROBLEM
Here's my program

Waitpne (|< 0, |< 0, 0)................................(Wait for index)

..Repeat...................................................(Begin counting program)

....Waitpeq (%0110, %0110, 0)...................(Wait for pin 1 and 2 to both be High, aka refferance point)

....if ina[1]~...............................................(If pin 1 goes low first count up)
.......count := count + 1
.......Waitpeq (%0000, %0100, 0)................(Wait for pin 2 to go low so that I only get one pass through the loop
or one increment per Channel A mark)

....if ina[2]~...............................................(Same as above except count down and wait for pin 1 to go low so as
.......count := count - get only one increment each time through loop without this
.......Waitpeq (%0000, %0010, 0) counts super fast because the loop is so fast)

WHATS NOT WORKING is that if the "if ina[1]" statements are the only ones that get exicuted. But if I copy and paste the "if ina[2]" statement above the "if ina[1]" statement then it is the only one that gets exicuted

Other then that it works perfect ( I still have to build a reset so that once it reaches 720 or -720(one rotation) the count resets but that is for another time after I get the counter working. it should be easy anyway)

Why I thought this would work is because I thought the repeat command would be constantly checking for one of the if statements to be true and then exicute the first on that becomes true. I guess not

What can I do to make the propellors logic perform
if A and then B occur then do this but
if B and then A occur then do this other thing.

Well that's the best I can discribe the problem I have and why I am Stuck.
Any Help to get me past this hurdle would be apprecated.



  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2011-06-17 22:37
    if ina[A]~
        ' code
    This doesn't do what you think it does. The ~ (used like this) is post-clear in SPIN, i.e. first ina[A] is checked then ina[A] is cleared (which doesn't have any effect on this register). So what happens is that the code body is executed when pin A is 1 which is most likely the case as you're still at the reference point. Then you force-wait for the other channel to be 0 which counters the following test of ina[noparse][/noparse].

    So for now in order to check a pin for high use if ina[pin] checking for low would be ifnot ina[pin].

    I assume you want to get there by yourself rather than use an existing object?
  • krazyideaskrazyideas Posts: 119
    edited 2011-06-18 09:59
    First Thank you very much. I see why it wasn't working.

    Second I do want to get there myself. But being a beginer I would like to have access to another object that does work with an encoder doing more or less the same thing I am, so I have something to look at when I get stuck again. for ideas.

    Third If any one has an idea about this but
    I want this motor to spin at about 10_000 RPM. With my encoder counting 720 times a revoultion and how I am getting my program to run will I be able to spin it this fast?
    I know the prop is fast (boggles my mind fast) but that is a lot to do in a tiny bit of time?

    Thanks Again for your help
  • John AbshierJohn Abshier Posts: 1,116
    edited 2011-06-18 11:02
    Use the encoder object in the Propeller library. I am on tablet and cannot look up the name.

    John Abshier
  • Don MDon M Posts: 1,654
    edited 2011-06-19 09:25
    Which object would you use for this?
  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    edited 2011-06-19 09:44
    Don M wrote: »
    Which object would you use for this?

    You can use the Quadrature Encoder or the Dual Quadrature Encoder Driver in the OBEX
  • krazyideaskrazyideas Posts: 119
    edited 2011-06-19 19:53
    Hey well changing the ina[A]~ to just ina[A] didn't work.
    So I racked my head some more I figured it out. What was happining was that the code was going to fast through the repeat loop. More or less how I had the code both the refferance point that I made and what I was thinking was waiting for the next step simple was instead checking if my "if ina[A]" statment was true and then repeating again.

    How I fixed it.

    So in my first post I asked how could you get the propellor to understand if A and then B happened do one thing but if B and then A happened then do a different thing.
    Well you use a nested repeat loop inside the other loop that would quit when something occurs. the First repeat represent waiting for A and the second repeat represents waiting for B. Like this


    if ina[1]

    if ina[2]
    count := count + 1

    if ina[3]
    count := count - 1

    That is not exactly how my code looks that that is the logic I used and it worked great.

    Anyway just an update on how I'm doing on my little project. and another thanks for the comments
    take care
  • Don MDon M Posts: 1,654
    edited 2011-06-20 06:01

    I don't quite follow your logic here- It looks to me like you are monitoring 3 inputs? ina[1] ina[2] & ina[3] is that correct? Would you mind posting part of your code that deals with this?

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