Apart from the TQFP pins overlapping the pads at the edge of the board you mean?
So long as there's a ground plane I wouldn't worry, the crystal oscillator is low-power and low frequency, the EMI comes from the wires connected to the IO pins!
Thanks Batang. Yes, I'm using AD10. good tip. BTW, you are using AD9/10 as well? If so, how did you place those prop's silk-printing onto your 3D body?
When using an extruded 3D shape you can apply a texture to the top of it.
See the included ApplyTexture.png, also included is the texture I created.
Note: The texture file does not embed in the 3D shape and if you move the location (folder) for the texture file it will not be visible until you update the new location.
Another tip you may know already, Shift S will toggle between all layers visible and single layer only, the use the * key to toggle between top and bottom layers and +- cycle all active (visible) layers.
So long as there's a ground plane I wouldn't worry, the crystal oscillator is low-power and low frequency, the EMI comes from the wires connected to the IO pins!
It looks like you are using Altium designer, is that is so then ctrl C will copy the image to the clipboard in a DPI you can choose.
Other than that the placement looks ok.
When using an extruded 3D shape you can apply a texture to the top of it.
See the included ApplyTexture.png, also included is the texture I created.
Note: The texture file does not embed in the 3D shape and if you move the location (folder) for the texture file it will not be visible until you update the new location.
Another tip you may know already, Shift S will toggle between all layers visible and single layer only, the use the * key to toggle between top and bottom layers and +- cycle all active (visible) layers.
Sama Sama, Selamat tinggal.