Float32Full Question
Does anyone know what happens when multiple cogs make use of one instance of Float32Full at the same time? I guess I am asking if Float32Full has any collision avoidance built in? Any good suggestions on dealing with this other than calling two instances of Float32Full (which would require two cogs)? I've also considered switching to F32. Does that work any better?
Thanks for your help.
Thanks for your help.
VAR byte SemID
PUB Initialize
SemID := Locknew
The primary reason to have LOCKNEW at all is that you might use library objects which use a lock internally and you don't necessarily know which one or even if it does or not. Using LOCKNEW, the hardware keeps track of which locks are in use so you don't have to do it.
Try Lonesock's F32.
It's drop-in compatible, only uses one cog and is faster than Float32Full. It also keeps the inside of your Propeller chip clean.