Servo Problem
I have very little experience programming the Propeller and could use some help controlling a Standard Parallax Servo using the the Image Craft C compiler. For those of you who know the BASIC Stamps language, I would like something that would allow me to be able to control a servo with as close to the same ease as the PULSOUT command in PBASIC. If someone has some advice or a prewritten driver, C function, etc., that I could add to my project, I would really appreciate it.
Unfortunately, I probably will not be able to respond to any posts for a couple of days.
Unfortunately, I probably will not be able to respond to any posts for a couple of days.
There's no such driver in the Object Exchange. You might ask ImageCraft if someone has written one. You could convert the existing servo driver to a C callable routine, but it's not a beginner's project. Most of what makes the existing servo driver work is written in assembly and can be easily made to work with C. The Spin interface routines (to the assembly language) would have to be rewritten in C.
If you are willing to use Spin instead of C, there are lots of objects for controlling a servo.
If you know how to program in C, Spin shouldn't be very hard to learn.