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160x120 color for TV? — Parallax Forums

160x120 color for TV?

Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
edited 2011-06-24 06:49 in Propeller 1
I'm wondering if anyone has done a 160x120 color TV video driver?

This is pulling in a few threads and I think it has been asked before. We have
1) Kye's 160x120 VGA driver playing movies
2) Rayman's movie player - which fills about 1/4 of the screen
3) A discussion from Bill Henning
4) and another discussion from Bill Henning

Now, before Kye came out with the VGA driver, I was not sure this could be done. The code is deceptively simple but I still don't understand it. I'll get back to that in a sec.

1 byte per pixel seems to be a good resolution. It doesn't quite use all the data available, because in VGA mode only 6 of the 8 bits are being used. And for TV there are a number of unused byte values. But for simplicity sake, it makes sense to use this resolution and get 64 colors for VGA and a few more than that for TV.

Rayman's driver is extraordinary, in that he adds in interlaced sound as well. I downloaded the files from the link above, changed the SD card pins, changed the video mode from long %010_0101 to long %010_0000, put the movie file on the sd card and it ran straight out of the box.

But it does not appear to be full screen. The video is in the centre of the screen and I think it is only using 1/4 of the screen size.

My simple idea is to make the pixels twice as big in the x and y directions, and fill the screen. This should use the same amount of ram - ie 19200 bytes. On a 4.3" display I'm pretty sure the pixels will not be too blocky.

But I'm a bit lost with the relationship between palattes and pixels. Most code out there assumes a smaller palatte, eg 4 colors per tile. I'm not entirely sure that this should use tiles. The core of Kye's VGA driver seems to be this
' //////////////////////Visible Video//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

videoLoop               rdlong  buffer,         displayCounter             ' Download new pixels.
                        add     displayCounter, #4                         '

                        or      buffer,         HVSyncColors               ' Update display scanline.
                        waitvid buffer,         #%%3210                    '

                        djnz    counter,        #videoLoop                 ' Repeat.

Indeed, the entire pasm code of Kye's driver seems so simple compared with other video driver code. Here it is in its entirety.

' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'                       PIX Driver
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

                        org     0

' //////////////////////Initialization/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

initialization          mov     vcfg,           videoState                 ' Setup video hardware.
                        mov     frqa,           frequencyState             '
                        movi    ctra,           #%0_00001_101              '

' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'                       Active Video
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

loop                    mov     displayCounter, par                        ' Set/Reset tiles fill counter.
                        mov     tilesCounter,   #120                       '

tilesDisplay            mov     tileCounter,    #4                         ' Set/Reset tile fill counter.

tileDisplay             mov     vscl,           visibleScale               ' Set/Reset the video scale.
                        mov     counter,        #40                        '

' //////////////////////Visible Video//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

videoLoop               rdlong  buffer,         displayCounter             ' Download new pixels.
                        add     displayCounter, #4                         '

                        or      buffer,         HVSyncColors               ' Update display scanline.
                        waitvid buffer,         #%%3210                    '

                        djnz    counter,        #videoLoop                 ' Repeat.

' //////////////////////Invisible Video////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

                        mov     vscl,           invisibleScale             ' Set/Reset the video scale.

                        waitvid HSyncColors,    syncPixels                 ' Horizontal Sync.

' //////////////////////Repeat/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

                        sub     displayCounter, #160                       ' Repeat.
                        djnz    tileCounter,    #tileDisplay               '

                        add     displayCounter, #160                       ' Repeat.
                        djnz    tilesCounter,   #tilesDisplay              '

' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'                       Inactive Video
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

                        add     refreshCounter, #1                         ' Update sync indicator.
                        wrbyte  refreshCounter, syncIndicatorAddress       '

' //////////////////////Front Porch////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

                        mov     counter,        #11                        ' Set loop counter.

frontPorch              mov     vscl,           blankPixels                ' Invisible lines.
                        waitvid HSyncColors,    #0                         '

                        mov     vscl,           invisibleScale             ' Horizontal Sync.
                        waitvid HSyncColors,    syncPixels                 '

                        djnz    counter,        #frontPorch                ' Repeat # times.

' //////////////////////Vertical Sync//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

                        mov     counter,        #(2 + 2)                   ' Set loop counter.

verticalSync            mov     vscl,           blankPixels                ' Invisible lines.
                        waitvid VSyncColors,    #0                         '

                        mov     vscl,           invisibleScale             ' Vertical Sync.
                        waitvid VSyncColors,    syncPixels                 '

                        djnz    counter,        #verticalSync              ' Repeat # times.

' //////////////////////Back Porch/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

                        mov     counter,        #31                        ' Set loop counter.

backPorch               mov     vscl,           blankPixels                ' Invisible lines.
                        waitvid HSyncColors,    #0                         '

                        mov     vscl,           invisibleScale             ' Horizontal Sync.
                        waitvid HSyncColors,    syncPixels                 '

                        djnz    counter,        #backPorch                 ' Repeat # times.

' //////////////////////Update Display Settings////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

                        rdbyte  buffer,         displayIndicatorAddress wz ' Update display settings.
                        muxnz   dira,           directionState             '

' //////////////////////Loop///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

                        jmp     #loop                                      ' Loop.

' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'                       Data
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

invisibleScale          long    (16 << 12) + 160                           ' Scaling for inactive video.
visibleScale            long    (4 << 12) + 16                             ' Scaling for active video.
blankPixels             long    640                                        ' Blank scanline pixel length.
syncPixels              long    $00_00_3F_FC                               ' F-porch, h-sync, and b-porch.
HSyncColors             long    $01_03_01_03                               ' Horizontal sync color mask.
VSyncColors             long    $00_02_00_02                               ' Vertical sync color mask.
HVSyncColors            long    $03_03_03_03                               ' Horizontal and vertical sync colors.

' //////////////////////Configuration Settings/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

directionState          long    0
videoState              long    0
frequencyState          long    0

' //////////////////////Addresses//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

displayIndicatorAddress long    0
syncIndicatorAddress    long    0

' //////////////////////Run Time Variables/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

counter                 res     1
buffer                  res     1

tileCounter             res     1
tilesCounter            res     1

refreshCounter          res     1
displayCounter          res     1

' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

                        fit     496


' //////////////////////Variable Arrary////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

displayBuffer           long    0[(160 * 120) / 4]                         ' Display buffer.
displayIndicator        byte    1                                          ' Video output control.
syncIndicator           byte    0                                          ' Video update control.
cogNumber               byte    0                                          ' Cog ID.

Below is Rayman's video driver, which is putting video in the centre of the screen, and the rest of the screen is blue

'* Assembly language TV driver *

' Entry
entry                   mov     taskptr,#tasks          'reset tasks

                        mov     x,#10                   'perform task sections initially
:init                   jmpret  taskret,taskptr
                        djnz    x,#:init

' Superfield
superfield              mov     taskptr,#tasks          'reset tasks

                        test    _mode,#%0001    wc      'if ntsc, set phaseflip
        if_nc           mov     phaseflip,phasemask

                        test    _mode,#%0010    wz      'get interlace into nz

DAT 'Get bitmap info from color #64
'Get bmp Address
                        mov     bmpAdd,colortable+63
                        mov     bmpCols,bmpAdd
                        shr     bmpCols,#24
                        mov     bmpRows,bmpAdd
                        shr     bmpRows,#16
                        and     bmpRows,#$FF
                        mov     bmpWaits,bmpCols
                        shr     bmpWaits,#2
                        mov     PadLeft,ScreenCols
                        sub     PadLeft,bmpCols
                        shr     PadLeft,#2
                        mov     PadRight,PadLeft
                        shr     PadRight,#1
                        sub     PadLeft,PadRight


' Field
field                   mov     x,vinv                  'do invisible back porch lines
:black                  call    #hsync                  'do hsync
                        waitvid burst,sync_high2        'do black
                        jmpret  taskret,taskptr         'call task section (z undisturbed)
                        djnz    x,#:black               'another black line?

                        wrlong  visible,par             'set status to visible

                        mov     x,vb                    'do visible back porch lines
                        call    #blank_lines

DAT 'Point to start of bitmap

'reset bmp color pointer
                        mov     PixAdd,bmpadd
                        sub     PixAdd,bmpCols  'Move to start of line
                        add     PixAdd,#4
                        mov     LinesLeft,screenRows
                        mov     screen,_screen          'point to first tile (upper-leftmost)
                        mov     y,_vt                   'set vertical tiles
:line                   mov     vx,_vx                  'set vertical expand
:vert   if_z            xor     interlace,#1            'interlace skip?
        if_z            tjz     interlace,#:skip

                        call    #hsync                  'do hsync

                        mov     vscl,hb                 'do visible back porch pixels
                        xor     tile,colortable
                        waitvid tile,#0

                        mov     x,_ht                   'set horizontal tiles

DAT 'Decide between bitmap or tile

'tile or bmp
                        cmp     LinesLeft,BmpRows wz,wc
              if_be     jmp     #:BmpLine
                        mov     vscl,hx                 'set horizontal expand

:tile                   rdword  tile,screen             'read tile
                        or      tile,line               'set pointer bits into tile
                        rol     tile,#6                 'read tile pixels
                        rdlong  pixels,tile             '(2 instructions between reads)
                        shr     tile,#10+6              'set tile colors
                        movs    :color,tile
                        add     screen,#2               'point to next tile
                        mov     tile,phaseflip
:color                  xor     tile,colortable
                        waitvid tile,pixels             'pass colors and pixels to video
                        djnz    x,#:tile                'another tile?

                        sub     screen,hc2x             'repoint to first tile in same line

                        mov     vscl,hf                 'do visible front porch pixels
                        mov     tile,phaseflip
                        xor     tile,colortable
                        waitvid tile,#0

DAT 'Do a line of BMP image
                        jmp     #:DoneLine

                        mov     vscl,hx_test                 'set horizontal expand

                        cmp     PadLeft,#0 wz,wc
              if_e      jmp     #:BmpPixels 

                        mov     x,PadLeft
 'do some background pixels           
                         'pass colors and pixels to video
:LeftPad                mov     tile,phaseflip
                        xor     tile,colortable
                        waitvid tile,zero
                        djnz    x,#:LeftPad

'Do bitmap pixels                        
                        mov     x,bmpWaits                        
:GetColor1              rdlong  PixRead,PixAdd                                                
                        add     PixAdd,#4                        
                        mov     tile,phaseflip
                        xor     tile,PixRead
                        waitvid tile,#%%3210
                        djnz    x,#:GetColor1                'another tile?

                        cmp     PadRight,#0 wz,wc
              if_e      jmp     #:RightPadDone 
                        mov     x,PadRight
 'do some more background pixels
                         'pass colors and pixels to video
:RightPad               mov     tile,phaseflip
                        xor     tile,colortable
                        waitvid tile,zero
                        djnz    x,#:RightPad  


                        sub     screen,hc2x             'repoint to first tile in same line
                        mov     vscl,hf                 'do visible front porch pixels
                        mov     tile,phaseflip
                        xor     tile,colortable
                        waitvid tile,#0

'Line is done!
'reset bmp color pointer

                        sub     PixAdd,bmpCols
                        sub     PixAdd,bmpCols 

:DoneLine               sub     LinesLeft,#1

:skip                   djnz    vx,#:vert               'vertical expand?
                        ror     line,linerot            'set next line
                        add     line,lineadd    wc
                        rol     line,linerot      
        if_nc           jmp     #:line
                        add     screen,hc2x             'point to first tile in next line
                        djnz    y,#:line                'another tile line?

        if_z            xor     interlace,#1    wz      'get interlace and field1 into z

                        test    _mode,#%0001    wc      'do visible front porch lines
                        mov     x,vf
        if_nz_and_c     add     x,#1
                        call    #blank_lines

        if_nz           wrlong  invisible,par           'unless interlace and field1, set status to invisible

        if_z_eq_c       call    #hsync                  'if required, do short line
        if_z_eq_c       mov     vscl,hrest
        if_z_eq_c       waitvid burst,sync_high2
        if_z_eq_c       xor     phaseflip,phasemask

                        call    #vsync_high             'do high vsync pulses

                        movs    vsync1,#sync_low1       'do low vsync pulses
                        movs    vsync2,#sync_low2
                        call    #vsync_low

                        call    #vsync_high             'do high vsync pulses

        if_nz           mov     vscl,hhalf              'if odd frame, do half line
        if_nz           waitvid burst,sync_high2

        if_z            jmp     #field                  'if interlace and field1, display field2
                        jmp     #superfield             'else, new superfield

DAT 'Variables for doing bitmap
'NOTE:  The variables that are zero here (except "zero") can be changed to RES 1 and moved to end to save a few bytes...
bmpadd                  long    0               'address of bmp
PixRead                long    0
PixAdd                  long    0
hx_test                 long    10<<12+40
zero                    long    0
bmpRows                 long    0
bmpCols                 long    0
bmpWaits                long    0
ScreenRows              long    y_tiles*16'192
ScreenCols              long    x_tiles*16'256
PadLeft                 long    0
PadRight                long    0
LinesLeft               long    0
' Blank lines
blank_lines             call    #hsync                  'do hsync

                        xor     tile,colortable         'do background
                        waitvid tile,#0

                        djnz    x,#blank_lines

blank_lines_ret         ret
' Horizontal sync
hsync                   test    _mode,#%0001    wc      'if pal, toggle phaseflip
        if_c            xor     phaseflip,phasemask

                        mov     vscl,sync_scale1        'do hsync       
                        mov     tile,phaseflip
                        xor     tile,burst
                        waitvid tile,sync_normal

                        mov     vscl,hvis               'setup in case blank line
                        mov     tile,phaseflip

hsync_ret               ret
' Vertical sync
vsync_high              movs    vsync1,#sync_high1      'vertical sync
                        movs    vsync2,#sync_high2

vsync_low               mov     x,vrep

vsyncx                  mov     vscl,sync_scale1
vsync1                  waitvid burst,sync_high1

                        mov     vscl,sync_scale2
vsync2                  waitvid burst,sync_high2

                        djnz    x,#vsyncx
vsync_high_ret          ret
' Tasks - performed in sections during invisible back porch lines
tasks                   mov     t1,par                  'load parameters
                        movd    :par,#_enable           '(skip _status)
                        mov     t2,#paramcount - 1
:load                   add     t1,#4
:par                    rdlong  0,t1
                        add     :par,d0
                        djnz    t2,#:load               '+119

                        mov     t1,_pins                'set video pins and directions
                        test    t1,#$08         wc
        if_nc           mov     t2,pins0
        if_c            mov     t2,pins1
                        test    t1,#$40         wc
                        shr     t1,#1
                        shl     t1,#3
                        shr     t2,t1
                        movs    vcfg,t2
                        shr     t1,#6
                        movd    vcfg,t1
                        shl     t1,#3
                        and     t2,#$FF
                        shl     t2,t1
        if_nc           mov     dira,t2
        if_nc           mov     dirb,#0
        if_c            mov     dira,#0
        if_c            mov     dirb,t2                 '+18

                        tjz     _enable,#disabled       '+2, disabled?

                        jmpret  taskptr,taskret         '+1=140, break and return later

                        movs    :rd,#wtab               'load ntsc/pal metrics from word table
                        movd    :wr,#hvis
                        mov     t1,#wtabx - wtab
                        test    _mode,#%0001    wc
:rd                     mov     t2,0
                        add     :rd,#1
        if_nc           shl     t2,#16
                        shr     t2,#16
:wr                     mov     0,t2
                        add     :wr,d0
                        djnz    t1,#:rd                 '+54

        if_nc           movs    :ltab,#ltab             'load ntsc/pal metrics from long table
        if_c            movs    :ltab,#ltab+1
                        movd    :ltab,#fcolor
                        mov     t1,#(ltabx - ltab) >> 1
:ltab                   mov     0,0
                        add     :ltab,d0s1
                        djnz    t1,#:ltab               '+17

                        rdlong  t1,#0                   'get CLKFREQ
                        shr     t1,#1                   'if CLKFREQ < 16MHz, cancel _broadcast
                        cmp     t1,m8           wc
        if_c            mov     _broadcast,#0
                        shr     t1,#1                   'if CLKFREQ < color frequency * 4, disable
                        cmp     t1,fcolor       wc
        if_c            jmp     #disabled               '+11

                        jmpret  taskptr,taskret         '+1=83, break and return later

                        mov     t1,fcolor               'set ctra pll to fcolor * 16
                        call    #divide                 'if ntsc, set vco to fcolor * 32 (114.5454 MHz)
                        test    _mode,#%0001    wc      'if pal, set vco to fcolor * 16 (70.9379 MHz)
        if_c            movi    ctra,#%00001_111        'select fcolor * 16 output (ntsc=/2, pal=/1)
        if_nc           movi    ctra,#%00001_110
        if_nc           shl     t2,#1
                        mov     frqa,t2                 '+147

                        jmpret  taskptr,taskret         '+1=148, break and return later

                        mov     t1,_broadcast           'set ctrb pll to _broadcast
                        mov     t2,#0                   'if 0, turn off ctrb
                        tjz     t1,#:off
                        min     t1,m8                   'limit from 8MHz to 128MHz
                        max     t1,m128
                        mov     t2,#%00001_100          'adjust _broadcast to be within 4MHz-8MHz
:scale                  shr     t1,#1                   '(vco will be within 64MHz-128MHz)
                        cmp     m8,t1           wc
        if_c            add     t2,#%00000_001
        if_c            jmp     #:scale
:off                    movi    ctrb,t2
                        call    #divide
                        mov     frqb,t2                 '+165

                        jmpret  taskptr,taskret         '+1=166, break and return later

                        mov     t1,#%10100_000          'set video configuration
                        test    _pins,#$01      wc      '(swap broadcast/baseband output bits?)
        if_c            or      t1,#%01000_000
                        test    _mode,#%1000    wc      '(strip chroma from broadcast?)
        if_nc           or      t1,#%00010_000
                        test    _mode,#%0100    wc      '(strip chroma from baseband?)
        if_nc           or      t1,#%00001_000
                        and     _auralcog,#%111         '(set aural cog)
                        or      t1,_auralcog
                        movi    vcfg,t1                 '+10

                        mov     hx,_hx                  'compute horizontal metrics
                        shl     hx,#8
                        or      hx,_hx
                        shl     hx,#4

                        mov     hc2x,_ht
                        shl     hc2x,#1

                        mov     t1,_ht
                        mov     t2,_hx
                        call    #multiply
                        mov     hf,hvis
                        sub     hf,t1
                        shr     hf,#1           wc
                        mov     hb,_ho
                        addx    hb,hf
                        sub     hf,_ho                  '+52

                        mov     t1,_vt                  'compute vertical metrics
                        mov     t2,_vx
                        call    #multiply
                        test    _mode,#%10000   wc      'consider tile size
                        muxc    linerot,#1
                        mov     lineadd,lineinc
        if_c            shr     lineadd,#1
        if_c            shl     t1,#1
                        test    _mode,#%0010    wc      'consider interlace
        if_c            shr     t1,#1
                        mov     vf,vvis
                        sub     vf,t1
                        shr     vf,#1           wc
                        neg     vb,_vo
                        addx    vb,vf
                        add     vf,_vo                  '+53

                        xor     _mode,#%0010            '+1, flip interlace bit for display

:colors                 jmpret  taskptr,taskret         '+1=117/160, break and return later

                        mov     t1,#13                  'load next 13 colors into colortable
:colorloop              mov     t2,:colorreg            '5 times = 65 (all 64 colors loaded)
                        shr     t2,#9-2
                        and     t2,#$FC
                        add     t2,_colors
:colorreg               rdlong  colortable,t2
                        add     :colorreg,d0
                        andn    :colorreg,d6
                        djnz    t1,#:colorloop          '+158

                        jmp     #:colors                '+1, keep loading colors
' Divide t1/CLKFREQ to get frqa or frqb value into t2
divide                  rdlong  m1,#0                   'get CLKFREQ

                        mov     m2,#32+1
:loop                   cmpsub  t1,m1           wc
                        rcl     t2,#1
                        shl     t1,#1
                        djnz    m2,#:loop

divide_ret              ret                             '+140
' Multiply t1 * t2 * 16 (t1, t2 = bytes)
multiply                shl     t2,#8+4-1

                        mov     m1,#8
:loop                   shr     t1,#1           wc
        if_c            add     t1,t2
                        djnz    m1,#:loop

multiply_ret            ret                             '+37
' Disabled - reset status, nap ~4ms, try again
disabled                mov     ctra,#0                 'reset ctra
                        mov     ctrb,#0                 'reset ctrb
                        mov     vcfg,#0                 'reset video

                        wrlong  outa,par                'set status to disabled

                        rdlong  t1,#0                   'get CLKFREQ
                        shr     t1,#8                   'nap for ~4ms
                        min     t1,#3
                        add     t1,cnt
                        waitcnt t1,#0

                        jmp     #entry                  'reload parameters
' Initialized data
m8                      long    8_000_000
m128                    long    128_000_000
d0                      long    1 << 9 << 0
d6                      long    1 << 9 << 6
d0s1                    long    1 << 9 << 0 + 1 << 1
interlace               long    0
invisible               long    1
visible                 long    2
phaseflip               long    $00000000
phasemask               long    $F0F0F0F0
line                    long    $00060000
lineinc                 long    $10000000
linerot                 long    0
pins0                   long    %11110000_01110000_00001111_00000111
pins1                   long    %11111111_11110111_01111111_01110111
sync_high1              long    %0101010101010101010101_101010_0101
sync_high2              long    %01010101010101010101010101010101       'used for black
sync_low1               long    %1010101010101010101010101010_0101
sync_low2               long    %01_101010101010101010101010101010
' NTSC/PAL metrics tables
'                               ntsc                    pal
'                               ----------------------------------------------
wtab                    word    lntsc - sntsc,          lpal - spal     'hvis
                        word    lntsc / 2 - sntsc,      lpal / 2 - spal 'hrest
                        word    lntsc / 2,              lpal / 2        'hhalf
                        word    243,                    286             'vvis
                        word    10,                     18              'vinv
                        word    6,                      5               'vrep
                        word    $02_8A,                 $02_AA          'burst
ltab                    long    fntsc                                   'fcolor
                        long    fpal
                        long    sntsc >> 4 << 12 + sntsc                'sync_scale1
                        long    spal >> 4 << 12 + spal
                        long    67 << 12 + lntsc / 2 - sntsc            'sync_scale2
                        long    79 << 12 + lpal / 2 - spal
                        long    %0101_00000000_01_10101010101010_0101   'sync_normal
                        long    %010101_00000000_01_101010101010_0101
' Uninitialized data
taskptr                 res     1                       'tasks
taskret                 res     1
t1                      res     1
t2                      res     1
m1                      res     1
m2                      res     1

x                       res     1                       'display
y                       res     1
hf                      res     1
hb                      res     1
vf                      res     1
vb                      res     1
hx                      res     1
vx                      res     1
hc2x                    res     1
screen                  res     1
tile                    res     1
pixels                  res     1
lineadd                 res     1

hvis                    res     1                       'loaded from word table
hrest                   res     1
hhalf                   res     1
vvis                    res     1
vinv                    res     1
vrep                    res     1
burst                   res     1

fcolor                  res     1                       'loaded from long table
sync_scale1             res     1
sync_scale2             res     1
sync_normal             res     1
' Parameter buffer
_enable                 res     1       '0/non-0        read-only
_pins                   res     1       '%pppmmmm       read-only
_mode                   res     1       '%tccip         read-only
_screen                 res     1       '@word          read-only
_colors                 res     1       '@long          read-only
_ht                     res     1       '1+             read-only
_vt                     res     1       '1+             read-only
_hx                     res     1       '4+             read-only
_vx                     res     1       '1+             read-only
_ho                     res     1       '0+-            read-only
_vo                     res     1       '0+-            read-only
_broadcast              res     1       '0+             read-only
_auralcog               res     1       '0-7            read-only

                        fit     colortable              'fit underneath colortable ($180-$1BF)
''VAR                   'TV parameters - 14 contiguous longs
''  long  tv_status     '0/1/2 = off/invisible/visible              read-only
''  long  tv_enable     '0/non-0 = off/on                           write-only
''  long  tv_pins       '%pppmmmm = pin group, pin group mode       write-only
''  long  tv_mode       '%tccip = tile,chroma,interlace,ntsc/pal    write-only
''  long  tv_screen     'pointer to screen (words)                  write-only      
''  long  tv_colors     'pointer to colors (longs)                  write-only                            
''  long  tv_ht         'horizontal tiles                           write-only                            
''  long  tv_vt         'vertical tiles                             write-only                            
''  long  tv_hx         'horizontal tile expansion                  write-only                            
''  long  tv_vx         'vertical tile expansion                    write-only                            
''  long  tv_ho         'horizontal offset                          write-only                            
''  long  tv_vo         'vertical offset                            write-only                            
''  long  tv_broadcast  'broadcast frequency (Hz)                   write-only                            
''  long  tv_auralcog   'aural fm cog                               write-only                            
''The preceding VAR section may be copied into your code.        
''After setting variables, do start(@tv_status) to start driver. 
''All parameters are reloaded each superframe, allowing you to make live
''changes. To minimize flicker, correlate changes with tv_status.
''Experimentation may be required to optimize some parameters.
''Parameter descriptions:
''  _________
''  tv_status
''    driver sets this to indicate status:
''      0: driver disabled (tv_enable = 0 or CLKFREQ < requirement)
''      1: currently outputting invisible sync data
''      2: currently outputting visible screen data
''  _________
''  tv_enable
''        0: disable (pins will be driven low, reduces power)
''    non-0: enable
''  _______
''  tv_pins
''    bits 6..4 select pin group:
''      %000: pins 7..0
''      %001: pins 15..8
''      %010: pins 23..16
''      %011: pins 31..24
''      %100: pins 39..32
''      %101: pins 47..40
''      %110: pins 55..48
''      %111: pins 63..56
''    bits 3..0 select pin group mode:
''      %0000: %0000_0111    -                    baseband
''      %0001: %0000_0111    -                    broadcast
''      %0010: %0000_1111    -                    baseband + chroma
''      %0011: %0000_1111    -                    broadcast + aural
''      %0100: %0111_0000    broadcast            -
''      %0101: %0111_0000    baseband             -
''      %0110: %1111_0000    broadcast + aural    -
''      %0111: %1111_0000    baseband + chroma    -
''      %1000: %0111_0111    broadcast            baseband
''      %1001: %0111_0111    baseband             broadcast
''      %1010: %0111_1111    broadcast            baseband + chroma
''      %1011: %0111_1111    baseband             broadcast + aural
''      %1100: %1111_0111    broadcast + aural    baseband
''      %1101: %1111_0111    baseband + chroma    broadcast
''      %1110: %1111_1111    broadcast + aural    baseband + chroma
''      %1111: %1111_1111    baseband + chroma    broadcast + aural
''      -----------------------------------------------------------
''            active pins    top nibble           bottom nibble
''      the baseband signal nibble is arranged as:
''        bit 3: chroma signal for s-video (attach via 560-ohm resistor)
''        bits 2..0: baseband video (sum 270/560/1100-ohm resistors to form 75-ohm 1V signal)
''      the broadcast signal nibble is arranged as:
''        bit 3: aural subcarrier (sum 560-ohm resistor into network below)
''        bits 2..0: visual carrier (sum 270/560/1100-ohm resistors to form 75-ohm 1V signal)
''  _______
''  tv_mode
''    bit 4 selects between 16x16 and 16x32 pixel tiles:
''      0: 16x16 pixel tiles (tileheight = 16)
''      1: 16x32 pixel tiles (tileheight = 32)
''    bit 3 controls chroma mixing into broadcast:
''      0: mix chroma into broadcast (color)
''      1: strip chroma from broadcast (black/white)
''    bit 2 controls chroma mixing into baseband:
''      0: mix chroma into baseband (composite color)
''      1: strip chroma from baseband (black/white or s-video)
''    bit 1 controls interlace:
''      0: progressive scan (243 display lines for NTSC, 286 for PAL)
''           less flicker, good for motion
''      1: interlaced scan (486 display lines for NTSC, 572 for PAL)
''           doubles the vertical display lines, good for text
''    bit 0 selects NTSC or PAL format
''      0: NTSC
''           3016 horizontal display ticks
''           243 or 486 (interlaced) vertical display lines
''           CLKFREQ must be at least 14_318_180 (4 * 3_579_545 Hz)*
''      1: PAL
''           3692 horizontal display ticks
''           286 or 572 (interlaced) vertical display lines
''           CLKFREQ must be at least 17_734_472 (4 * 4_433_618 Hz)*
''      * driver will disable itself while CLKFREQ is below requirement
''  _________
''  tv_screen
''    pointer to words which define screen contents (left-to-right, top-to-bottom)
''      number of words must be tv_ht * tv_vt
''      each word has two bitfields: a 6-bit colorset ptr and a 10-bit pixelgroup ptr
''        bits 15..10: select the colorset* for the associated pixel tile
''        bits 9..0: select the pixelgroup** address %ppppppppppcccc00 (p=address, c=0..15)
''       * colorsets are longs which each define four 8-bit colors
''      ** pixelgroups are <tileheight> longs which define (left-to-right, top-to-bottom) the 2-bit
''         (four color) pixels that make up a 16x16 or a 32x32 pixel tile
''  _________
''  tv_colors
''    pointer to longs which define colorsets
''      number of longs must be 1..64
''      each long has four 8-bit fields which define colors for 2-bit (four color) pixels
''      first long's bottom color is also used as the screen background color
''      8-bit color fields are as follows:
''        bits 7..4: chroma data (0..15 =*
''        bit 3: controls chroma modulation (0=off, 1=on)
''        bits 2..0: 3-bit luminance level:
''          values 0..1: reserved for sync - don't use
''          values 2..7: valid luminance range, modulation adds/subtracts 1 (beware of 7)
''          value 0 may be modulated to produce a saturated color toggling between levels 1 and 7
''      * because of TV's limitations, it doesn't look good when chroma changes abruptly -
''        rather, use luminance - change chroma only against a black or white background for
''        best appearance
''  _____
''  tv_ht
''    horizontal number pixel tiles - must be at least 1
''    practical limit is 40 for NTSC, 50 for PAL
''  _____
''  tv_vt
''    vertical number of pixel tiles - must be at least 1
''    practical limit is 13 for NTSC, 15 for PAL (26/30 max for interlaced NTSC/PAL)
''  _____
''  tv_hx
''    horizontal tile expansion factor - must be at least 3 for NTSC, 4 for PAL
''    make sure 16 * tv_ht * tv_hx + ||tv_ho + 32 is less than the horizontal display ticks
''  _____
''  tv_vx
''    vertical tile expansion factor - must be at least 1
''    make sure <tileheight> * tv_vt * tv_vx + ||tv_vo + 1 is less than the display lines
''  _____
''  tv_ho
''    horizontal offset in ticks - pos/neg value (0 for centered image)
''    shifts the display right/left
''  _____
''  tv_vo
''    vertical offset in lines - pos/neg value (0 for centered image)
''    shifts the display up/down
''  ____________
''  tv_broadcast
''    broadcast frequency expressed in Hz (ie channel 2 is 55_250_000)
''    if 0, modulator is turned off - saves power
''    broadcasting requires CLKFREQ to be at least 16_000_000
''    while CLKFREQ is below 16_000_000, modulator will be turned off
''  ___________
''  tv_auralcog
''    selects cog to supply aural fm signal - 0..7
''    uses ctra pll output from selected cog
''    in NTSC, the offset frequency must be 4.5MHz and the max bandwidth +-25KHz
''    in PAL, the offset frequency and max bandwidth vary by PAL type

Would it be possible to take Rayman's code and get it to fill the screen, using bigger pixels?


  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,996
    edited 2011-06-15 05:48
    I think maybe somebody did one and called it "fat pixel" ?? Maybe we should check what Baggers used for his Wolfenstein code...
  • TubularTubular Posts: 4,726
    edited 2011-06-15 05:58
    There was this "fat pixel one" by Baggers, 128 wide x 192 lines x 16 colours, using 12kB.

    But I thought there was a more recent thread too...

    Edit: I think this is the more recent thread I was thinking of, but uses two props
  • PerryPerry Posts: 253
    edited 2011-06-15 05:59
    I had been using the 8bc_graphics for my earlier version of "stupid video capture" trying to get a color version of it working for quite a while.

    It uses the standard Parallax TV and Graphic drivers modified for 8bit TV. you get roughly 16 colors and 8 shades on the TV

    I can't seem to find where it came from though, I could zip it up for you if you like,

    but.... do you want a TV driver or a VGA driver, I think it would not be too difficult to change that driver to do a 2bit per color VGA driver!

  • Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
    edited 2011-06-15 06:02
    Potatohead explains Kye's code on this thread post #16. Very cunning -
    What I did, and have done in the past, is run the waitvid backwards. The frame is always just 4 pixels, never more, never less. The pixel data is fixed too. It's either #%%3210, or #%%0123, depending on the order of pixel output desired. In this configuration, a waitvid can reverse the data as part of the normal processing --a nice bonus in return for the small frame size.

    Once you've fixed the pixel data, the colors data then simply becomes pixels!! There still is a 4 color limit, but since the frame is 4 pixels, there is basically no limit at all, making it possible to just assign any pixel to any color.

    I need to reread that thread, because I get the impression with timing that VGA is harder than TV, so if VGA is working, TV must be possible too.
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,996
    edited 2011-06-15 06:11
    Now that I think about it... Can't you just use the regular TV driver for 160x120? I think you can just specify the number of tiles you want in x and y and get there...
  • Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
    edited 2011-06-15 06:26
    Yes I think you are right Rayman. I just found potatohead's code on the first thread here

    Tiny 4x8 tiles. I modified the tvproperties file to this so it runs on the dracblade (pin group 16)
      basepin = 16
      group  = (basepin/8)          ' group selects P0-7, P8-15, P16-23, P24-31
      nibble = (basepin/4) & 1      ' nibble selects the 4 bits of a group to use
      vmode  = 2 | nibble           ' vmode selects the video mode in VCFG
      ipins = (group<<9) | (7 << (nibble*4))
      idira = %0111 << basepin
      ictra = %0_00001_110_00000000000000000000000  ' CTRA PLL Mode VCO/2
      ivcfg = (%0_00_1_0_1_000_00000000000 << 12) | (vmode << 29) | ipins
    'ivcfg    =  %0_11_1_0_1_000_00000000000_001_0_01110000      ' demoboard 
    'ictra    =  %0_00001_110_00000000_000000_000_000000         ' NTSC
    ifrqa    =  $16E8_BA2F                                      ' (7,159,090.9Hz/80MHz)<<32 NTSC demoboard & Hydra 
    'idira    =  $0000_7000                                      ' demoboard

    And it is displaying mario in full color. Plus some fonts, plus some moving tiles.

    I am not sure how this is working - tiles vs a full bitmapped 19200 byte array. I think it might be more than 160x120 too. Maybe 256x240?

    Tiles vs bitmapped may not be such an issue if screens can be built on the fly in software (eg with XMM C), and thus free up most/all the hub ram for tile buffers.

    It is a gorgeous loking picture. At 60cm the pixels are not really visible even with my glasses on. I'd love to get a movie version going...

    Hmm - 256x240 is more than hub ram, so the "trick" must be that mario is mostly white background. May need to come back to 160x120 for movies. Though could go higher for things like a GUI, since many tiles will be white or gray background.
  • PerryPerry Posts: 253
    edited 2011-06-15 06:40
    Here is the 8bc driver demo program for base pin 12

    be patient after loading it seems to take 4 seconds before starting to display.

  • BaggersBaggers Posts: 3,019
    edited 2011-06-15 14:10
    Yes, I did the one in WOlf and the fat pixel driver, what res are you actually wanting Dr_A?

    My drivers use Chip's TV as a base so they all work in PAL or NTSC too.
  • Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
    edited 2011-06-15 16:29
    Thanks Perry, I'll check that out.

    Baggers - I'd like to start with 160x120 with one byte per pixel - ie replicate Kye's VGA driver but on a small portable TV rather than a big VGA. Is Fat Pixel at that resolution - and have you got a link to the code?
  • PerryPerry Posts: 253
    edited 2011-06-15 18:37
    Dr_Acula wrote: »
    Thanks Perry, I'll check that out.

    Baggers - I'd like to start with 160x120 with one byte per pixel - ie replicate Kye's VGA driver but on a small portable TV rather than a big VGA. Is Fat Pixel at that resolution - and have you got a link to the code?

    I've thinking about that 8bx_Graphics driver, I bet it would work on Kye's VGA driver, by changing the spin color code. There is a CLUT version in the archives I have.

    I don't have Prop VGA hardware to test this with, but you could have same software interface on VGA or TV

  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2011-06-15 19:16
    I'm wondering if anyone has done a 160x120 color TV video driver?
    Why is it that I have seen many threads with this same question and an almost identicle tittle in the last few months?

    The answers are almost always: Yes all you have to do is...
    You can yuse ... and modify ...
    Why not just ...

    Since the question of a 160x120 color driver for NTSC has been asked so many times, why does not some one that has the time to do so just look at all the existing answers that work and implement a basic 160x120 color NTSC driver.
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,996
    edited 2011-06-16 03:30
    I think what Dr.A really wants is a 160x120 bitmap driver for TV so that he can port his VGA GUI to TV.
  • Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
    edited 2011-06-16 04:32
    Yes correct. And yes, there are lots of video drivers and they all have different applications - eg games are going to use tiles rather than bitmaps, and for movies you want full color bitmaps, but for a GUI you might only need 4 colors at a higher resolution.

    I haven't seen anything that does what Kye's VGA driver does. I might see if I can work out how his video driver works. TV and VGA must be similar - on some movies playing on the VGA driver, the TV occasionally displays the same picture in black and white. So there must be some signals common to both on pins 16-18.
  • PerryPerry Posts: 253
    edited 2011-06-16 08:12
    Dr_Acula wrote: »

    I haven't seen anything that does what Kye's VGA driver does. I might see if I can work out how his video driver works. TV and VGA must be similar - on some movies playing on the VGA driver, the TV occasionally displays the same picture in black and white. So there must be some signals common to both on pins 16-18.

    You see to have very little knowledge about VGA/TV differences the are quite a bit different.

    VGA has five outputs on individual pins Red,Green,Blue, Horz sync and Vert sync

    TV multiplexes color,luminance,horz sync and vert sync on to one pin.

    Changinf the 8bc_Graphics diriver to 160x120 is trivial for me. THe problems is I don't know how you interface to the VGA driver,

    If you use Kye's code only it should be easy to add those functions to the 8bc_TV driver and you would not use the graphics software interface. You should end up with a TV driver exactly like Kye's VGA driver but with only 16 colors and 8 shades.

    I don't think it should look to bad.

  • Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
    edited 2011-06-16 16:26
    When you say 16 colors and 8 shades, do you mean 16 colors and 8 shades of gray, or do you mean 8 shades from black to white of each of 16 colors?

    My understanding is that there is a palatte of colors for TV which is somewhere between 64 and 100 colors - I'm not sure of the exact number but the Obex palatte demo shows them all - a range of colors in various saturations, plus a 5 gray scale, plus some supersaturated colors.

    There is so much here that almost works but not quite. Kye and others have shown you can take byte values, one byte per pixel, and send them out using the waitvid command.

    Rayman has shown you can have a 160x120 full color display on a TV screen but it is only occupying 1/4 of the screen.

    So what I am looking for is Rayman's display driver, but with each pixel 2x bigger in the x and y direction so it fills the screen. I think that is just a matter of altering the time each color is displayed - display for twice as long, and display the next line the same.

    But Rayman's driver is a little difficult to understand because it has both a tile driver and a bitmap driver in the pasm code. I need to study it some more.
  • PerryPerry Posts: 253
    edited 2011-06-16 20:08
    Dr_Acula wrote: »
    When you say 16 colors and 8 shades, do you mean 16 colors and 8 shades of gray, or do you mean 8 shades from black to white of each of 16 colors?

    My understanding is that there is a palatte of colors for TV which is somewhere between 64 and 100 colors - I'm not sure of the exact number but the Obex palatte demo shows them all - a range of colors in various saturations, plus a 5 gray scale, plus some supersaturated colors.

    These are the colors you are speaking of and that the 8b_Color driver uses.
    I believe propuser "Ale" runs the site but it is hard to tell.

    I've tried some experiments with 160x120 and the 8bc_Color driver, it's proven to be more difficult than I thought. I seems to need 160x128 to work near to the resolution you desire. but makes a small display in the middle of the screen.

    I am assuming you use plotPixel(colorl, xPixel, yPixel)
    displayColor(redAmount, greenAmount, blueAmount)
    and plotBox(color, xPixelStart, yPixelStart, xPixelEnd, yPixelEnd)

    These are what I mean by the software interface that you use.


    I have been musing about trying to change the 1pin GreyTV driver to color.
    it would have 8colors and 32 shades
  • Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
    edited 2011-06-16 20:22

    No 160x120 is not set in stone. I think that worked out best on VGA as it divided into 640x480. But if a TV fits better into 512 lines or 256 or 128 that would be a better number.

    The plotpixel, displaycolor are not 100% necessary - the main thing is the pasm driver. For converting video to pictures I'll probably do the conversion on a PC rather than on the prop as it will be faster. For testing, fill a big array with the standard hues/color bytes and repeat until the array is full?

    $19, $1a, $1b, $1c, $1d, $1e, $98, $af 15 Hues
    $29, $2a, $2b, $2c, $2d, $2e, $a8, $bf
    $39, $3a, $3b, $3c, $3d, $3e, $b8, $cf
    $49, $4a, $4b, $4c, $4d, $4e, $c8, $df
    $59, $5a, $5b, $5c, $5d, $5e, $d8, $ef High saturation colors, placed
    $69, $6a, $6b, $6c, $6d, $6e, $e8, $ff in table by closest hue match.
    $79, $7a, $7b, $7c, $7d, $7e, $f8, $0f
    $89, $8a, $8b, $8c, $8d, $8e, $08, $1f Hues are presented in this table
    $99, $9a, $9b, $9c, $9d, $9e, $18, $2f vertically, in sequence as shown
    $a9, $aa, $ab, $ac, $ad, $ae, $28, $3f in screenie below.
    $b9, $ba, $bb, $bc, $bd, $be, $38, $4f
    $c9, $ca, $cb, $cc, $cd, $ce, $48, $5f Start with intensity on left, and
    $d9, $da, $db, $dc, $dd, $de, $58, $6f work to the right, starting at
    $e9, $ea, $eb, $ec, $ed, $ee, $68, $7f top of table.
    $f9, $fa, $fb, $fc, $fd, $fe, $78, $8f
  • PerryPerry Posts: 253
    edited 2011-06-16 21:12
    Dr_Acula wrote: »

    No 160x120 is not set in stone.

    It's pretty rough but here's what I have now.


    OOPs! sorry I just tried that code on a color TV, there seems to be little if any color

    my bad !!!!
  • Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
    edited 2011-06-16 21:43
    Thanks heaps - I'll check it out when I get home from work.
  • PerryPerry Posts: 253
    edited 2011-06-17 04:21
    If it's movies you want to do you should really look at my "stupid video" thread

    The previous version used the 8bc_Color code. Limitations on the x resolution are because the capture is done by the propeller sigma delta video ADC. I could update the Amazing video code with keyboard control instead of InfraRED.


    Just tried the code to with the 8bc_TV instead of Grey_TV. It will play my video files with false color because there are 8bits in the video. A few problems, mainly the 8bc_TV does not like colors below 2 (they are used for sync signals).

    You could almost use this driver as is, all you would need is a utility to change some video to conform to the 8bc_TV limitations.
  • Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
    edited 2011-06-17 07:08
    Hi Perry,

    I have just got home and downloaded your code on the previous page and it is a very nice demo.

    I think this is a tile demo, and looking at your code, I think the tiles are 16x16 and you have 8 tiles across and 6 down.

    I think the issue here is the number of colors per tile. Can you have all colors per tile, or is the number of colors limited?

    Or looking at it from Kye's driver's point of view, instead of tiles 16x16, you have tiles 1x1, and you have 1 byte per tile.

    Or maybe to put it another way, how would I display a bitmap filling the entire screen of, say, a photograph?

    I think you get close to this with your last pub
    PUB RandomLogo | i, x, y, color, cyc, speed
      tv_hx := 10
      tv_vx := 1
      tv_ht := 16
      tv_vt := 6
      tv_screen := bitmap_base
      gr.setup(16, 6, 128, 48, bitmap_base, @line_base)

    where I think that is 16x16 = 256 wide and 6x16 = 96 high. That makes 24576 bytes for the full screen buffer.

    I'm thinking of something more with a ratio of 4:3, with roughly the same number of bytes (or small spin demos we can use most of hub ram for video buffer, and for C programs in external memory AND for pasm programs that are running purely from cogs (like sphinx), virtually all the hub ram is free.

    I wonder if 10 tiles wide and 8 high would work? That is 160x128, a ratio of 1.25 (4/3 is 1.33) and 20480 bytes for the screen buffer. Or 11 tiles wide and 8 high, which gives a ratio of 1.375 and 22528 bytes for the buffer.

    But I think the problem is still the number of colors per tile. Right at the end of Perry's code is this

    and it is drawing a propeller with (I think) 5 colors, but it is doing this by drawing a 4 color propeller, then a second one on top of the first with different colors.

    This is different to Kye's 'full color' driver, ie every pixel can be any color you like.

    I hope I am explaining this right.
  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,261
    edited 2011-06-17 07:16
    I did a simple driver, that uses the color table you posted for the fractal thread. It's NTSC, and it has no tiles. Just a linear bitmap.

    (goes off to search for the fractal thread)

    And, Eric did a pretty great NTSC driver that offers a great set of colors, more than the Parallax reference drivers do, at the resolutions you mention. It's really worth a look, because it's the best TV color space we have. It runs at 160xvarious resolutions.

    I captured the default image, which can be found here:

    Also in that post, is a variation of the low resolution driver linked above. 160x192 color for TV NTSC. Looking at that one, will show you what can and needs to change if you want different resolutions.

    My code will do resolutions other than 160. 256, 320, 128, horizontal and various vertical are possible. Usually, it's just one scan line high, or two though, for 192, or 96. No big deal to add 8 lines and get 100 or 200.

    All NTSC only though. Sorry about that.
  • Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
    edited 2011-06-17 07:22
    (goes off to search for the fractal thread)

    *awaits eagerly*
  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,261
    edited 2011-06-17 07:26
    Found it! Edits above.
  • Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
    edited 2011-06-17 07:29
    Looks very good. Demo seems to be for base pin =24. What lines do I change to make it pin 16?
  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,261
    edited 2011-06-17 07:37
    That's older code. It uses a setup that Cardboard Guru used to do, where the settings for the VCFG register are broken into the movi, s, d instructions, instead of just one mov instruction containing the whole bit field.. In the PASM section, the three video registers are just set with constant values:
    initialization          'set up VCFG
                            ' VCFG: setup Video Configuration register and 3-bit tv DAC pins to output
                            movs    VCFG, #%0111_0000       ' VCFG'S = pinmask (pin31: 0000_0111 : pin24)
                            movd    VCFG, #1                ' VCFG'D = pingroup (grp. 1 i.e. pins 8-15)
                            movi    VCFG, #%0_11_111_000    ' baseband video on bottom nibble, 2-bit color, enable chroma on 
    To change this, you need to look at the Propeller data sheet, for the bit values, then edit the values you find in the code above.

    You also need to edit the pin mask, down at the bottom:
    ' Video (TV) Registers
    tvport_mask             long                    %0000_0000_0000_0000_0111_0000_0000_0000
    That line sets the TV pins in use to output.

    Sorry it isn't cleaner... early stuff. I'm not where I have a prop. I will go look at the data sheet later if you have trouble though....
  • Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
    edited 2011-06-17 07:40
    Ah - getting close.

    I think I am a bit muddled with which version. This one

    Or something more recent? I found the pictures in the mandelbrot thread but no code?

    Getting some garbage on the screen changing #3 to #2
    movd VCFG, #2 ' VCFG'D = pingroup (grp. 3 i.e. pins 24-31)
    and 24 to 16
    'tvport_mask long %0000_0111<<24
    tvport_mask long %0000_0111<<16

    but not quite there. brb

    FWIW this is Perry's code:
    basepin = 16 ' change this to any pin


    tv_pins := (basepin & $38) << 1 | (basepin & 4 == 4) & %0101

    which is then passed as the third value in this group
      long  tv_status     '0/1/2 = off/invisible/visible           read-only
      long  tv_enable     '0/? = off/on                            write-only
      long  tv_pins       '%pppmmmm = pin group, pin group mode    write-only
      long  tv_mode       '%ccip = chroma,interlace,ntsc/pal       write-only
      long  tv_screen     'pointer to screen                       write-only
      long  tv_color      'pointer to porch color                  write-only               
      long  tv_ht         'horizontal tiles                        write-only
      long  tv_vt         'vertical tiles                          write-only
      long  tv_hx         'horizontal tile expansion               write-only
      long  tv_vx         'vertical tile expansion                 write-only
      long  tv_ho         'horizontal offset                       write-only
      long  tv_vo         'vertical offset                         write-only
      long  tv_broadcast  'broadcast frequency (Hz)                write-only
      long  tv_auralcog   'aural fm cog                            write-only

    and which I worked out gives a value of long %010_0000 'pins

    Not sure if this helps with your code?
  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,261
    edited 2011-06-17 07:55
    Well, that thread you linked to is a very old one. The driver code is actually still very useful, and is in fact the same old code I used for the fractals more recently.

    At that early time, we had a discussion of how many colors? That particular thread was one that I demonstrated how to exploit the NTSC color signal for a lot of colors! Basically, you put two pixels worth of color into one NTSC color cycle. NTSC color cycles at 160 pixels in the default active screen area. Running the high color driver at 320 pixels, puts two sets of color info into one color cycle, mixing the two together, which produces a lot of colors. Problem is HUB RAM. That demo takes 30K at 320x96. So it was just a curio, and something I did to just get used to the Propeller.

    Eric's code that I linked refines that technique for a nicer color set. His setup approach is different though.

    There are not a lot of differences between the few versions of that code out there. Here's the version used in the fractal demo:

    It's got a mostly black and white capture, so it's easy to miss.

    If you have other TV drivers running on your setup, go and look at the VCFG values, and the pin mask values OUTA. Match up the bit fields, then modify this code with those values. At the PASM level, it's all the same, with the differences being how the values are established. Later on, I moved to just one constant value for VCFG. All the TV drivers vary in how they do this, and I find it's easiest to just take working code for a given board and note those bit values, and then look back at the data sheet to see what they mean. Once that's done, modifying various TV drivers can be easier, as one can just go right to the register, put the long in there, and be done with it, or work backward through whatever setup method was used.

    For any TV driver, you need to know the value put into the counter, clock, VCFG, and the pin mask. I would go farther and test for you, but I'm not where I can get to my PPDB and setup your pins to test...
  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,261
    edited 2011-06-17 07:59
    Is your setup protoboard compatable?

    I think I've done this work already. OBC wanted one for protoboard for a movie player. Let me see if I can find that.

    We need a tutorial on this. There are too ($&%#(*$(*$#%@#$% many TV driver setup methodologies!
  • PerryPerry Posts: 253
    edited 2011-06-17 08:33
    Dr_Acula wrote: »
    Hi Perry,

    I have just got home and downloaded your code on the previous page and it is a very nice demo.

    I think this is a tile demo, and looking at your code, I think the tiles are 16x16 and you have 8 tiles across and 6 down.

    I think the issue here is the number of colors per tile. Can you have all colors per tile, or is the number of colors limited?

    Or looking at it from Kye's driver's point of view, instead of tiles 16x16, you have tiles 1x1, and you have 1 byte per tile.

    Or maybe to put it another way, how would I display a bitmap filling the entire screen of, say, a photograph?

    I think you get close to this with your last pub
    PUB RandomLogo | i, x, y, color, cyc, speed
      tv_hx := 10
      tv_vx := 1
      tv_ht := 16
      tv_vt := 6
      tv_screen := bitmap_base
      gr.setup(16, 6, 128, 48, bitmap_base, @line_base)

    where I think that is 16x16 = 256 wide and 6x16 = 96 high. That makes 24576 bytes for the full screen buffer.

    I'm thinking of something more with a ratio of 4:3, with roughly the same number of bytes (or small spin demos we can use most of hub ram for video buffer, and for C programs in external memory AND for pasm programs that are running purely from cogs (like sphinx), virtually all the hub ram is free.

    I wonder if 10 tiles wide and 8 high would work? That is 160x128, a ratio of 1.25 (4/3 is 1.33) and 20480 bytes for the screen buffer. Or 11 tiles wide and 8 high, which gives a ratio of 1.375 and 22528 bytes for the buffer.

    But I think the problem is still the number of colors per tile. Right at the end of Perry's code is this

    and it is drawing a propeller with (I think) 5 colors, but it is doing this by drawing a 4 color propeller, then a second one on top of the first with different colors.

    This is different to Kye's 'full color' driver, ie every pixel can be any color you like.

    I hope I am explaining this right.

    The colors available are the same as the URL I linked to.

    It looks like a tile driver because the author wanted it to function like the Parallax TV and Graphics drivers.

    There is 1 byte per pixel so you can get a different color per pixel

    sorry about the confusion re: statements with pix and pixcolor that's left over from a demo I modified, should have been deleted.

    but you still need to understand the fundamental difference between VGA and TV, TV has color and luminance, VGA has 3 separate colors each with it's own values.

    you will need some kind of CLUT to translate from VGA to TV standards.

    it seems that the 8bc_TV will not do 160 wide without making the pixels shorter and therefore truncating the visible x display.

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