Your IDE of choice?

Xcode, Visual Studio, Eclipse, VI, EMACS, other?
Just curious what people are using and why. The why does not have to be Propeller programming, just programming.
Just curious what people are using and why. The why does not have to be Propeller programming, just programming.
They developed it themselves, I wish other IDEs were similar. It's cross-platform, BTW.
For PC's etc, I use what ever everybody else uses, usually the most expensive thing in the shop. Have to, due to the whole Software Development Life Cycle process monitoring and control thing.
For many things any more this requires HX-DOS to run Win32 EXEs unfortunately.
I use VIM when the alternatives are not as attractive. VIM72 command line or in a Window is an upgraded version of Unix VI. If you don't know VI or only have a casual unix background, you probably won't like it and you will hate learning it.
Propeller Tool and BST are not as useful to me as VI (with command line BSTC or Homespun and a terminal program) because I prefer being able to use one window to do all work, and I am a fan of regular expression search and replace as well as other efficient features. I can't stand having to use a separate window as a terminal especially when i can't do things like copy/paste, etc....
I use Eclipse/Netbeans for Java because it has wonderful Java integration. I recently downloaded the C/C++ version of Eclipse and it has improved to the point where it is a serious contender.
I do enjoy using Visual Studio for C# and other Microsoft programming, but I always end up doing lots of hand waving between the mouse and keyboard, so i'm not entirely comfortable with it.
Propeller Tool
For general editing EditPad Pro from
They also have Regx Buddy
I also use Beyond Compare and it is very usefull for comparing files for changes and also
for quickly copying work in progress to a thumb drive for backup by having a session set up
for a folder compare
For anything that integrates with a text editor, I use a few different (Notepad++ & PSPad are 2 very good free editiors), but mostly EditPad Pro.
I also find that for some stuff, Perl one-liners are much quicker than copy/pasting in an editor.
Why, because its fully OOP and Fully Cross platform, MAC, WINDOWS & LINUX,
The language is easy and very powerful and very fast.
You can develop on any platform and deploy on any platform.
I do all my applications that require interfacing with the PROP ( Via Serial/USB or RS485 ) using RealStudio.
I develop all my apps on the MAC even though nearly all my customers are Windows based.
Dave M
I would also mention that I REALLY like the PropTool because of its groovy use of color - particularly the green DAT sections. To me, the green is symbolic of the sorts of things that go there. It has a subterranean flavor, like the lava tubes on Hawaii.
Another great feature of the PropTool is that it isn't 2.3 GB.
I made a video, as there are some complicated steps to follow.
For a number of reasons including:
- Most of my development work is Windows based.
- The IDE supports multiple languages, and both native and web based development
- You can quickly get a skeleton of an application up if you're working "top down"
- You can work either visually, code only, or both.
- It is robust/feature rich
- It may not be the "best" for some of the tasks I have to do, but because it is for many of them, it makes it easier to work in one environment.
That should not imply that it's the only environment I work in, just my most used and probably my favorite environment to work you know prop-mode already?
regards, proplem
what a question !-)
i'm using emacs for nearly twenty years and my usage is still
increasing. It's full of concepts, and in the background there is
Elisp, a language i'm currently learning. For me it is not easy to
learn, but it allows me to be effective maybe not efficient, but
Things i'm currently doing or have done with emacs:
* analyzing log files
* project management org-mode
* timeclocking
* documentation => TeX
* handling ChangeLog files
* writing Makefiles
* every real text editing
* graphviz (programming with dot)
* regexps, handling text rectangles, ...
* diff of text files
Summary: i use it when ever i can. And i try to reduce the
opportunities where i have to use other tools.
I also dislike switching between mouse and keyboard (guess what i'm
prefering :-))) Without Emacs i would not have come in contact with
many editing possibilities. So it is also a kind of education.
When i look at prop-mode i can state:
Which other IDE with (currently) about 450 lines of code is able to
* highlight syntax
* handle bstc for programming the propeller with one key command
* handle many USB / COM devices for Multi-Propeller projects
* handle PropTerminal_Linux with one key command
* is customizable
* is extendable
* is platform independent
* ...
by the way: this text was also written in Emacs and then copied and pasted:-)