PM070WX2(LF) Touch Screen by "Prime View"
I'm a rookie and don't know much. I once wrote a calculator program in assembly.
I would like help on getting this screen to work with the Prop. I've got a 64 bit ROM chip. (I hope somebody knows what I'm referring to) I want to use it to build an O'scope. I have no schematics for this but, I'll be looking. I'm liking to know what types of material I'll be needing to put this together like, if there is a board out there witht the SM connectors and whatever else it requires already on there. I would like something as simple as it can be able to make a significant O'scope. 100-300MHz I hope isn't too impractical. This will be my first project on my own. I've built some kits before but, they come with the parts and solder by number kinda' thing. I'm wanting to build this from scratch but, I should get help before I burn, fry, or simply destroy anything..... If there's something for it to play video would be cool, too but, I'm more concerned with the electronics test stuff, first. Thanks All!!
I would like help on getting this screen to work with the Prop. I've got a 64 bit ROM chip. (I hope somebody knows what I'm referring to) I want to use it to build an O'scope. I have no schematics for this but, I'll be looking. I'm liking to know what types of material I'll be needing to put this together like, if there is a board out there witht the SM connectors and whatever else it requires already on there. I would like something as simple as it can be able to make a significant O'scope. 100-300MHz I hope isn't too impractical. This will be my first project on my own. I've built some kits before but, they come with the parts and solder by number kinda' thing. I'm wanting to build this from scratch but, I should get help before I burn, fry, or simply destroy anything..... If there's something for it to play video would be cool, too but, I'm more concerned with the electronics test stuff, first. Thanks All!!
(1. Use a composite or VGA display. There are multiple objects (drivers) for these so all you have to worry about is the O'scope code. There are some embedded solutions for this.
(2. Use an analog to digital converter chip for the input.
(3. Run it at 80MHz. Anything else requires overclocking.
I've written a "Graphics Slave" object that allows you to control Graphics with serial commands sent from the master prop. I have the program for the Graphics prop here:
And the object on the master that communicates with it (along with a demo) here:
You can achieve inter-prop communication at 250,000 baud if (and only if!) you use a 10k pullup resistor on each line.