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wiz811mj + prop as spinneret equivalent? — Parallax Forums

wiz811mj + prop as spinneret equivalent?

prof_brainoprof_braino Posts: 4,313
edited 2011-06-19 13:43 in Accessories
Has anybody used a wiz811mj with a prop to make a spinneret equivalent?

I had purchased a wiz811mj before the spinnerets were available, now I want to use it as a spare for hacking.

I compared the spinneret schematic to the wiz811mj datasheet, I think its:
Prop -- WIZ811mj
p0 -- D0 J1:4 and MISO J1:2
P1 -- D1 J1:3 and MOSI J1:1
P2 -- D2 J1:6 and /SCS J2:4
P3 -- D3 J1:5 and SCLK J2:3
P4 -- D4 J1:8
P5 -- D5 J1:7
P6 -- D6 J1:10
P7 -- D7 J1:9
P8 -- DATA0 J2:11
P9 -- DATA1 J2:12
P10 -- /WR J2:5
P11 -- /RD J2:6
P12 -- /CS J2:7
P13 -- /INT J2:8
P14 -- /RESET J2:2
P15 is listed on the spinneret schematic as going to SEN on the W5100, but I didn't figure out how to make the connection.

And power 3.3v and ground of course.

I connected everything as shown, but this isn't working. My test software works fine on an actual spinneret, so I'm pretty sure I didn't connect the hardware properly.

Since I want to leave SEN high and use parallel mode, can I leave P15 unconnected?
Can P0-P3 be connect to two pins on the WIZ811mj as shown?

Or did I cook my parts already?

EDIT: Also A2-A14 are left unconnected. Do these have to be pulled low?


  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2011-06-13 20:40
    Your posted connections look right. ags had issues that were related to physical connections.
  • prof_brainoprof_braino Posts: 4,313
    edited 2011-06-14 06:25
    Thanks Mike G - I saw that but didn't think it was my case, as I'm using 2 inches of wire-wrap already. But since you pointed it out, I sent ags a message, as he did get his working. I'll post if I find something.
  • prof_brainoprof_braino Posts: 4,313
    edited 2011-06-16 09:35
    ags replied to my PM, and verified my guesses. He's got wiz812, but we think it's the same except for the LEDs. Also, he confirmed that the unused address lines are pulled low internally, and the SEN is tied to the /SCS wiz pin (J2 PIN4)

    Also by PM
    Sorry if this is obvious, but have you verified your pin-to-pin (WIZnet module to Propeller) hardwire connections are accurately reflected in the constant declarations in the Indirect Driver? This might be best to post in the public thread, rather than PM. If your wires are only 2" long I don't think that is the problem.

    This is a good thing to check. However, I am using the propforth implementation, which does not use the Indirect Driver.
    Propforth is already demonstrated to work on the spinneret hardware. Therefore, I'm thinking that if the wiz to protoboard connections are equivalent the spinneret connections, I have the proper connections, and proper software.

    If all this is a correct, I made an error in sloppy wiring. Since I don't need anything like power capacitors or current limiting resistors, I'll just tear it apart and wire it again, maybe I'll get it right this time.
  • jstjohnzjstjohnz Posts: 91
    edited 2011-06-19 13:43
    ags replied to my PM, and verified my guesses. He's got wiz812, but we think it's the same except for the LEDs. Also, he confirmed that the unused address lines are pulled low internally, and the SEN is tied to the /SCS wiz pin (J2 PIN4)

    Also by PM

    This is a good thing to check. However, I am using the propforth implementation, which does not use the Indirect Driver.
    Propforth is already demonstrated to work on the spinneret hardware. Therefore, I'm thinking that if the wiz to protoboard connections are equivalent the spinneret connections, I have the proper connections, and proper software.

    If all this is a correct, I made an error in sloppy wiring. Since I don't need anything like power capacitors or current limiting resistors, I'll just tear it apart and wire it again, maybe I'll get it right this time.

    Since SEN and /SCS are tied together on the WIZ811/812, I think you need to drive them from P15 and not from a pin that's shared with a data pin. If you're not using the indirect driver then I would be inclined to only connect the signals needed for SPI.

    I use the prop/wiz812 combination in serial mode wired as follows:

    J1 1,2 to prop i/o pins (MOSI,MISO)
    J1 3-10 NC
    J1 11,13-19 GND
    J1 12 +V
    J1 20 NC

    J2 1 +V
    J2 2-4 to prop I/O pins (/RESET,CLK,SCS)
    J2 5-7 +V
    J2 8 NC
    J2 9-10 NC
    J2 11-18,20 GND
    J2 19 NC

    So basically just 5 i/o lines to prop.
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