I doubt it! Driving in NYC takes a distinct change in attitude -- at least for me! You need to tense up, and become hyper-vigilant. Probably why I try to not drive there, even though it's 25 miles west of me.
NYC driving is easy compared with Boston. While drivers in both cities have attitude, NYC is basically a grid, while Boston is some kind of non-euclidean nightmare of looping one way streets. For example Batterymarch Street ends in a loop and crosses Batterymarch (take that GPS). I looked on Google Street view, but couldn't find the Batterymarch and Batterymarch intersection sign.
@Martin_H: Roger that. I've visited your fine city a handful of times to run the Boston Marathon. They say the streets were laid out by the cows, and it's true that I'd much rather run 26 miles in Boston than drive 26 miles.