Prop Pin Protection Resistor
I have several Propeller pins connected together and insist on protection, if the program makes pins outputs that can create a direct conflict.
Utilizing the Forum, I researched the resistor value that should be used to protect a prop pin. The result was widely varied. Some recommendations say use a 2.2K ohm resistor and others say a 100 ohm would be sufficient. It appears a 10K also works.
What is the high and low range of acceptable values?
Thank you for your reply.
Utilizing the Forum, I researched the resistor value that should be used to protect a prop pin. The result was widely varied. Some recommendations say use a 2.2K ohm resistor and others say a 100 ohm would be sufficient. It appears a 10K also works.
What is the high and low range of acceptable values?
Thank you for your reply.
Rpin = (Vin - (3.3 + 0.3)) / 0.0005
For a 5v input the *suggested* minimum resistance would be 2.8K (I had previously used 2.2K, but this was an error on my part). I am now using 3.3K for 5v inputs, but 4.7K and 10K will be fine, too. For other voltages you will want to calculate the minimum resistance and go from there.
[Edit] Phil makes a great point; for pin-to-pin connections you just want to minimize current through the drivers in the event one is driven high while the other is driven low.
On the high resistance side, then the only limit would be set by the speed of the response required as a RC time constance would be created.
1K should be a reasonable compromise.
I would like to ask what will be other effects than the wanted of current-limiting between when using prop-IO-pins with current-limiting resistors?
Blinking an LED will surely work the same way if the LED-resistor has an adapted value.
Which kind of applications would not work or with a lower perfomance if a current-limiting resistor is included?
If these applications would only be super-high-speed communication or creating a 10 MHz or even higher signal.
I would not see any reason why a "beginners-board" should not include current-limiting resistors.
But I'm not an expert about good signal conditions. So can somebody explain to me in which cases a 330 Ohm resistors would disturb proper function?
best regards
For two prop pins shorting together (interprop communication), rather than shorting to ground etc:-
For 40mA at 3v3, Rext = (3.3/.040 = 82.5 ohms, less 27 twice for two pins, gives about 28 ohms minimum
At 2v7, Rext is about 13 ohms.
In the case of 3.3 volts Vin, Rpin becomes a negative number. What does this indicate?
That formula -- as I thought was clear by my post -- is for 5v (or other non 3.3v) inputs. There is additional discussion when going pin-to-pin between Propeller chips.
If the load is fairly capacitive the resistor would slow rise/fall times somewhat - for instance directly driving a power MOSFET gate. However if the load is too high a capacitance it will require the current limiting resistor anyway to avoid overloading the pin - the Prop datasheet doesn't seem to mention a maximum output capacitive load however...
As a datapoint a 100pF load driven via 330 ohms has a time-constant of 33ns