What factors affect the input voltage threshold of a prop pin? (and why?)

I measured an input voltage DC threshold of 1.41v on the proto board TQFP.
This is about 42.8% of the supply rail, rather than 50% (Vdd/2).
Does anyone have any experience with what affects this threshold? Someone recently mentioned the packages have a different threshold (why should that be?).
What else affects this threshold - Temperature? Doping? Supply voltage? Lunar phase?
This is about 42.8% of the supply rail, rather than 50% (Vdd/2).
Does anyone have any experience with what affects this threshold? Someone recently mentioned the packages have a different threshold (why should that be?).
What else affects this threshold - Temperature? Doping? Supply voltage? Lunar phase?
I use the propeller inputs as sigma/delta ADC in my servo project. To compensate offset I calibrate the ADCs during each power on cycle.
Do you have enough capacitance on the Prop pin being tested and the Prop itself?
Try using identical 100nF ceramic caps from pin to ground and pin to Vdd... That's supposed to eliminate Vdd noise issues....
In my experience, 1.41V is not atypical.
Rayman I was a little suprised too. My measurement method is as follows - use a 500 ohm 25 turn trimpot that has 0.1" spacing across P12-P14 of a proto board powered by a 9v battery to eliminate noise, ground loops etc. P12=Output Low, P13 = sense (wiper of 25 turn pot), P14 = Output High. So that part is all at DC. Admittedly a cap (or two) is not a bad idea as I have seen noisy wipers.
I use a counter to count how many 1's on P13 in a 5,000,000 sample bucket and display the result. I'm trying to adjust the pot to get a count of ideally 2,500,000.00, which is impossible because the threshold is very sharp (also indicating low noise) . Then I measure the wiper voltage to ground at about 1.41 volts. While measuring the wiper voltage with the Fluke DVM the count goes wild due to the multimeter leads, but thats ok.
I'm definitely going to have to measure across some different Props to get a feel for the range of values... the operating time / ion migration doesn't make this any easier!
I've done a fair amount of sigma-delta ADC testing with 10% resistors and always seemed to get close to what I expected. But, I don't think I've ever actually measured the threshold voltage directly...