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MicroController and robotic parts I have on Ebay — Parallax Forums

MicroController and robotic parts I have on Ebay

parts-man73parts-man73 Posts: 830
edited 2011-06-09 17:56 in General Discussion
Some of you might be interested in some of the things I listed on ebay in the past day days, and in the coming days I am going to add some more stuff.

Alot of this are things I purchased for various projects, that I just never had a chance to start. But there is going to be some great deals.

Right now are a couple pairs of wheel/motor/bracket assemblies. 1 pair includes encoders, 1 pair doesn't.

Some misc SMD resistor reels. some big Caps, a sonar distance sensor. etc.

Coming up soon are a OLED screen, GPS module, Accelerometer, a couple of ColorPal sensors, and a few other surprises. All will have a starting bid of less than half of what they cost new.

I just took a new position at work that is keeping me quite busy, and I just don't have the time to pursue this hobby anymore, and need some cash to catch up on some bills. My loss will be your gain.


  • parts-man73parts-man73 Posts: 830
    edited 2011-06-09 17:46
    Just listed my SMD Rework station and another ColorPal

    One pair of the Motors/Wheels/Brackets for a robot is ending in a couple hours, They are a steal at the opening bid, I paid more than twice that for them.

    As some of you have guessed and asked by email, I'm giving up, and selling off alot of the parts I had from unstarted / unfinished projects. I just got a new position at work that is coonsuming all of my time, and my children get all the time I have left over. I haven't been able to come up with any new designs lately, and I've been unable to devote as much time to as I had be able to in years past. It's been alot of fun! but unfortunately, my Family and my employer need my attention.
  • PliersPliers Posts: 280
    edited 2011-06-09 17:56
    It is difficult to give up on a dream (idea), and then to sell your stuff at a loss. but is it really a loss?
    I'm sure you learned a lot, had fun, made some discoveries.
    Do what you have to do, them come back to it when you got time.
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