Propeller as a retro-style minicomputer article

I've never done an "Instructable" before, but I thought it would be cool to do one that used the Parallax Summer Special combined with the IR keyboard stuff.
It's targeted at non-propeller nerds, so be kind. I'll be adding some links and programs as well.
It's targeted at non-propeller nerds, so be kind. I'll be adding some links and programs as well.
By the way, I am planning to do some more work on the IR driver, but I have to sort through the work stuff and Honey Do list that accumulated while I was in California. While the UTV keyboard seems to work well with the fixed baud rate those are magic numbers I got through experimentation and they're very sensitive; I am worried that low battery, aging, or production variances might cause problems. I'd like to make a driver that is more forgiving of bit rate errors but all the obvious stuff I've tried hasn't worked too well and I need to do some research. I'd like to make it work with any WebTV keyboard, as WebTV sets obviously must have done.
Thanks! I've got plenty to get started with and I'll update whenever you nail it down tighter.
This is sort of "sideways" marketing of the Propeller to introduce it in a different way to another interest group outside of the existing Propeller community.
Cool... I'll be interested in watching this!!!!